Why Are We Here? Why Do We Exist?
An Essay By Kate Garoutte-Smith circa 1995
There are many answers to this question, and more than one of them may
be correct. There is no strict, definate answer. But here's a bit of what
I believe: I believe we exist to gain knowledge and learn, and pass it
on to others, whether they are our children, or anyone that seeks the knowledge.
In a way, the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (by Douglas Adams) theory
is similar to my own. In it, the earth is the ultimate computer designed
to come up with the question to the ultimate answer "42". This was
done by, I believe, people gaining knowledge and passing it on to the next
generation, and so on, then one girl suddenly got the answer. Er, question.
Whatever. Right before the planet was blow up by the Vorgons. At any rate,
although I might not seriously believe in Douglas Adam's theory (story)
as to what end we are gaining and passing on knowledge, the idea that that
is why we are here is a good one. To what end *do* I believe in? I haven't
figured that out yet.
In my more cynical moments, I think we're all putting on a big play
for god's amusement (God in this case being the god I learned about in
church, the image of an old man up in the sky watching us all on his big
screen TV with a million-plus channels).
Another reason we are here is to survive- but thats not enough.
When I say, "Why are we here?", I am referring to the human
race a a whole. The question, "Why am I here?" is an entirely different
one (with an entirely different essay). I believe that the human race as
a whole has a reason for existing, and I believe that each person has individual
reason(s) for exisiting. I think this idea was solidified watching "Quantum
Leap". Not all the individual reasons are necessarily part of the whole
human race's reason for being, but some of them are. If I had a theory
as to what end
our purpose for exisiting is moving torwards, it would help, but I
don't even have any solid ideas at the moment. Heh heh...perhaps that's
part of my reason for exisiting...to come up with the goal of our