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Let's hope the Tea Party earns its deserved place in American history.

Let's hope the right-wing nay-sayers join the Flat Earth Society, John Birch Society and white supremacists as worthy targets of political ridicule.

Tea Party members of the U.S. House and Senate Republican caucuses want to shut down the federal government by withholding its operating funds and refusing to pay its debts.

Until, of course, the Affordable Care Act--Obamacare-- is tabled or rescinded.

That isn't going to happen. And, yes, the Earth is round, Commies never controlled our government and Caucasians soon will be a minority in a racially diverse nation.

Neo-fascist conservatives ought to get back to their more successful effort: Denying minorities, students, the elderly and impoverished the right to vote.

Let the poopheads cavort in their own playpen. (22 SEPTEMBER 2013)
