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Old Lady Gweneth has been quarantined across the street for the next 21 days.

A 24-7 police presense prevents her from one-on-one communication with anyone. An unmarked van delivers three squares daily.

Blame the ebola scare.

Gweneth is a friend of the sister of the mother of the airline cabin attendant who served a soft drink to a Dallas, Tex. nurse who later developed the deadly disease.

And while Gweneth never touched the sister, mother, stewardess or nurse, an abundance of national panic forces authorities to take extreme preventative measures.

Even Reuben, Gweneth's 10-year-old labradoodle, must remain in his steel cage except for twice-daily leashed potty breaks under armed guard.


Got to hide and keep Fudge from barking. Squads of squints in hazmat suits just started taking temperatures of Gweneth's neighbors. (19 OCTOBER 2014)
