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Phone Messages

Lyndi frowned at the darkness outside her windshield. She knew she had gotten a late start, and having a flat tire on the way didn’t help either. The drive home always seemed to take longer. A familiar road sign announced there was 13 miles left to her small town. She was accustomed to making long drives. Lyndi was a published author and had to travel for book signing parties. Wanting to see the county to inspire more writing, she drove to as many of them as she could. Although she enjoyed meeting the people who read her books she was glad to be home. Or almost. She could see the familiar out skirts of her hometown.
Lyndi pulled off at the exit and headed for her apartment. She had lived there every since she graduated from high school a few years before. Lately though, she hadn’t been home much.
She had always liked to write, and had gotten lucky. Not many new young writers had the kind of response that Lyndi was getting. This book had been on the Best Sellers list for weeks which was a first for a 23 year old just starting out. No one was prouder of her than Jack. His prodding had made her send her manuscripts in. Of course there had been turn downs. But he made keep trying and helped her when she got discouraged. “Don’t let them tell you are not a great writer... because you are....” So she sent it to one more publisher, and he loved it. Lyndi laughed to herself as she remembered how Jack reacted to the news. “I told you so” he said without hesitation. He was her biggest fan. And the one she saw the least of.
Lyndi pulled up into the apartment parking lot. Her porch light was on. Mom must of left it on for me, she thought fondly.
Her cat, Tia, greeted her at the door. Lyn picked her up and hugged her. “Home sweet home Tia” Lyndi put the cat down and she took off to investigate her food dish. “I think you have a good idea there.” Lyndi decided to check the fridge for a quick snack before unloading the car. There was a note. It was her mom briefly telling her how things were while she was gone and that her messages were by the phone.
Lyndi went to her desk and wasn’t surprised at all the neatly written notes. She was sure she had a few email messages on her computer too. Those could wait. Glancing at the ones on the desk, she quickly decided they would wait too.
She went out to her car. She was glad it was a nice night so she could just take her time unloading her suitcases without getting wet. Nothing worse than trying to unpack in the more often than not Oregon rain. Except trying to change a tire on the freeway she decided when she noticed the flat among the luggage in the trunk.
“Howdy neighbor!” a southern accent greeted from behind some laundry. Lyndi gave its owner a hug after she had put the over flowing laundry basket down. “So, how was the trip?”
“It went well Candese.” Lyndi pulled the last suitcase out and shut the trunk.
“Did ya have a flat?” asked the older women, her tanned face showing concern. She was always worried about her “little neighbor” next door.
“Yeah up by Corvallis. Thankfully it wasn’t all that hard. It would have been a walk if I hadn’t been able to do it myself.” Lyndi was tired and wasn’t in the mood for any of Candese’s lectures on the dangers of traveling alone. She loved the older woman but just wanted a hot bath and her own bed.
Candese could see Lyndi was tired, “Well I am glad ya’ll home now.” she picked up her wicker basket full of colorful clothing. “ You get some rest and maybe you can come over tomorrow for some lunch ok?”
Lyndi knew she would probably be just getting up about lunch time, from the luxury of being able to sleep in her own bed for the first time in a month. “Ok , I will call you when I get up. “
“Ok dear.. you get some rest you hear.. I will be looking for you tomorrow.” She turned and walked to her apartment, a bright red sleeve of something blowing in the wind behind her.
Lyndi shut her door and set the suitcase by the stairs. She went to the kitchen to make herself some tea. As the microwave was going, she decided to look at her messages. She sat on the couch and began to sort them out. Unconsciously she was looking for one impeculiar.
Six months had gone by since she had seen Jack. They both had demanding schedules and couldn’t seem to meet up. When she was home, he was on the road. Last thing she had heard, he was in California. They has spoke on the phone. He had told her he missed her a lot. She missed him too. Specially his undying support of her career. She could really use it right now. Her publisher was pressing for another book and she didn’t have anything solid for him. She just couldn’t concentrate on it. Now that the promotion tour for the last one was done she was going to need to get to work.
After making her tea, Linda returned to the messages. She didn’t think anyone would mind if she didn’t call until tomorrow. Even her publisher could wait a day. There were several from him. She didn’t give him her celphone number, it was for family only. He grumbled about it and had to leave messages at home or at her motel.
She set the messages on her lap and settled back to enjoy her tea and the familiar feeling of home. She was talking herself into a bubble bath when Tia jumped up to snuggle, scattering the messages in the process. Lyndi laughed and snuggled her companion. When she finally picked up the scattered paper, she noticed one that she hadn’t seen. The handwriting was familiar. “Call me” and an number was all it said. Her heart jumped and she grinned. She glanced at the clock even though she knew he wouldn’t care what time it was. She dialed the number and told herself to stop feeling like a silly teenager every time she called him.
Jack answered in his warm comforting voice. She closed her eyes, “Hello stranger”
“Lyndi.... your home” the smile in his voice came though the phone lines.
She was smiling too. “Yeah I came in just after 10. Feels so good to be home.”
“Yeah I know that feeling.” His voice always reminded her of good aged whiskey. Smooth and warm.
“How long have you been home?” She felt restless. He always made her feel that way.
“A few days... I came over and seen your mom. She told me you would be home soon.”
She stared at her floor, everything she wanted to say had suddenly disappeared. “How was your trip?”
“Oh about normal.” He sighed, “Missed you”
She took a deep breath, “I missed you too”
“In fact, would you mind some company now?”
“Would love it.” She suddenly wasn’t as tired. “Could use a familiar face”
He laughed slightly, “ I am hardly a familiar face.”
“After the last two weeks, my apartment is a familiar face.” she smiled ruefully.
“That bad huh? Well we can talk exchange horror stories when I get there.” he added softly, “See you in a few.”
“OK” He hung up. She clicked off her phone, and sat staring for a few minutes. Getting up she decided to take her suitcase upstairs. Ducking into the bathroom for a minute to comb out her shoulder length alburn hair she decided he was just going to have to take her as she was, dark circles under her brown eyes and no makeup. She did change into something a little more comfortable than her road worn clothes. The door bell rang just as she was headed down the stairs.
Jack was standing there with a red rose. “Can I come in?”
He handed her the rose after she shut the door. “This is for you.”
“Thank you, its beautiful.”
He smiled. “Like you are”
She laughed, “Yeah I bet I look wonderful”
Jack’s face softened, “Yes... you do” his tone serious. He took her into his arms. “And you feel good too.”
He felt good too. Lyndi sighed as she enjoyed his arms around her. The hug ended too soon, and she asked him if he wanted anything.
As she got him something to drink, he caught her up on his travels and deals since February. He had taken over his dads business when his dad opted for an early retirement. It kept him busy but he enjoyed it. His brother helped some, but Jack was the CEO. From what Lyndi could tell, he had gotten the business into some major deals in the short time he had been running it. His dad had just been happy to keep it small but profitable. But Jack had almost doubled it.
Lyndi told him about her book tours. When he asked about another book, she just shrugged. “Can’t seem to find anything that excites me.”
He looked at her seriously, “Maybe your just trying too hard”
Lyndi looked into his gorgeous blue eyes, god she thought to herself, I had forgotten how wonderful it felt to be with him. “Possibly. Charlie has been giving me a lot of grieve to get another story going.”
He brushed some stray hair away from her face, “You tell him to give you a break, you have been working too hard,” his hand brushed her cheek, “You need a vacation”
Her cheek felt hot where he had touched her. Getting up she asked, “Can I get you another cup of tea?”
Jack got up and stretched, “No, I can see you are tired, I should let you get some sleep.”
She set the cups in the sink and turned to watch him put his jacket back on. He smiled softly. That smile had always turned her heart inside out. “Do I get a hug?”
“You don’t have to ask that twice.” He took her into his arms and held her close, his head resting gently on the top of hers.
Lyndi closed her eyes as the familiar warmth she has missed filled her. “I’ve missed you.” she whispered.
He moved away enough to see her face, “Why would you do that?” he demanded playfully.
She grinned, this was the Jack she knew, “Oh I don’t know” she hesitated, picking at his sweater, “.......... Maybe cause I love you.” She couldn’t believe she said it outloud.
Not all his shock was faked, “What did you say?”
“You heard me” she whispered.
He shook his head, “No I didn’t.” cupping her face in his hands, “Say it again.”
Jacks eyes mesmerized her, sparkling and serious at once, “I love you.” she repeated. He was quiet for a moment. She tried to figure out what he was thinking, but his face didn’t give her a clue. She had learned the hard way long ago never to play poker with him.
“Lyndi,” He kissed her lightly, “ I love you too.” the kiss became more passionate as they embraced. They stood holding each other, neither able to pull away.
After several minutes Lyndi pulled away slightly. “You know how long I have been wanting to hear you say that.?
He studied her, “Yeah I have a good idea. Probably as long as I have wanted to say it to you.”
“How long is that?”
He reached into his inside jacket pocket, “Since I bought this.” He handed her a small box.
Lyndi looked at it. Her hands were shaking.
“Open it”
The box held a small jewelry box, the kind everyone knew they put rings in. Jack took the box. Lyndi noticed his hands weren’t anymore steady than hers. She watched him open it and stared at the perfect diamond ring it contained.
The ring was taken out, the box forgotten on a nearby desk. Jack took Lyndi’s hand and slid the ring on her finger. She was so startled, Lyn had to remind herself to breathe. She looked up at the man that she thought she could never have. Her best friend. Tears started to fall down her cheeks.
Jack kissed the tears. Neither one said anything for several minutes. He lead her back to the couch, held her close and rubbed her back as she shed tears, not really understanding why.
She finally composed herself, wiping the tears away. The ring looked so right on her hand. “How long have you had this?”
“A few months.” He smiled shyly. “I got it the day after I talked to you on the phone from California. Found myself in a jewelry store, thinking about you.” He moved the ring around on her finger, “ I knew then that I didn’t want to have to just dream about you to see you.”
Lyn knew that is when she had known too. “I realized that I have loved you since the day we met in 6th grade.” She giggled, “Sounds silly huh?”
“No,” he shook his head, “No it don’t”
She smiled, “So what else have you been thinking about?”
“Yeah, we both need a vacation.” His eyes sparked. “Besides, we used to talk about it, remember?”
Grins at the childhood memory. “Yeah, Hawaii and small swimsuits I remember.” Lyn blushed slightly.
“Yeah, small swimsuits.” He flashed a grin, “ and a few other things too.” He pulled her towards him and kissed her. She returned the kiss, running her hands through his golden brown hair. His hands roamed her body.
He groaned and set her away at arms length. “I better go home.”
She played with her ring, “Home?”
“Oh yes baby,” he smiled ruefully, “ you are very tired, I can see it in your face. If I don’t go home you won‘t get any sleep.” He ran a finger down her cheek, “Besides, we have to save something for Hawaii.”
Lyn blushed, “Yes, I guess we should.”
Jack got up and they walked to the door. Their lips met again, neither wanting to move away. Lyn wondered how she ever lived without his arms around her. She fingered the ring again and knew she would never have to again.
Finally Jack broke away, “I am leaving this time,” he laughed, “Call me when you wake up.”
“I will.”
“Sleep well angel” He gave her one more kiss and shut the door.
Lyn locked the door and leaned against it. Her new ring sparkled brightly even in the dim light. She felt better than she had in months. In her mind, she could see a story forming. Yes,, she thought to herself, Hawaii sounds wonderful.

2004© by L Murray
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