Gathering of
Fools Notes 2004
Meeting started late, but once we
were underway, we discussed quite a bit. Primary speaker was
Katherine Wells de Risio, Airna Cameron de Risio also spoke. Present at
the meeting were (by mundane name:) Annie, Neil (who videotaped the
meeting), Brianna, Colen, Dan, Debbie, Isaac, Victoria, Misty, Ted,
Jodi, Tim, Rebecca, Tom, Wendy, Darius, Quentin, Kayla, Jeff, Sprite,
Kate, Merrie. Several people missed the meeting but managed to make it
to the alcohol testing party (PSU Ian, Mouse, Kaci, Thorn, Reyanne),
where I proceeded to ply them with strawberry vanilla vodka jello
shots. :) If I left any names off this list I apologize, I am working
with the sign up lists. So if you were there and your name is not here,
then ya shoulda signed in, huh? ;) Notes from the meeting:
- Clan Risio, as we are now known,
means Clan of laughter, and consists of: House of Fools, House of
Cards, House Lunasin, House of the Crescent Moon, Wolves Den, NT
Pirates, and Spartikus. (although Spartikus will not be camping on the
island with us at Egil's)
- All heads of houses will
be considered heads of Clan Risio. Katherine Wells de Risio (your
webmistress) will be the coordinator.
- Katherine, Moonlaidie, Airna,
and Nazerlith all contributed to the Clan Risio banner (that hung
behind the podium) and Katherine is working on a Clan Risio website (Ed note: Website now up at
- Council of Households now
consists of Clan Risio, House of Alchemy, House of Heresy, and House
Nightshade. Drover Home has dissolved, manyof it's members absorbed back into the Clan.
- At Egil's we will be camped on
"MacPherson Island" in the center of Principality Loop. Spartikus and
Risio families with smalls will camp away from but nearby main
encampment. In exchange for sharing the island with us, The MacPherson
Formerly Known As Max (herefore to be referred to as Scott) has asked
that we try to present as period a front as we are able. So the period
tents will be on the outer perimeter and mundane tents on the inner
perimeter, with green sheet walls covering spaces on the outer
perimeter where there are no period tents. Period tents include Ben's
square/rectangle, Jeremiah's round pavilion, and Thorn's kitchen tent.
We may have one more as well, as I have a canvas tent that is not
*necessarily* period, but Darius said he could fix it up so it would
look more period. If anyone else will be bringing a period tent *please*
let me know ahead of time so I can work it into the map. If you for
some reason can't let me know ahead of time, that's fine too.
- Each house is encouraged to
bring their house banner or flag, and we will decorate the kitchen tent
with them, but only the Clan Risio banner will hang at the entrance to
- The Master of Lands has asked me
to be a land steward again, so I will be helping place people on
Friday. I am also on Scott's setup crew. We are still waiting to hear
if we will be able to have a setup crew for Risio get in on Thursday
night of the event, I believe it has something to do with permits and
insurance and whatnot. More on this as I receive infomation. (Ed. Note: We can get into setup on Thursday, but as of yet, still unable to stay the night.)
- Because of my other duties, I
will need to (like last year) appoint someone to direct camp setup,
preferrably a head of household, but someone who can get there EARLY on
Friday (or possibly Thursday). They will need to work with me on
mapping prior to the event and also need to be available to go to the
work parties on May 8th and 9th (either or both). (Ed. Note: Jeremiah and Kevin have volunteered for this position)
- We will be modifying the House
of Fools meal plan to account for the larger group, and those who want
to participate need to sign up to sponsor a meal. If all the meals get
sponsored and there are still people who want to participate, a turn at
dishes will be an acceptable substitute.
- Spartikus will be holding a
potluck EgilsSaturday, if you would like to participate, please sign up
on the signup sheet. So far, Isaac and Victoria signed up to bring meat.
- Portland folk need to
collaborate on transportation to the event, we still have people who
need rides.
- Eden Celeste of House Daos has
invited us to Boogar, a Daos event being held April 30-May 2nd. I
intend to go, and so far just Darius has signed on to go with me. Let
me know if you'd like to attend and we'll work out some kind of carpool
deal. Site fee is $10 per person for the weekend, with no discounted
rates for late arrivals or early departers. (Ed. Note: Kate, Annie, Darius, Colen, and Luke attended and had a great time, the Daos were very gracious.)
- Another HoF crossover is the
sober night signup. Basically, if so inclined, you choose one night to
not drink and be responsible for caretaking the encampment and it's
inhabitants, including extinguishing the fire pit and tiki torches, be
the person to go to if there's an emergency, and so on and so
forth. Kate signed up to be the sober responsible person in camp
on Friday. Saturday will be Jodi, and Sunday will be Ted. Thorn, Wendy,
Naz, Ben, Tabbie, Nathan, and Debbie signed up as possible backups if they choose at the time to not
- Yet another (sorry guys, I think
we just have some really good ideas.. :) ) HoF crossover is signing up
for service to the Barony/event. Volunteers this year will be limited
to 2 hour shifts (gee, you mean I don't have to direct traffic for 13
hours this year??) and all volunteers will be entered into a raffle.
Not sure what the prize is yet. So far, Kate and Kayla have signed up
for campmaster/setup, and Tom, Annie, Ted, Jeremiah, Kevin, Quentin, and Ben signed up for a tour of
constab, Ben and Misty *might* do a shift at chirugeon, and Tabbie signed up for parking. No volunteers yet for: herald (town crier), water bearing, and gate.
- Ready for one more HoF
crossover? Signing up for camp chores. Running a encampment smoothly
involves everyone pitching in to help. No one person should get stuck
doing eveything (ok, so before I learned my lesson, I sure tried! ;) )
So far, Mouse, Eddie, Wendy and Tom have signed up for dish duty, Isaac signed up
for getting water, firewood, and ice, Ben signed up for getting water and taking trash to the middens, Nathan signed up for getting forewood and ice, Kayla and Briana signed up for bottle and can duty, Kate, Tabbie and Dot signed up for keeping the kitchen tent
clean (although everyone who uses it should clean up their own messes),
and Thorn, Ben, and Tom signed up for being general helper guys. Ted and Jodi will do the final middens run. In a related note, I
expect everyone to make their area IMMACULATE before leaving site on
Monday. (or whenever you leave). I am extremely adamant about this.
There is no excuse for leaving a bunch of trash behind. Anyone who
leaves a mess will be barred from camping with us at the next event.
- Tabbie (who was unable to attend
the meeting due to work) came up with an idea for cigarette butt
disposal. She has several large coffee cans that she's going to paint
to look like wood on the outside and place them at various points
throughout camp. We will have no excuses for ciggie butts all over the
ground. :)
- Regarding minors drinking: word
on site is that they will be "really cracking down" on drinking minors.
Officially, Clan Risio does NOT condone underage drinking. Any minor
(under 21) obviously intoxicated will be escorted to their tent, where
they must remain until they are sober. Second offense, they will be
asked to pack their gear and leave once they've sobered up. This is
serious guys. One underage drinker caught = we all get kicked
out. No one wants that.
- In common areas visible to the
public, beverages in period containers only from Friday night
through Sunday night, so Friday until nightfall and Monday after
sunrise, the rule is not in effect. Exception for tablero games. This
is part of striving torwards having a totally period encampment. And of
course, I wouldn't make the rule if I didn't have plenty of loaners. :)
- CAMP SAFETY - The people in
charge of Egil's want every attendee to attend a camping class,
covering the basics of camping ettiquette and safety. While a noble
effort, it is not an entirely implementable one. So to make sure
everyone in our group is of the informed, I converted the "Personal
Committment To Safety" from my work into "Personal Committment to
Camping Safety" and covered everything that I could remember from the
camping class (Kayla and I took it at one of the work parties). I am
hoping that it can substitute for the camping class for those unable to
take it, and because it's all written down and you sign it, I can take
it to the autocrats and say, see, this is what we covered andf this is
who was there, we're all good. :) As far as I know, me, Kayla,
Ted, Jodi, Tabbie, Nathan, and Jeremiah are the only ones in the group
to have taken the class. Isaac, Victoria, Tom, Wendy, Sprite, Misty, Kevin, Dot, Ben, Annie,
and Briana all read and signed the committment to camping safety. If
your name is not on this list and you have taken the class, let me
know. If your name is not on this list and you have *not* taken the
camping class, please contact me to arrange a time for you to read and
sign the Personal Committment to Camping Safety, or go take the class. (Ed. Note: I spoke with the autocrat , who read the PCtCS, and he said it looked good and should be fine.)
- We will have at least one dog in
camp. She (and any other dog) needs to be leashed at all times. Do not
do anything to the dog(s) to aggravate her or cause her to become
hostile. The last time we had a dog in camp we had a problem not with
the dog hiumself but with someone who was being stupid, and the dog got
blamed for reacting to it. (If any of you wondered why they now have
that pet registration thing at Egil's...)
- I don't remember what I put in
last years HoF House Drink, Boobs. Unfortunately, no one else
remembered either. SO I'm just going to make Spankings this year.
If anyone does remember, please let me know. :)
- We are trying to start up our
own little "Gold Key" for our members (and guests they might bring) to
use. So far Annie and I have contributed a bunch of clothes to it, and
I spoke with Glyndon by phone (she, too, had to work and miss the
meeting), and she's sure she can come up with some donations. If anyone
else has donations, just let me know, I seem to be costume mistress for
the time being. I will however, like someone at the event to take over this position and keep track of who borrows what and make sure it comes back!
- Colen brought up the need for an
"entertainment staff" so Annie and I appointed him in charge of it.
Firedancers, belly dancers, musicians, etc, please contact Colen about
being entertainment.
- I brought up the idea of posting
a guard at our entance, and when someone wants to come visit us, they
say "Halt, who goes?" and the visitors tell the guard who they
are, the guard then turns in to the encampment "My Risio
Clanmates, pray attend.." and indroduces the visitors. We'd also
need something to block the entrance when there was no guard posted,
like how we had the HoF flag on the entrance at Egils and AWW
2001. Ben, Erik, Thorn, and Mouse have all signed up or been appointed for shifts.
- Annie came up with the idea of
doing a "secret Santa"-type thing for Egils, where everyone who
attended the Gathering of Fools gets their name in a hat and then
everyone pulls a name and gets a gift for that person. After the
meeting we did just that.
- In other safety notes, I wanted
to make sure everyone aware that there isn't much shade on the island
so we should all take necessary precautions to stay safe. We will have
some created shade, what with canopies and tarps.
- I bought some thin black satin
ribbon the other day, and I will have it available if anyone wants some
to put their token on with.
- Egil's 30 tshirts are for sale
on the Egils website, and I printed and copied the order form in case
anyone wanted to order one. They are $12 beforehand, and $15 at the
event, however many don't sell online. They had a pic there too, it
looked pretty cool.
- We will have some fun activities to participate in, including a Scavenger Hunt, with a prize to be awarded for the most creative interpetation of the list of things you have to find (and/or whoever gets the most things on the list) and the Foolish Hunt, which is what House of Fools has used as it's initiation for new potential members.
After the meeting, Annie took some persona pictures for those that were
interested, and everyone started drinking and eating basically having a
blast. The NTPs recruited a couple new members and named some existing
ones. Kate and Colen spent 3 or 4 hours drunkenly philosophising about
random crap, including Daos, mom, and life in general.
Hey, if anyone wants to add to these notes, email me at