Attendees: Katherine Wells (Kate), Father Luther Iberius (Quentin), Antonio Rozini (Ted), Airna (Annie), Jisa (Steffanie), Brother Gildarin the Fae (Dan), Bane (Alder), Layellian Ravendie (Stacy), Sam. (Sabine aka Sara was at work, and Fredrick the Profane aka Rob and Jonathan Staggerton aka Tim were stuck down south)
Notes (in no particular order): Kate called the meeting to some vague semblance of order. Stacy is unable to attend Egil's, but may possibly kitty-sit for Kate. Quentin made his famous teriyaki strip steak, a close relative of meat-on-a-stick and meat-in-a-cup. We tried out two of the drink ideas, Fool's Passion and Fool's Delight. Fool's Passion was more popular, but Annie said they both kinda tasted like cough syrup. Kate asked that everyone bring some firewood so that one person doesn't get stuck with the responsibility. Alder brought up having a 'kitchen' area behind the main dining area and said he had a small dome canopy. Sam filled out his prereg form and Kate will mail it by Tuesday (depending on Annie getting the fee to her). We discussed firepit possibilities, nothing was decided. Alder reminded everyone that he has a truck and should be able to carry a few larger items (like the flagpoles). Sam said he had room in his car for people--Ted got on the list. Kate and Alder conferred on caravanning down to the site on Friday morning (May 28th). Alder said he had 3 or 4 tiki torches to add to Kate and Quentin's 5, and Steffanie brought over two long freestanding citronella candles. Dan said he can look into getting more rope and wooden ground stakes for the camp perimeter, and carpet scraps. Kate found last years perimeter flags and tried to wash them, but they came out looking worse for wear. Steffanie offered to take them home and iron them, in preparation for Kate going over the logo again with purple paint. Ted was officially declared a member of the House Of Fools, and his house, House Of The Crescent Moon, was declared a subsidary/suburb/subwhatever of the House Of Fools. House of The Crescent Moon will still be camping in the quiet area, but the general consensus was that House of Fools will be camping in loud. Rumor of people cap of 1700 was discussed, but not fully confirmed. Kate suggested that everyone chip in for Tim's prereg, as he is having some financial troubles. Annie, Steffanie, and Kate nonverbally decided to discuss it further tomorrow. Kate brought up pursuing one of the three great orders ( the Laurel, the Pelican and the Knighthood). In the order of the Pelican, Ted said he would perform a tour of constab, Kate said she would perform a tour with chriurgeon, Annie said she would perform a tour of heralding, and Dan said he would perform a tour of water-bearing as long as he gets to sing the water song from Disney's animated "The Jungle Book" :) Alder was declared a dweeb, as a friend of the Fools, skipping dorkdom. Dan was declared an honorary Fool so that he could hold the title of Assistant Organizer of Stuff, but it was agreed by all jesters that he must still go through the nickname stage. Overall, the mood of the meeting was relaxed and mostly unstructured, and Kate feels that they did manage to get some things accomplished.
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