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Work Party Weekends

The House of Fools enjoys contributing to the Society and to its Kingdom, and one way we have done this was by helping Chumwa Fen prepare Howard Buford Park for events. Blackberry bushes never go away!  We usually started in January and ran through the tourney season. I am proud to announce that House of Fools (and some associated Council of Households members) put in the most man-hours of any house on the site between February and Egil's in 2001! (As told to Katherine by both Frederick Kohler and Dame Meagan Windmere, as well as CampMaster Max McPherson). Since moving to Lynx Hollow Park, House of Fools and the Council of Households has continued to serve.  Watch Katherine's Event Journal, the House of Fools mailing list, and the House of Fools and Council of Households Yahoo Groups for announcements of when work parties are. Here are some pictures from previous work parties.

2000 Pre-Egil's Work Party Crew
Tim, Shane, Lauren, Thorn, and Jeremiah in 2000

2001 Work Parties

Katherine in her new camos! :)Brother SamFarmer Tabbie! (Kiena)Drawing the layout of the siteGroup at work partyKiena DuncanKatherine directs the crewHey, it had been a long day... :)May 12th work party
Shelly and ThornHouse of Alchemy's fence..pretty!Nathan and SeanNick shows he has what it takes to be a FoolNick and ShaneBrother Sam catches a ride homeBrother Sam attacks the weeds
Apparently Thorn offended Shelly with his fart noises..Shelly is happy to be here!Helping Spartikus clear out their nicheStephanie comes out to help her Foolish friendsTabbie cools down with a beverageWhat, you want me to take a break and pose? Ok.Hi ho, hi ho...Hmmm...what next?
Pregnant Airna drops by to see how things are goingIsaac catches a nap...but Kate won't put away the damn camera!Shazaam!Will ponders his next projectWonder twin powers, activate!
Work party for AWW 2001Jeremiah looks's raining and there's cow poop.Shelly..WP before AWW 2001Isaac at WP before AWW 2001

 I got tired of that "page not found error" and decided to put up what I had.  I have more pictures (although 2003 work
parties I think I have strictly video), I just don't have them scanned and/or developed. But SOON! I promise. :) But I need more space first. :P

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