BISEXUALITY (by nature if not by action) 
An Essay By Kate Garoutte-Smith, circa 1995
Bisexuality of nature (not the trees and animals, but human nature) means,
to me, the balance of male and female aspects of one's character. I believe
that our souls, which are the essense of who we are, are neither sex, and
both. Society and (occasionally) physical anatomy determine if we identify
ourselves more as female or more as male. I believe that our healthy, natural
state is internally in balance between our masculine and feminine aspects.
Bisexuality by action is, of course, being physically and/or emotionally
attracted to both men and women. I believe that this is what might happen
if all societal barriers regarding it were removed and everyone had their
masculine and feminine aspects in balance.
My decision to identify myself as bisexual (I had had experiences at
that point, but hadn't actually said "I am bisexual") came from one day
seeing a beautiful woman in a commercial and realizing that being attracted
to her was a more positive emotion than being jealous of her, which, as
an imperfect body type, society taught me was the way to feel. The more
intellectual ideas of bisexuality came a little later.
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