My views on how we should celebrate them
An Essay by Kate Garoutte-Smith, circa 1995
New Year's Eve: partying of course! Also a chance to reflect on the past
year and learn what you can from the experiences you had- what was good,
what was bad, and how you might do things differently in the future.
New Year's Day: recovering! Also a chance to look forward to the year ahead
and think of things you'd like to accomplish, set goals for yourself, etc.
Valentine's Day: A day to let the ones you love know how much they mean
to you.
St. Patrick's Day: wear green so that you don't get pinched. :) Take an
interest in Irish history and all things Irish.
Earth Day: Do something earth-friendly. Hug a tree. Kiss a squirrel. Wait,
no, don't kiss a squirrel, he might not like that. Refrain from doing anything
earth-unfriendly, if you can. Take the bus instead of driving. Ride a bike.
Go on a nature hike. Look around, and really see the beautiful world you
live in.
Spring Equinox: A time to pause and enjoy mother nature's rebirth.
Easter: Celebrate like Spring Equinox. If you have children, do the egg
and bunny thing cuz it's fun. :)
May Day: Give flowers to people you care about, share the beauty of spring
with someone.
Memorial Day Weekend: GO TO EGIL'S! :)
Summer Equinox: Get out and enjoy the weather!
Fourth Of July: A time to celebrate America, whether or not you believe
in your country. Look at the good things. Set off and watch fireworks
cuz it's fun. :)
Autumn Equinox: Celebrate nature.
Halloween: party! In costume, preferrably. A night to cut loose and play
dress-up and give out candy to kids (well, the ones that have parents that
still let them trick or treat!). A time to indulge hedonistic tendancies.
And watch scary movies. :)
Thanksgiving: Eat lots of food and give thanks for everything you are thankful
for. Spend time with family, and be thankful that you have them in your
Winter Equinox: Celebrate nature.
"The Holidays" : For us, Xmas has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, unless
it's to exhibit his caring and generous nature. It's a time to celebrate
winter, to get in touch with old friends and relatives (holiday cards),
a time for togetherness, kindness, and giving. We exchange gifts, we demonstrate
charity and goodwill. We don't say "Merry Christmas", we say "Happy Holidays".
Our symbol is not the cross, it is the peace sign. We don't have nativity
scenes, we have nature scenes. And we believe in Santa Claus. :) And we
watch holiday cartoons- it is a time to be child-like (not childish) and
enjoy everything with a child-like innocence and wonder. I think we need
to write our own holiday songs, because too many of them are xian related,
and there aren't enough non-xian ones.
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