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11/25/99 ILL NATURE has just been aquired by VMS RECORDS in SC. We are putting together a East Coast Tour for this upcomming summer 2000, and heading into the stuido in June 2000 to lay all of our material down on CD. 2/02/00 As of now we are all back in school Pete is in Utica going to the Munson Williams Proctor Art school, Jared is finishing his last year of high school at OCS, and Jayson is going to Onondaga Community College and is majoring in Electronic Media Communications (Playing with recording equipment and High tec computers). We have some intresting shows comming up this winter at the lost horizion w/ Short Round and a huge show W/ Hatebreed at the Westcottt Community Centre. So we hope to see all of our friends and a bunch of new faces at these shows thanx.