G'day m'lord, m'lady, and welcome to the House
of Fools. I am Katherine Wells, one of the three ladies of the house.
Here's a Spanking for you. Oh don't worry, it's
in the mug, it's one of our special house drinks. Here, pull
up a seat in the dining hall and enjoy your drink.
There are apricot mini tarts on the table if you'd care for
a snack. What? You want to hear about me?
Well, I don't often talk about my background much. But alright,
if you insist. I grew up hardy in the English countryside,
and married a welltender, a serf of a powerful feudal lord.
Sad bit was, m'husband died a few years into our
marraige. Fell down the well, he did. That same year,
our daughter was kidnapped. I tended the well best I could
for a while, but it was hard work, and I was lonely and sad. One day these
ladies came to town, dressed all colorful and such.
I invited them for dinner one night. They liked my food, and
they asked me if I wanted to join them on their
travels. They had been all over the land and seen many exotic
sights, and met many different kinds of people. Well,
I'll tell you, sounded quite a bit more exciting than a lifetime
tending the well. They were performers, dancers,
actors, and a few ruffians, I found, when I met the rest of the clan.
I've been traveling with the Fools ever since, keeping
the house records in order, tending to the kitchen, and to
the bar. Need a refill? Yes, I am quite quick with the ladle, thank you. Recently, my long lost daughter Alistryna found me~she had been kidnapped by gypsies when she was small, and we crossed paths on our respective wanderings. So I have her back now and she travels with me as well. Hope you found my little story enlightening.
Please do stop by anytime, we love seeing new faces
around here. Not that we tire of the old ones of course...(swats
Thorn with a dishtowel jokingly)...As they say in
one of those exotic countries we've visited, "Thank you, come again!"
The many faces of Katherine: