Reincarnation-My Beliefs, Expanded Version

An Essay by Kate Garoutte-Smith, circa 1995

I believe in reincarnation for myself, but I don't believe that it's true for everyone, and I don't think that it's always the same even for those that it's true for. My personal reincarnation belief is that reincarnation is a set of steps to a higher plane. You learn from each lifetime different things (and some things more than once), and when you have learned as much as you can, you move on to the higher plane. What happens after that, I don't know. Maybe you provide inspiration for others to learn from. And what happens when all the souls are done reincarnating? I don't know. That's another paper. Maybe it's a neverending cycle. Or so far in the future that it's beyond our comprehension. I'm making a list of lifelessons I believe I am to learn or have learned in this lifetime. You can also refer to "Why Am I Here?" and "Why Are We Here?" for info on that. Life lessons are not quite the same as gaining knowledge and passing it on. Sometimes life lessons are for that too, but first they are for our personal growth.


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