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Here's one for successful gate-crashers and imposters everywhere.

Thamsanga Jantjie managed to snooker authorities and provide faked on-screen sign-language intepretation while standing next to world leaders during South Africa's memorial for its first black president, Nelson Mandela.

Jantjie, age 34 and a sometimes-dangerous victim of schizophrenia, signed gibberish for President Obama and other international and national celebrities during a four-hour ceremony seen by millions of international television viewers.

Surprisingly, his unconventional gestures set off no security alarms from deaf viewers during the memorial.

Which lends credence to the notion that you can do anything if you act like you know what you're doing.

Hearing-impaired viewers probably thought he was providing gestures for a restricted group--not the millions of international sign language users.

Jantjie should move to Nigeria, African home to most of the Internet's scammers. He'd make millions. (15 DECEMBER 2013)
