Yay! I know what your all thinking! 'Wow she finally updated! Hey i better go check her 'Fan Fic' maybe she updated 'The One'
-I regret to inform you...that I have not updated the story :( I'm sorry...I just really can't get in that writing mood that I used to always be in! So, I don't know, maybe one day soon I will be (let's pray!) but right now all I can say is that I'm sorry! I know what a pain in the butt it is to not be able to finish reading a story that you really got into!

-Again I apologize!

Last Updated- 6/29/01

This site was first put on the internet on December.19 1998

They Love Me...

They Really Love Me!

LOOK AT THESE 2 CUTIE-PATOOTIES! :)............. Yes right here is a pic of Lance and JustinLook at their faces!What are you doing on the other side of the screen?! :) They just wanted to say welcome to my web page!!!

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