
"A sereotype is a negative protayal based on other negative protrayals. But a prototype is something invented. It's the first of it's kind. That's what I try to do."

"I wanted to be the Latin Sharon Stone, except I had to keep my panties on because this is a PG movie." - John Leguizamo on his movie To Wong Foo.

"Leguizamo... it's like poetry." - on MTV Live

"Clowns are hideous monsters, aren't they? I've always hated Bozo and Ronald and Clarabelle. You name it and I hated them." - John's opinion on Clowns

"I want to play ball like Michael Jordan. I want to take over his career." - John Leguizamo

"I was born in Latin America, 'cause my moms was there" - from "Freak"

"I hope there's a good movie on this flight" - as Rat in Executive Decision

"Who's this, 007?" - as Rat in Executive Decision

"And for the few of you who don't know me, my name is Agamemnon Jesus Rafael Rodrigo Papo Pablo Pacheco del Valle del Rio del Monte del Cono de su madre Lopez Sanchez Rodriguez Martinez Morales Mendoza y Mendoza. But you can call me handsome. Why not? I deserve it." - as Agemenon in Mambo Mouth

"Hope you have better luck with women then I do!" - as Rat in Executive Decision

"YO! Waz Up, FREAK?!" - as Pestario in The Pest

"Yeah, the Clown is supposed to be 4-foot-something, so I had to crouch down. I had the tightest buttocks on Hollywood. I could bend titanuim with my butt!" - about the Clown costume.

"I grew up in Jackson Hieghts, which was like the big melting pot of America, and every accent was there, you know, at my beck and call" - about his array of characters.

"The first time we had a great time together. At the end of the movie, Wesley burned all of his [drag] accounterments. This time, we could talk about anything, [and] we wrote scenes together. I'm trying to develop something else for the two of us. I love working with him. [And] he's a stud! If I were a women, I would have given him a litter already!" - about working a lot together with Wesley Snipes.

"I love doing my own stunts, as long as I don't get hurt! A flesh wound I don't mind, but bitten by snakes, I don't enjoy... And Seagal is no picnic. Hours in those small planes, I felt like a Latin Anne Frank." - about working on Executive Decision.

"That's my philosophy, offend them all equally. You know, we all have something wrong with us." - on his offensive characters.

"I'd walk in front of the camera, and Leonardo would do my line all screechy. 'Thou or I must go!' So the next time I'd become really self-concious. I just hated him, because it came so easy to that little blond, happy, golden-boy [expletive]. He'd smoke a cigarette, do some laps, do Michael Jackson, go on the set, and there it was." - John on co-star Leonardo DiCaprio.

JOHN LEGUIZAMO: The 1 and Only

Email: joannah@sprintmail.com