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Why in the world would most of the world want to watch the Winter Olympics from Feb. 7-23 in Sochie, Russia?

You don't find ice or roller rinks, ski slopes or jumps or bobsled or luge runs in most neighborhoods, municipalities or nations around the globe.

People usually opt to escape to warm climates during cold periods No one basks in rare sunlight during winter weather.

Yet millions of stoner surfers and skateboarders will be transformed into wannabe stoner skiers and snowboarders during the 16-day extravaganza.

But the event has competition in more passive attractions: figure skating for little girls and gays, curling and cross-country skiing for geriatrics.

Because of the time differences, live broadcasting of the events will occur after most of us have gone to bed.

Thank God for small favors. (12 JANUARY 2014)
