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Turn over any rock and you're bound to find nasty creatures.

Turn over Canadian rock shale--from which tar sands would be extracted, then transported across middle America on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline to Texas for refining and export.

You'll find Charles and David Koch, biggest lease holders in the Northern Alberta oil sands.

Now you know why Republicans are adamant about getting the pipeline approved by the Obama Administration..

It ain't about the pipeline's 55 permanent jobs.

Acknowledged bitches for Koch Industries, the GOP routinely bends over for any whim of the billionaire brothers.

Chuck and Dave actually are behind every nefarious project promoted by Republicans.

Think Stand Your Ground, government-issued voter identification cards and other odorous legislation to screw minorities and other unfortunate members of the "47%."

If hundreds of miles of pipeline are so desirable, let Canada build its own to its west or east coast. (23 MARCH 2014)
