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Vientiane 2001

I'm at Patuxai. You can see the backdrop of central Vientiane in this picture - no highrise buildings.

Here are our wonderful hosts. (From L-R) Me, Wan Peng, Nun, Mon, Kongchay. The thing I'm holding in my hand is ping kai, grilled chicken.

Buddha Park
At Buddha Park with Kongchay. Here we are at the top of the pumpkin shaped building representing heaven, hell and earth.

Grand Sacred Stupa
Posing against the backdrop of That Luang, the Grand Sacred Stupa with Yiliang.

Near the Patuxai in Vientiane.

Talaat Sao
Outside the Vientiane Morning Market (Talaat Sao).

Click here to read my travelogue on Vientiane.

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