The Truth Bible


(First paragraph written by Mark Hook, Feb. 1993): In the beginning, there were stars, the skies, the heavens, and of course there was the earth. Now eventually there was plant life and soon after there were nature's creatures. Now through mysterious supernatural happenings, or evolution (take your pick), there was human life. AT this point in time, people, men and women, lived peacefully with nature and each other, andhad no need for modern day objects such as cars, microwaves, and TVs. Life was lived with our true mother, Mother Nature. We slowly learned to survive by  watching the animals hunt and kill for
 their food. So we began to adapt by hunting and killing for our food. But we were eager to give thanks to our Mother for supplying us with this food. We began to populate quickly and spread out over the land but remembered not to destroy what was given to us. We enjoyed the peacefulness that we felt within our hearts, being as one with the flow of nature. Our daily survival consisted of rituals and magick, of thanks, healing, and of prayers of prosperity.
(Remainder written by Kate Garoutte, March-July 1993, with input from Mark Hook):     Unfortunately,
 where there is good there is bad, which is part of the balance of nature. We lived our life in peace with
  nature, up until a force which disliked our flow of life (see Deuteronomy 18:10) decided to disrupt the
  balance of nature's goodness. This force was a power-hungry, jealous, vindictive entity that would stop
 at nothing to take over our world. This force called itself God. But it was not the good god it claimed to
  be.  It was an evil being. This god was also two-faced. Not only did he create Xianity, but he created
  Satanism, so as to have a scapegoat for his followers, an "evil entity" for them to blame all the evils of
  the world on, so as to not draw attention to his own evils. Up until the time of his arrival, there was no
 hatred, for everyone treated each other as brothers and sisters of the earth, regardless of sex or color.
 The only rule of the people was, "an' it harm none, do as ye will". Then this evil Xian god, in his quest for
 power over the people, spoke to a man named Moses, saying he was "god", and gave him a list of rules for
 people to follow. He told his followers that the true ways (the ways of our mother) were "satanic", so as
 to turn people away from the true ways of nature and under his spell. For example, this god taught that
   homosexuality was evil, when in fact it is merely another aspect of nature. Within nature, animals of
    nearly every species have occurrences of homosexuality. For another example, this god taught that
 sexuality was wrong except for procreation, which caused people to feel guilt for having sexual desires,
 something else that is a normal part of nature. Who else but an evil god would cause people to feel such a negative feeling such as guilt for something natural? Also, by saying "you can't do this, " it created the
   temptation to do it, which caused people to look down on each other for so-called "sinning". Another
 example is how the Xian church treats women. They say that woman exists to serve man. In the true way,
   everyone serves each other. Also, the Xian church is run primarily by white males. The Klu Klux Klan
 began as a Xian group. So did the Nazi's. Xianity had MUCH to do with the beginnings of racism, dating
  back to when the European Xians came to the new world and branded the natives heathens and pagans.
  Xians hate what they do not understand. Manifest Destiny was based on the principle that white xian
  males were destined to take over the world. Who but an evil god would desire this kind of power? An
  example of god hypocrisy is that he said the sacrificing of animals was satanic, pagan, and yet required the same of his followers (see the Old Testament).
                      To move on, there was a nature hippie named Jesus, who taught people to love each other
   and be good to each other. However, people who wrote the Xian bible twisted his words to make him
   appear to be the son of their "god" and based a religion on his supposed teachings. This religion was
  called Xianity. Now the evil god saw this and was pleased. Now his brainwashing had begun in earnest.
 Through the writers of the Xian bible, he got people to believe that Jesus was his son and preached HIS
 word. Paul, one of Jesus' apostles, believed that human nature was basically sinful and that people would
 only achieve salvation through faith in Jesus. If they didn't have faith in Jesus, they would burn in hell.
                     Paul was one of the principle writers of the New Testament.
    Years went by, and the evil god did quite well at drawing people away from the truth. Many were
  followers of Xianity, and other similar religions. The similar religions were for those that didn't quite
  buy the original concept. He didn't want to lose them completely, so he made other religions that were
  still his way, but that they could be more comfortable with. But there were some who were not swayed,
    and still believed in the old ways. In order to brand them evil, he called them disciples of Satan.
   The true god, the one who is the life force within us all and everything around us, is nature itself. A
  conscious life force that is a part of everything. The Xian god is the evil force (the one the Xians call
   "satan") himself, obvious because of the negativity he breeds. SO, "satan" or <insert evil force name
       here> created Xianity and satanism, in order to get people away from the true way of life.
 Xians burned people they believed to be witches in Salem Massachusetts in the name of their god. Most
  often these people were merely nature followers who used alternate methods of medicine and the like.
 But because the evil force who called himself the Xian god didn't like people following the true path, he branded them satanic and witches.


   Some Random Notes and Philosophical Ramblings by Kate Garoutte, 3/18/1993:

 What is truth? Hmm. My dictionary says "conformity to fact or reality; integrity; constancy; exactness, verified fact. " That's Webster's. Simon and Schuster say: "1. being true, honest, etc. 2. that which is true 3. established fact." Hmmm.. As prescribed by whom? I mean, established by who? Who's reality? Verified by who? Argh. Ok, so some things are true as in verified fact, or agreed upon consensus, like, the formula for water is h2o. And something's are subjective, that is, interpreted differently by
  different people, but its still essentially true. Isn't it? Argh...losing this train of thought..How do you
   make a set of beliefs that allows for all truths? Or rather, many truths? What about the ones that
   contradict each other? Like: "1. reincarnation is true. 2. reincarnation is not true." ? For instance, I
  believe that the Bible is a fictional book based on real people. Many Xians would argue with that. But
within my reality, that is the truth, and my mind won't allow an opposing statement to that one to be true.
   SO how do I allow for other truth within my truth without sacrificing my truth? Am I making ANY
                    sense? I'm gunna take a break for a few and read some more...
   LATER: I said something to my mom earlier that I'm trying to remember exactly...she said something
    like, "are you starting a cult?" and I said something like, " no, because whereas a cult will try to
 brainwash it's followers that it's way is the one true way, <for example, Xianity>, we are against shoving
 our ideas down anyone's throat, and moreover, in our belief structure, there is no *one truth*...our way
         allows for many truths."  So I guess in that sense, we are the anti-thesis of a cult.  :)
   Various theories in progress... *Reincarnation: I have only a loosely formed notion of how exactly it
  works, but I believe that for myself, reincarnation is a set of steps to a higher learn from
 each lifetime, and when you have learned all that you can, you go on to a higher plane. What you do with
 that knowledge, I'm not certain. *Another related theory, on life after death, is tat when you die, you go
  where you believed (when you were alive) that you would go. In other words, if you believe you'll go to
 "heaven", then you will. If you believe that you'll be trapped here on earth as a ghost, then you will. And
 so on. The problem this brings up is what about meeting up with family members and such when you die?
 Did they all believe exactly what you did? I'm not sure on that one, like I said, this is a loosely formed
    notion. *Heaven: see above theory. I like to believe that there is one, but you get to it through the
  method I mentioned earlier.  *Hell: again, see above theory. I believed in the "personal hell" thing long
  before I saw "Bill And Ted's Bogus Journey", and I never read Dante's Inferno. Hell is not, however,
  somewhere I plan to go. Personally I think that only TRULY evil people go there. *Definition of pagan,
 for me: Any one of many nature-based religions. From various findings and research I have found this to
     be the most accurate and non-broadbased description. This belief system that we are forming is
    primarily pagan, although it does draw from other sources as well. And it is not a monotheistic, OR
 polytheistic system, rather, it is both. *Which leads to my beliefs of "god". I do not believe in the Xian
   god of fire and brimstone. I believe in a higher power, a creative force, nature itself, that which is
 within everything. This power has many aspects, so therefore seems like many gods and goddesses, yet is
   usually referred to as a single entity, so it seems monotheistic. It is neither and both. It is male and
    female. Many aspects of one whole. *Astrology: true for the most part. The mistake is made not in
    astrology itself, but by people who believe reading a horoscope based on their sun sign only is an
 accurate representation. Astrology is a science, not just some mystical thing, and many people unfamiliar
  with it are unaware of this fact. I am thankful that I was borne to an astrologer, and had many other
   astrologers in my family. If you are interested in more on this topic, check out my mom's web page,
  Moonworks. *Tarot: I'm not sure, because they seem to be very subjective, depending who's analyzing
 them. Although one reading I had said that I was on my seventh (and second to last) lifetime, that I had
   been a wealthy female in my immediately previous lifetime, and male in several of my other lifetimes.
  This explains a lot about myself to me, but is difficult to communicate to others. :) *Aromatherapy: I
  strongly believe in the power of scent. Primarily due, I suppose, to it's ability to affect my memory. I
 smell a certain, happy scent, for example, and I am transported through consciousness. For instance, who
   can mistake the smells of a county fair? Popcorn, hot dogs, cotton candy, elephant ears (the pastry,
  silly) get the picture. I strongly believe in the power of scent to affect moods and consciousness.
 *Wicca: I greatly respect the ways of Wicca, and use it's rede in my bible ("an' it harm none, do as ye
 will"), as well as incorporate a good deal of it throughout my belief system. *Satanism: I don't believe in Satan, that is, the Xian ideas of Satan. I believe that the true evil force is the one who calls himself the Xian god, and he created Satanism so he would have a scapegoat upon which to blame the evils of the
LATER: I'd like to work something in here that talks about how everyone is responsible, accountable, for
his/her own life..
   LATER: 4/17/93: I saw a cartoon that gave me an idea for another conecpt I'd like to explore...The
 comic is of the earth, who is saying, "My trees are being destroyed by lumbering, burning, and acid rain,
  but I will not die...My water is being destroyed by oil spills, chemicals, and human waste, but I will not
 die...My air is being destroyed by industrial pollution, auto emissions, and CFC's, but I will not dies...My
wildlife is being destroyed by poaching, deforestation, and pollution, but I will not die....My land is being
         destroyed by strip mining, nuclear and toxic waste, but I will not die.....YOU WILL."
  This makes me think. Perhaps it is not the earth we must save, but the people.That is, make more people
realize, make more people aware. The earth will heal herself in time. But who will heal the people? Maybe
 if these self-absorbed people who don't give a damn about the environment realized that hey, waitaminit, we're not killing the earth, we're killing OURSELVES, maybe they'd care. Maybe they'd want to do something about it. See, so many people put their own comfort and happiness above everything else...but if they'd only realize that they won't be comfortable and happy when their world falls apart, maybe they'd do something to stop it. Don't people see that in the grand scheme of things sacrificing a little comfort for a greater good will help THEM as well as others? Yes, I'm trying to convince myself in this, too. I am guilty of the charges as well...I'd rather drive my car across town than ride the bus...I'd rather throw cat food cans in the trash than wash them out and crush them for recycling...I guess it goes back to what I was saying about being accountable for what we do. We should never think, "Oh, someone else will take care of it..." Because if everyone thinks that, no one will be there to take care of it. And too many people DO think that. So how do we go about making people realize these things? I don't even know where to start.

  What I Believe: People are People (babblings by Kate Garoutte, age 24)

  When I look at a person, I don't see color-white, black, red, etc. I don't see sex-male, female. Etc Etc
   The bottom line is, people are people. Everything else is secondary. That is the essence, the base, the
 foundation of my beliefs. Being bisexual is a part of that-it's not a sexual thing-that's secondary-being
 bisexual is about who I am inside, my male and female aspects are in balance. I feel that our souls, which
 are the essence of who we are, are neither sex, and both. I believe the same about whatever supernatural guiding force might exist (some call it 'god'). Society decides if we identify ourselves more as "male" or "female" (ok, and anatomy, but mostly society). I believe that our healthy, natural state is internally in balance between male and female aspects.  People are people- generalization-saying "all blacks are like this..." or "all women do that..." is unfair to humans. NO two people are exactly alike. Each and every person is unique. Groups of people may choose to behave as sheep, as a faceless mass, but that is not the way it was intended. People are people- every person is unique. I am not a unique woman. I am not a unique white skinned person. I am a unique person. I am a unique human. And so is each and every person in existance.

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