

Michael Brown was no "gentle giant"--a "kid" about to enter "college."

Brown was an 18-year-old adult, stood 6-4 and weighed 292 pounds. He planned to study heating and refrigeration technology at a for-profit trade school.

Just minutes before dying from a head shot fired by a police officer's gun in Ferguson, Mo., Brown is shown strong-arming a diminutive convenience-store clerk in a survelliance tape.

Brown had grabbed a $48.95 box of small cigars and nonchalantly strutted out of the Ferguson Market after tossing the protesting clerk into a display rack.

Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson shortly recognized Brown from a radioed description and suffered an injured eye socket when Brown bum-rushed and hit him as he was exiting the squad car.

When ordered to halt his running escape, Brown ignored subsequent minor bullet wounds, taunted Wilson and bum-rushed him again.

Brown died from a shot to the top of his head as he pitched forward from a gunshot that had entered his eye cavity and travelled downward.

Brown was a thug. He died a thug's death. (24 AUGUST 2014)

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