Why Am *I* Here? Why Do *I* Exist?
An Essay by Kate Garoutte-Smith, circa 1995
Some of my beliefs of my purpose in this life tie in to my ideas of reincarnation.
I believe that we go through many lives, progressing levels, learning more
each lifetime, and once we've gained all we can, our souls move on to a
higher plane. In my more cynical moments, I believe I'm here to experience
poverty, obesity and lots of obstacles because in my last life I was a
rich, gorgeous, spoiled brat who never had to work for anything, and this
life is my punishment. Other than that cynical belief, I believe I am here
to gain knowledge and pass it on to others. Another idea I've toyed with
is that I am here to write "The Truth" because it will change the world,
and the way people think. Ok, so that's a little grand, but it's a nice
thought. But I do believe that I have something to give humankind,
something to contribute. Maybe this is it. Maybe it's something else entirely.
I also believe that we are meant to learn something from most of our experiences
in life. And relationships. I look at every past romantic relationship
and try to determine what long-term purpose it served. I usually always
find some purpose in every relationship. As for experiences, I have less
luck with finding purpose in every experience than in relationships, but
I can usualyy come up with something.
So, I am here to learn all I can, to gain knowledge, process it, and
pass it on to others. It sounds simple maybe, but it is a 'round the clock,
often exausting experience. Mostly the processing is the hard part. But
hey, I'm doing it right now, writing these pages! :)
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