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Students of the martial arts know you don't need a "weapon" to seriously injure or kill someone.

Strangulation is most common, but a closed fist, hand edge, palm heel, elbow or forearm strike can terminate life just as effectively if applied correctly.

Michael Brown at 6-4 and 300 pounds could have dismantled Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson with his bare hands.

Protesters say they want "justice" because Wilson killed an "unarmed" teenage adult of color who was "surrendering with his hands up."

Brown had already attacked and injured Wilson in the squad car and was charging Wilson again--not surrendering--according to evidence allegedly introduced during grand jury proceedings.

Officer Wilson was correct in using deadly force to prevent deadly force used against him by the hulky theft suspect.

That won't matter when the grand jury clears Wilson. Protesters will riot and pillage and lives probably will be lost. (23 NOVEMBER 2014)
