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Letter from the Editor:


Have a beef with raw foods?

No, not fruit and vegetables.

We're talking about uncooked fish and meat—more precisely, the eating of by idiots.

All kinds of dangerous parasites and bacteria lurk in water and land animals. Those problems disappear when the tainted innards are cooked at prescribed temperatures.

So much for reasonable behavior.

Every year, thousands of Americans are treated and sometimes hospitalized for food poisoning caused by consuming uncooked or under-cooked animal protein.

Most recently, 53 persons in nine states were stricken with salmonella linked to raw tuna. Ten were hospitalized.

Thank goodness mainstream canned tuna is precooked before sealing. Not so for “gourmet” tuna in cans, however.

Idiots--mostly those who also avoid vaccinations and homeschool their children--consume raw milk, fish and meat and risk diarrhea, cramps, fever and tapeworms. (24 MAY 2015) --30--