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Poor Willard. He can't stop abusing real or make-believe animals.

The Republican presidential nominee infamously drove 12 hours with the family dog ensconced in a roof crate.

Now he's threatening to pull the chicken feed from Big Bird, the beloved giant yellow Muppet on the Public Broadcasting System's popular children's show, Sesame Street.

During a debate discussion on deficit-cutting, Willard said he would stop the federal subsidy to public broadcasting.

That's $450 million a year--about 15 percent of PBS's annual budget for 179 member stations nationwide.

Willard's remarks ruffled the feathers of millions of Americans who learned their letters, numbers, colors, words and manners from Sesame Street characters.

He probably also pissed off Jim Lehrer, the PBS newsman who moderated the debate. Oops. (7 OCTOBER 2012)
