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Do bears poop in the woods?

Do people poop in parks?

Yes to both questions.

Parks are public restrooms for transients, potheads and other riffraff.

Ganja is the drug of choice for most users. And the pot shards that used to be reused are now discarded along park paths and bushes.

Park users who eat food laced with maryjane frequently leave their feces for domestic and wild animals to savor.

That's why thousands of pet dogs since the mid-2000s either have died or needed emergency medical treatment because--well-- they like to eat poop or flavorful plants flush with cannabinoids.

You'll know if your pet is experiencing reefer madness.

Pot is as dangerous for dogs as chocolates, raisins, grapes, garlic, onions, avocados canola oil and macadamia nuts.

Don't let Fido zone out. Take your pet to a dog park where the poop is ganja-free. (30 NOVEMBER 2014)
