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Any doubts now about youth "sports" involving violent physical contact being sanctioned child abuse?

Children involved in community and school-sponsored football, hockey, lacrosse, rugby and martial-arts programs routinely lose brain cells when their heads are struck during practices, games and tournaments.

They don't have to be "knocked out" or visibly concussed to experience traumas eventually leading to mental-health issues and early dementia.

Just a few knocks or "bell-ringers" do irreparable damage to developing brains.

Thousands of injured adult former professional football players have collected millions in damages from league organizers and owners for failing to warn team members about the dangers of concussions.

Those brain injuries didn't occur just in professional play and practice. They also occurred during college, school and community games and scrimmages.

Outlaw all contact "sports" for athletes under age 18. Now. (10 NOVEMBER 2013)
