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About Jeremy

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
– Mark Twain




Blueprint- Missing (2003) - Tony - Pagoda Pictures (Screen capture)

Short Film

But The Spider Never Came (2003) - MOE ETD

Eden (2003) - Adam (lead) - The Eden Team (Screen capture)

Murphy Finds Love (2003) - Murphy (lead) - Whodunit Productions (Screen capture)

Check The Balance (2002) - MOE ETD

Drama Series

More Than Just Me- Episodes 1 to 4 (2003) - Aaron (lead) - MOE ETD (Screen capture)

Corporate Video

Central Narcotics Bureau (2003) - Embassy Productions (Screen capture)

Nokia (2002) - Petal Productions



Boccaccio 2005- Ricciardo/ Diomed/ Ensemble - Nanyang Theatre Group (Performed in The Arts House, Singapore as part of Singapore Celebrates Drama!)

Boccaccio 2005- Ricciardo/ Diomed/ Ensemble - Nanyang Theatre Group (Performed in Arezzo, Italy as part of Arezzo Festival 2005)

No Title (2002)- Co-Director - The Fun Stage

Bitter Sweet Symphony (2002)- Aaron (lead) - The Fun Stage

Diary of a S.B.G. (2001)- Director - The Fun Stage

School Production

Chow 2 (2003)- Co-Director- Cat Three Productions

An Actor's Nightmare (2002)- George (lead) - Hall 3 Drama

Darn It (2001)- Greg (lead) - Hall 3 Drama

Romeo and Juliet (1998)- Romeo (lead) - Anderson Junior College

Waiting for Godot (1998)- Pozzo (support) - Anderson Junior College


Autumn Bloom (2004)- Baron (lead) - Hall 1 S.T.A.R. Productions


Huayu Cool on 938LIVE (2006-2007)- Presenter - MediaCorp Radio

Edutalk (2006-2008)- Presenter - MediaCorp Radio (938LIVE)

Broadcast Journalist (2005- )- MediaCorp Radio (English News)

Broadcast Journalist (2004-2005)- MediaCorp Radio (Chinese News)

Ru Yan Yi Chang (2002)- Presenter for game segment Nao Li Ji Zhuan Wan- Fusion Radio (Mandarin)


Straits Times- Digital Life (2005)

School of Communication and Information Annual Dinner and Dance (2002)

Topman Fashion Show (2001)


Fun! Stories: The Gala (2004) (Picture)

Talentime- St Andrew's Secondary School (1996)

Teachers' Day Concert- St Andrew's Secondary School (1996)


Producer/Presenter- Nanyang Spectrum (2005)- NTU

Presenter- Nanyang Spectrum (2004)- NTU

Emcee for NTU Welfare Services Club CURL 2004

Emcee for NTU Hall 3 Annual Dinner (2002)


Huayu Cool (2007)

National Heritage Board (2004)

Red Cross (2002) - Petal Productions


Education and Training

B.A. Honours (Communication Studies)- Nanyang Technological University

Minor in Drama- National Institute of Education



Gold: 4 x 50m Freestyle Swimming- Inter-Hall Games, NTU (2001)

Finalist: Talentime- St Andrew's Secondary School (1996)

Bronze: 4 x 100m relay (Track & Field)- St Andrew's Secondary School (1994)

Sportsman of the Year, Gold: 100m, 4 x 100m relay, Long Jump, High Jump- Li Hua Primary School (1992)


Languages spoken: English, Chinese, Cantonese & elementary Spanish.


Extra-Curricular Activities

Primary School: Basketball, Brass Band (Trumpet, Cornet)

Secondary School: Sailing, Scouts, Cross-country, Drama

Junior College: 14th Students' Council, Tennis Captain, School Representative for Pyramid Game (Television Gameshow)

University: Communication Studies Club 9th Management Committee: Performing Arts Manager, Fusion Radio Presenter, Hall 3 Drama, Hall 3 Swimming, Travelosity Writer, Student Union's Shuttle Bus Committee, United Nations Student Association, NTU Tribune Photographer, Hall 1 Swimming 

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