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We all know there are scattered hot spots of crazies in America.

Now we know where the lug nuts are concentrated: Texas.

Seems a few Internet loonies started a conspiracy theory about American special forces imposing martial law and taking over several southern and southwestern states during a large training exercise called Jade Helm 15.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott then validated the nut bags by ordering his state's national guard to keep an eye on the special ops units participating in the eight-week military practice from July to September.

It gets better:

Actor/kungfu master Chuck Norris, who plays a Texas Ranger on television, said Texas was listed as “hostile” territory on the exercise map displayed by the Internet.

Spokesmen for the involved units—Navy Seals, Green Berets, Army Rangers, Marine and Air Force special ops—said the exercise involves private land in Texas, Utah and New Mexico and military installations in Arizona, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi.

Gov. Abbott says he has assurances from the U.S. Dept. of Defense that “there is nothing for Texas to worry about.”

Wait. Isn't that what English Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said about Nazi Germany? (10 MAY 2015) --30--