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Our neighbors to the south are dying of thirst, thanks to severe drought produced by global warming.

They desperately need water in Central and Southern California. Mandatory cutbacks, limits, restrictions won't save the crops they grow for the rest of us.

About six billion gallons per hour of surplus Columbia river water empty into the Pacific Ocean mouth of the Columbia Bar between Oregon and Washington.

Oregon could easily save California's bacon by daily pumping about eight billion gallons of that unused river water to existing aqueducts in the Golden State.

That would generate about $6 million daily for Oregon's bleak state treasury--a $2.2 billion yearly windfall.

Just drop the northerly pipe nozzle east of the river mouth to tap about 265,000 cubic feet per second of fresh water. Then run the pipeline under existing transmission lines that exchange surplus power between the states.

While 70,000 temporary pipeline construction jobs would be needed, only 125 permanent jobs would be created for pipe inspection and pump maintenance. (5 APRIL 2015) --30--