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House Of The Crescent Moon

Hi friend sit down near the fire.  Let me tell you about the household that you have come to visit.  To began with I am Antonio Rozini and this is my wonderful counterpart Cassondra Cameron.  We make up the small House Of The Crescent Moon.  We enjoy the company of Bards, Storytellers,  Jesters, Adventurers, and those who engage in a good time. So sit, have a drink, and don't be afraid to have a good time.


SCA and SCA Related Links

Society For Creative Anachronism Home Page

The Kingdom Of AnTir Infoscroll

The Barony Of Adiantum

Our parent householdThe House Of Fools Home Page

Hello my name is Antonio Rozini.  I would like to tell you more about myself.  Well for a good long time I was a sailor on the high seas.  My mates and I  traveled many a land and took what ever struck our fancies.  We  had all the gold, silver, and jewels that a man could want.  We saw every manner of wonder and or beast that we could see.  Danger lurked in every port.  Until one day my mates and me were in port in a strange land.  In this strange land  beautiful women were everywhere.  One wonderful barmaid caught my eye and she and I  have been traveling companions ever after.
(More On My Wonderful Counterpart Later The beautiful Cassondra Cameron)

The Person Behind The Persona (Ted's Personal Page)

Other Links (non SCA related)

White Wolf Games

The Camarilla Fan Club

Kate's Personal Page

Kate's Gothwannabe Page

The Smith Institute Of Social Engineering

The Book Of Nasty

The Jack Daniels Web Page

The Smirnoff Web Page

  The Virtual Bar

Well milord milady we thank you for your visit.  We hope you had a good time and you visit again real soon and maybe on your next visit there will be something new to see.  Until you visit again fare thee well

If you have any questions or comments, email me at

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House Of The Crescent Moon is a sub-house of The House Of Fools