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Gathering of Fools Notes 2004

Meeting started late, but once we were underway, we discussed quite a bit. Primary speaker was
Katherine Wells de Risio, Airna Cameron de Risio also spoke. Present at the meeting were (by mundane name:) Annie, Neil (who videotaped the meeting), Brianna, Colen, Dan, Debbie, Isaac, Victoria, Misty, Ted, Jodi, Tim, Rebecca, Tom, Wendy, Darius, Quentin, Kayla, Jeff, Sprite, Kate, Merrie. Several people missed the meeting but managed to make it to the alcohol testing party (PSU Ian, Mouse, Kaci, Thorn, Reyanne), where I proceeded to ply them with strawberry vanilla vodka jello shots. :) If I left any names off this list I apologize, I am working with the sign up lists. So if you were there and your name is not here, then ya shoulda signed in, huh?  ;) Notes from the meeting:

After the meeting, Annie took some persona pictures for those that were interested, and everyone started drinking and eating basically having a blast. The NTPs recruited a couple new members and named some existing ones. Kate and Colen spent 3 or 4 hours drunkenly philosophising about random crap, including Daos, mom, and life in general.
Hey, if anyone wants to add to these notes, email me at