Sudden Changes

“Yeah right! You tripped and you know it!” Kari said to her older brother Chris, talking about the Summer Jams concert they just recorded a few weeks earlier. Kari is Chris’ younger sister and has been traveling with ‘N Sync since they started.

“No I didn’t! I was just trying a new walk.” Chris said defending himself. The gang was sitting, chatting in their Orlando home. It was about two’ clock in the morning, and they were all high on caffeine.

“Chris you are so full of crap!” Justin said throwing a pillow at Chris’ head. He then pulled Kari close to him snuggled. Justin and Kari have been going out for six years now. They met at the auditions of the Mickey Mouse Club.


“Hey are you here for the tryouts?” a young curly haired boy asked her.

“Yeah are you?” she replied with a shy smile.

“Yeah! Well my name is Justin.” he said holding out his hand.

“Hi Justin, I’m Kari.” she replied taking his hand. They went on to talk for the next half hour until...

“Justin Timberlake? You’re up now.” a producer came out to get him for his audition.

“Well hopefully I’ll see you again Kari. Bye.” Justin said before exiting through the door.

“Bye Justin Timberlake, goodbye.” Kari whispered to herself, staring in space as if she could still see him standing there. Snapping out of her daze...

“Well gosh we didn’t even exchange addresses or anything! That was stupid! What if I never see him again!” Kari said to herself.

Three Weeks Later...

“Oh my gosh mom! I’m so nervous! I can’t go in there! I can’t believe I made it!” Kari said to her mom Teresa heading into the studio for the first time. Everyone was going to get to meet everyone else that made it for the first time.

“Kari!” she heard someone yell from behind her. She turned around to see that curly haired, blue eyed, Justin Timberlake.

“Justin! Oh my gosh, we both made it!” Kari said giving her new found friend a hug. From that moment they both new they were going to be inseparable from each other for as long as they lived.


“Oh my gosh you guys, I just got really tired all of the sudden.” Kari said leaning her head on Justin’s shoulder.

“Yeah me too. Man that’s weird.” Joey said rubbing his eyes.

“Well I’m hitting the sack.” JC announced as he got up and headed up stairs to his room.

“Hey guys, I’m not tired! You can’t poop out on me now!” Lance said.

“I agree Lance! Hey lets play a little PlayStation so I can kick your ass!” Chris said jumping to the ground and flipping on the PlayStation.

“Oh you’re on!” Lance replied sitting down next to him.

“Well I’m going to bed. Goodnight!” Joey said leaving.

“Yeah are you ready to go to bed Kari?” Justin asked his sweetie giving her a kiss.

“Yeah I’m tired.” Kari said starting to get up. “Oh oww.” Kari then moaned falling into Justin’s lap.

“Sweetie what’s wrong?” Justin asked concerned.

“Oh nothing I just had a little sharp pain in my stomach, but I’m fine now.” Kari said, giving Justin a reassuring smile.

“Are you sure?” Justin asked.

“Yes honey I’m fine, now lets go to bed.” Kari replied taking Justin’s hand and pulling him up off the couch.

“Ok goodnight ya’ll! Don’t forget we have an interview and concert tomorrow, so try and get some sleep.” Justin told Chris and Lance as him and Kari headed up stairs.

“Yeah Yeah...Goodnight sis!” Chris said to Kari waving her off.

“Good night Chris.” Kari replied sweetly.


“Alright guys, come in and you can have a seat over at that table.” Paul Walker directed them. They were at a local newspaper firm for that days interview.

“It’ll be over in one hour I promise.” Justin said to Kari giving her a kiss.

“I know Justin, but I just get so bored sitting, waiting and listening to the same questions getting asked over and over.” Kari whined. She hated going to the interviews because first off they are always boring, and second of all the interviewer always asked about her. She hated being the topic of the interview.

“I know. I do too, but it’s all part of the job. You know that Kari.” Justin said sternly.

“I’m sorry Justy. I didn’t mean to be so whiney, I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately.” Kari said with a sweet smile.

“It’s alright. You look cute when you whine.” Justin said before Johnny Wright their manager grabbed him by the arm and drug him to the interview table.

“Come on Kari lets go get some coffee while we’re waiting for them to get done. It’s better than sitting in here.” Johnny said to Kari putting his arm around her shoulder.

“Ok I think we past a little coffee shop on the way here. It’s not that far.” Kari replied getting her coat. She turned around and glanced at Justin, they each blew kisses to each other before she left with Johnny.


“So how is everything going living with those guys? Are you behaving?” Johnny asked with a sly grin.

“It’s great! And yes I’m behaving myself, Chris wouldn’t let me do anything stupid. He’s very protective of me.” Kari said taking a sip of her mocha.

“Well that’s good.” Johnny replied with a smile. “So I think I have another client coming my way.”

“Oh you do? Tell me about it.” Kari said intrigued. She loved it when Johnny told her stories, he was always like a grandpa to her.


“Hey man where did Kari go?” Chris asked after the interview was done.

“Oh she went with Johnny. I think they went down to a coffee house like they usually do.” Justin replied.

“Alright well lets go get them.” Chris said tugging on Justin’s shirt.

“Ok, but we can just go pick them up in the limo with the rest of the guys because I don’t want to be walking around outside and get mobbed.” Justin said.

“So then lets go.” Chris said running out into the lobby and in the limo.


‘Here we go, one more time, everybody’s feeling fine’ Kari heard the music blare. She was standing backstage watching the guys give their performance.

“Oh my gosh! Aren’t you Kari Courtney? Justin Timberlake’s girlfriend?” a group of three girls approached her.

“Yes I am.” Kari said proudly, smiling at them.

“And weren’t you on MMC?” the red headed girl asked.

“Yup! That’s me!” Kari replied.

“Oh my gosh you’re so cool! Can we have your autograph.” they all asked.

“Um, yeah sure.” Kari said sweetly. She was a little surprised though, it’s not often she gets asked for her autograph.

“So what’s it like going out with Justin?” the same red headed girl asked.

“I love it! Its fun, but it gets quite busy.” Kari said with a little laugh.

“Hey excuse me young lady’s, do you have passes to be back here?” House their bodyguard approached the girls.

“No we don’t.” the shorter one responded.

“Well then I’m afraid I’m going to have to take you back.” he told the girls directing them out.

Kari went and sat down in Justin’s dressing room, pigging out in the o’derves they had for him on the table, waiting for the concert to be over with. They had a TV in the room so she could watch the concert from there.

*Ring Ring*

Kari’s cell phone rang as she was stuffing the last bite of doughnut into her mouth.

Kari: Hello?

Kellie: Hey Kari!

Kari: Oh hey Kellie! I thought you had to work tonight?

Kellie: Oh I do, but I’m on a break right now.

Kellie is Kari’s best friend. They grew up together in Oregon then moved out to Orlando together. She is dating Chris, they have been going out for about two years now. She works at the local hospital training in Pediatrics.

Kari: Oh ok.

Kellie: So, Kari, have you told him yet?

Kari: No...I just can’t seem to do it. I’m scared of how he’ll react.

Kellie: You need to tell him!

Kari: I know, I know! I will, but hey I gotta go the concert just got over and they will be in here any second.

Kellie: Ok just remember what I told you! Oh and hey have Chris call or stop by tonight.

Kari: Ok I will.

Kellie: Ok talk to ya later, bye!

Kari: Bye.

“Hey who was that?” Chris asked walking into the dressing room.

“It was Kellie. She either wants you to call or stop by the hospital tonight.” Kari told her brother, taking a towel to him and helping him wipe off the sweat.

“Hey what’s going on in here?” Justin said in a low security type voice.

“Shit Justin you scared me!” Kari said giving him a kiss.

“Sorry ma’am , just doing my duty.” Justin said staying in character.

“Oh Justin knock it off.” Kari said teasingly as the rest of the guys walked in.

“Hey what is everyone doing? This is MY dressing room.” Justin said looking around at everyone in his dressing room, eating his food. “You all have a dressing room of your own.”

“Yeah we know, but we like yours.” Joey said shoving a piece of banana bread in his mouth. “You have a better selection of food.”

“Yeah I should have guessed that would be the main reason you were in here.” Justin said laughing at Joey.

“Alright guys get out! I have to talk to Justin. Besides you guys stink, you need to go take showers!” Kari said pushing the guys out the door.

“Ooohhh better watch it guys, she’s on fire!” Lance said teasing Kari.

Kari ignored the comment and shut the door. She knew she had to tell Justin.

“So what did you want to talk about cutie?” Justin asked taking Kari into his arms.

“Well Justin its not that easy to say.” Kari began, but then there was a knock at the door.

“Oh just one second.” Justin said giving Kari a quick kiss, then going to the door.

“Hi! Justin can we have your autograph?” a couple of girls at the door asked.

“Well of course you can cuties.” Justin said which made all the girls giggle and blush.

“Thank you!” they all said then left to go find the rest of the guys.

“Ok where were we?” Justin asked sitting back down on the couch by Kari.

“Well like I was saying.” Kari began again until something else interrupted them. It was Justin’s cell phone.

“Hello?...mhmm...yeah...ok...bye.” Justin said into the phone.

“Who was that?” Kari asked looking at Justin’s curly blond hair just wondering.

“That was Johnny, he said that I need to go down to the meet and greet room really quick, right I promise I’ll hurry.” Justin said giving her another quick kiss and heading towards the door.

“Justin!” Kari yelled standing up.

“Kari, honey I’ll be right back.” Justin said reaching for the door knob.

“Justin, I have to talk to you now!” Kari said back to Justin.

“Kari it can’t be that important, can it?” Justin said obviously getting irritated.

“Well if you think me being pregnant isn’t very important than just go on to your stupid little meeting.” Kari said now in tears. She feared the day she had to tell him, and know that she did she was scared of his reaction.

“Your what?!” Justin asked not believing what his ears heard.

“Justin I’m pregnant.” Kari said.

“What? With who’s baby?!” Justin asked still in disbelief.

“Well since I’ve only had sex with one person for the last six years, I don’t know...could it be yours?!” Kari replied now getting irritated herself at his stupidity.

“No! It couldn’t be mine! I ALWAYS made sure we used protection!” Justin said now getting defensive.

“Oh so now your calling me a lier? And think back Justin, that time in the pool did we use protection? No! That time in the Kitchen? No! Your parents bed? No! The bathroom? No! And every fuckin night after a concert? NO!” Kari yelled at Justin now very pissed off.

“Well how do you know you really are pregnant for sure?” Justin asked calming down a little.

“I went to the damn doctor Justin!” Kari said still irritated.

“How could this happen? I’m so young. What about my career? Shit! What’s going to happen to my career?” Justin asked himself thinking out loud.

“Oh thanks. Now I know what’s more important to you, your fucking career!” Kari said sitting back down on the couch.

“, Kari that’s not what I meant I’m sorry.” Justin said regretting what he said. “It’s just so sudden, I wasn’t expecting you to tell me anything like this.”

“I know Justin. You have no idea how much courage I had to build up to tell you.” Kari said now calming down.

“So we’re going to have a baby.” Justin said taking Kari and pulling her into a hug. “I love you Kari.”

They sat there for they next ten minutes in each others arms with happy tears flowing.

*Knock Knock Knock*

“That’s probably one of the guys telling me to get my butt down there.” Justin said releasing his grip from Kari.

“Ok hurry up, but don’t tell anyone yet, ok?” Kari said with pleading eyes.

“Don’t worry I won’t, I want us to tell them together.” Justin said giving Kari another kiss.

*Knock Knock Knock*

“Yeah I’m coming.” Justin said opening the door to see JC facing him.

“Hey man come on we’re all waiting on you...hey have you been crying?” JC asked noticing Justin’s red puffy eyes.

“No, no it’s just my allergies acting up again.” Justin lied.


“Ok so if it’s a boy we’ll name it Nicholas Riley, but if it’s a girl we’ll name it Valerie Lee.” Justin said. Him and Kari were in the living room going over baby names they like. It’s been two weeks since she told him, and things were going smoothly. The only thing is, they haven’t told the guys yet.

“Yup I love them!” Kari said smiling brightly.

“Ok so are you ready to go now?” Justin asked Kari, helping her up off the couch. They were on their way to the doctors office to find out if they we’re having a boy or a girl.

“I’m ready as I’ll ever be.” Kari replied. As the couple left, the rest of the guys walked in from their dip in the pool.

“Hey where did Kari and Justin go?” Lance asked looking around.

“Probably upstairs doing the nasty.” Joey said invisioning himself doing Kari.

“Joey that was sick, we all know you want her but please take your fantasies into your own bedroom.” JC said slapping Joey in the back of the head. “Hey what’s this?” JC then asked, picking up the piece of paper Justin and Kari wrote the babies names down on. “Nicholas Riley and Valerie Lee? Who are they?” JC questioned looking at the paper.

“Those are names that Kari says she wants to name her kids when she has them.” Chris said looking confused.

“You think?” Lance asked intrigued.

“No that can’t be possible, their not even having sex are they?” JC asked.

“Well they HAVE been going out for a long six years now.” Joey said with a grin.


“Well from what I can tell in this ultra sound, you guys are having twins. One boy and one girl.” Dr. Kagel told Justin and Kari.

“Oh my gosh Justin twins!” Kari said beginning to cry.

“Come here baby.” Justin said extending his arms out to Kari. “Thank you very much doctor.” Justin said shaking his hand.

“No problem. Remember Kari two weeks from today I have to see you again.” Dr. Kagel replied.

Justin and kari exited the doctors office and headed to his Mercedes.

“Oh my gosh I’m so excited! I have to call Kellie!” Kari said jumping in and grabbing for her cell phone.

Kellie: Hello?

Kari: Hey!

Kellie: Kari! How did it go?!

Kari: I’m having twins! One boy and one girl!

Kellie: Oh my gosh! How exciting!

Kari: It sure is! Hey tonight at dinner we planned on telling the guys. Do you want to come over too?

Kellie: Yeah! Oh my gosh I’m so exited! I’m so happy for you!

Kari: Me too! I can’t wait to see you tonight!

Kellie: I can’t wait to see you either! Ok see you tonight!

Kari: Ok bye!

Kellie: Bye!

“Well she was just a tad bit excited wasn’t she? I could hear her perfectly over here!” Justin said jokingly rubbing his ear.

“Yeah she was.” Kari said laughing, and then a serious expression went over her face. “Justin, you’re happy right?” Kari asked looking over Justin’s facial expressions.

“Oh Kari of course I am! I’ve never been more happy in my life!” Justin said truthfully. Taking Kari’s left hand and caressing it with his.


“Mmmm, something sure smells good in here.” Kari heard someone say entering the kitchen. She turned around to see who it was.

“Kellie!” Kari embraced her friend in a hug. “Gosh it seems like I never get to see you anymore, since you started working at the hospital.”

“Oh I know, it’s been very busy. So what are you making that smells so good?” Kellie asked picking the spoon up out of the pot and tasting the substance on it.

“Fettachini Alfredo of course. You know it’s everyone’s favorite.” Kari said.

“I know I know.” Kellie said taking even more. “So how are you feeling?” Kellie asked patting Kari’s stomach. “Any morning sickness yet?”

“I’m fine. Nope not yet. I’m hoping it’ll just pass me by.” Kari said laughing.

“So how is Justin?” Kellie then asked.

“I think he’s happy.” Kari said stirring the sauce.

“You think?” Kellie asked concerned.

“Well I don’t know. I guess I’m just jumping to conclusions. I asked him today if he was happy and he said yes, but I just can’t tell. I want him to be happy.” Kari replied.

“Kari you know Justin, sometimes it’s hard for him to show his emotions, but I think he’s happy.” Kellie said with a reassuring smile. “So where is Chris? I want to go say hi.”

“Him and the guys are outside in the pool I think.” Kari said looking out the window and over to the pool.

“Ok I’m going to go say hi, I’ll be back.” Kellie said heading outside.


“Ok dinner is served!” Kari and Kellie said simultaneously walking into the dinning room and putting the food on the table as the guys eagerly awaited it.

“Mmmm smells good.” Joey said smelling the Alfredo.

“Ok gimme some of that! I swear you have been starving me all day today! Look at me I’m skin and bones!” Lance said dishing some food onto his plate.

“Oh whatever Lance! Its not like you need anymore food to add to that big ass of yours!” Kari replied back to Lance. Those two hardly ever had a nice thing to say to each other, they were always fighting.

“Oh Kari! How could you say that?! I thought we had something special!” Lance said pretending to cry.

“Oh Lancy Poo, don’t cry I’m sorry.” Kari said playing along and giving him a hug from behind.

“Alright you two knock it off, let’s eat I’m hungry!” JC said splitting the two up and passing the food on down to everyone else.

“Yeah yeah.” Lance said taking a bite.

“Ok ok! Everyone can we have your attention please? Kari and I have a special announcement to make.” Justin said standing up along side Kari.

“Oh you’re getting married!” Joey said teasing.

“No, no we’re not getting married.” Kari chimed in.

“No but what we do have to say is very important, so please pay attention.” Justin said to everyone.

“Well spit it out buddy.” Chris said looking up at his friend.

“Ok well...Kari and I are going to have a baby...actually we’re having twins, one boy and one girl.” Justin said biting his lower lip.

“Oh my gosh! Really? I’m so happy for you!” Lance said walking over and giving both Kari and Justin a hug.

“Yeah you guys, congratulations!” Joey and JC said.

“Excuse me.” Chris said getting up and leaving the table.

“What’s up with him?” Kellie asked after watching Chris leave the room.

“I don’t know but I’ll go talk to him.” Kari said leaving Justin’s side.

Kari exited the room and saw Chris entering his bedroom. She followed in after him.

“Chris what’s the matter?” Kari said seeing Chris sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.

“Well I don’t know Kari let me think. My eighteen year-old little sister just got knocked up. She can’t even take care of herself let alone two babies. The father of these babies is a self centered little brat who’s not going to give a shit about the children. I’m probably going to end up having to take care of them!” Chris said lecturing Kari.

“Chris you are the biggest asshole!” Kari screamed at her brother. She didn’t want to hear anymore. She left to go back down stairs with everyone else.

“Hey Kari! So what’s up with Chris?” Kellie asked coming up to her friend as she entered the dinning room.

“Well he’s not very happy about this at all. He just went off when I asked him what was wrong.” Kari replied.

“What a jackass, but I guess I can understand I mean you’re his little sister who he’s raised for the last six years so in a way you’re like his daughter also. He cares about you so much and it’s hard for him to realize that you’re becoming your own person, you’re growing up.” Kellie said putting a reassuring hand on Kari’s.

“Yeah I guess you’re right, but he just irritates me so much sometimes.” Kari said clenching her fists.

“I know believe me, sometimes he gets on my nerves too.” Kellie said.

“Hey mom to be! Come and give me a hug!” Joey said coming towards her. “So now I’m going to be Uncle Joey. I like it!” Joey said smiling.

“Hey honey how’s Chris?” Justin asked coming up behind her and giving her a kiss on the neck.

“Well truthfully he’s totally pissed. I’ve never seen him this mad before.” Kari said turning and looking Justin in the eye.

“Oh geez, do you think I should go talk to him?” Justin asked looking towards the exit.

“No no...I would like the father of my babies to at least be able to see them when their born.” Kari replied with a slight giggle.

“Yeah I would kind of like that too.” Justin said giving her a hug.” Justin said giving her a hug.


“Alright guys and gal have a seat so we can start this and then finish so we can get out of here!” Johnny said. It was the next morning and the guys had a meeting with Johnny at Trans-Continental Records to discuss the upcoming tour.

“So first off, Kari you are going to travel with the guys right?” Johnny asked.

“Well if she does we’re going to have to get a bigger bus because she’s going to be so fat she’s not going to fit down the aisle.” Chris said before Kari could answer the question.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean Chris?” Justin asked getting mad.

“Well let’s see you little prick. You pressured my sister into having sex with you and then when she did you knocked her up. Now she’s going to get huge and you guys are going to slow us up with two little babies that you’re not even going to be able to take care of.” Chris said glaring at Justin.

“Find Chris, you don’t want me to go on tour with you guys?! Then I’ll just go back home to Oregon! I hate you!” Kari screamed at her brother, standing up and leaving the room.

“Wait, wait...Kari’s pregnant?” Johnny asked with a confused expression on his face.

“Yes Kari is pregnant. We found out a couple weeks ago.” Justin said to Johnny.

“I think you should have informed me of this a little sooner.” Johnny said to Justin.

“Yeah well we just told everyone last night, I didn’t think it would cause problems.” Justin said looking at Chris and then to Johnny.

“Well Justin I don’t think Kari having a baby is going to be much of a problem right now, but what is going to cause a problem is this tiff going on between you and Chris.” Johnny said sternly. “Now we’ll leave you two alone until you can make up.”

The guys exited the room. Now there was only Justin and Chris. Something had to come from this.

“Chris look, I know you’re upset. I just want you to know I love Kari with all my heart and I take full credit for what happened. I know it was my fault, but I don’t look at it as a punishment, I look at it as a blessing. And believe me I will take care of these kids, I will love them with all my heart.” Justin said pouring his heart out to Chris.

“Oh man I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being such a jerk. I’m really happy for you guys. It’s just weird, I always thought I would have children before you guys.” Chris said sympathetically.

“Oh Chris I love you! You are the sweetest brother.” Kari said running over and giving her brother hug. She was standing outside the door and heard the whole thing.

“I love you too sis, and I’m very happy for you.” Chris replied

“And you are going to be the sweetest dad!” Kari then said giving Justin a hug.

“Oh gosh the hormones have already started kicking in.” Chris said jokingly.

“Geez it’s like a damn soap opera in here.” Joey said while him and the other guys walked in the room.


“Yeah Kellie it’s going great so far! I’ve just started to show a little, and Justin is at my feet just about every second of the day waiting on me. I love it!” Kari said laughing. She was talking to Kellie over her cell phone on ‘N Sync’s tour bus. They are in the second month of their tour and four months into her pregnancy.

“Well that must be nice! I wish I had Chris here to do that for me! Gosh I miss him so much.” Kellie said, her enthusiasm weakening when she thought about how much she missed the gentle touch of Chris.

“Oh he misses you too, believe me does he ever miss you. You’re all he ever talks about.” Kari said.

“Really?! Oh gosh.” Kellie said her eyes watering.

“Yup! Would you like to talk to lover boy?” Kari asked.

“Yeah that would be nice.” Kellie replied.

“Ok...Chris! Kellie is on the phone!...ok here he is.” Kari said handing her brother the phone.

“Hey baby...” Chris said taking the phone with him into his bunk.

“KARI!” Justin yelled from somewhere on the bus.

“JUSTIN!” Kari yelled back.

“Kari where are you?! I miss you!” Justin yelled.

“Justin, I’m in the kitchen! Where are you?” Kari asked.

“I’m in my bunk! I need some company!” Justin whined.

“Yeah, yeah you big baby hold on!” Kari said finishing up her cereal. It was late in the evening, but she loved eating her cereal at that time.

Kari walked over to Justin’s bunk and climbed in with him. She found him laying there in his silky baby blue boxers looking hotter than ever.

“Hey there lovely. How are our little babies doing?” Justin said rubbing and talking to Kari’s belly. “I love you so much Kari.” Justin then said kissing her passionately.

“I love you too Justin.” Kari replied in the middle of a kiss.

“Hey you two! Keep it down in there! Some people are trying to sleep!” JC yelled from his bunk.

“Alright you old geezer, geez!” Kari yelled back at him.

“So how are you feeling? Do you need anything?” Justin asked trying to make Kari more comfy.

“No Justin, I’m fine. Let’s just get some sleep I’m really tired.” Kari said with a sweet smile.

“Alright cutie, see you in the morning.” Justin said with a quick kiss and then lights out.


“Ok guys! Get up we’re at the hotel!” Lonnie their bodyguard screamed at them. They just arrived at the hotel in Los Angeles for that night and the next nights concert.

“Hey Kari, honey wake up we’re here.” Justin said lightly shaking her.

“What? Oh ok.” Kari said getting out of bed.

“Oh sorry.” Kari then said. When she was climbing out of the bunk she ran right into Joey coming down the aisle.

“Oh it’s ok, I should have watched were I was going.” Joey said rubbing Kari’s arm. “Man she smells good, and damn does she ever look good...whoa whoa wait a second Joey she is your best friend, and your other best friends girlfriend. You cannot be putting the moves on her.” Joey thought to himself.

“Gosh damn he looks good.” Kari thought to herself. “Kari shut the hell up, it’s just your hormones.” Kari continued to think while looking into Joey’s brown eyes.

“Come on Kari.” Justin said coming up behind her and sweeping her off her feet.

“Ahhh Justin put me down!” Kari said as Justin ran from the bus to the hotel with Kari in his arms.

“Not this time baby.” Justin replied kissing her.

Justin continued to carry Kari through the hotel and up to their suite. Once they go there he placed her on the bed, got on top of her and started kissing all over.

“Justin you wild man. What’s gotten into you?” Kari asked giggling

“I don’t know, I just have an urge that has to be fulfilled right now.” Justin replied taking Kari’s shirt off.

*Cough Cough* Um...excuse me, sorry to interrupt you guys, but I’m having to share a room with you, so try and keep it down when I’m trying to sleep alright?” Lance said walking in and putting his luggage on the other queen size bed in the room.

“Yeah yeah Lance. Hey what time is it anyways?” Justin asked.

“It’s seven am.” Lance said heading out the door.

“Hey people, I’m hungry let’s all go out and get some breakfast!” Chris yelled to everyone. They were all staying in the same suite together because it had two additional rooms along with the living room and kitchen, so they had to double up but it was ok.

“Ok we’re coming.” they all screamed back.

“Justin I don’t feel like going. I’m really tired.” Kari said closing her eyes.

“Are you sure?” Justin asked putting his shirt back on.

“Yeah, I think I’m just going to sleep a little longer.” Kari replied.

“Ok I’ll bring you back something special for breakfast.” Justin replied giving her a kiss and then exiting the room.

“Ok, Kari, Joey is also staying here. He’s sleeping on the couch.” Chris yelled before leaving with the rest of the guys.

“Ok.” Kari said sleepily, dozing off foe the next fifteen minutes. She woke to the sound of a big thud coming from the living room of the suite.

“What the hell was the that?” Kari said to herself. She went out to the living room to see Joey sprawled out on the floor laughing.

“Joey what the hell were you doing?” Kari asked going to Joey’s side to see if he was ok.

“Well I don’t know, at first I was dreaming, I don’t remember what about, and then all the sudden I was on the floor.” Joey said rubbing his head. On the fall down his head came in contact with the coffee table.

“Oh poor baby. Come here so I can make it all better.” Kari said jokingly patting the couch cushion next to her.

“Are you going to make it all better mommy?” Joey said like a baby. He sat on the couch and put his head in her lap.

Kari continued to massage his head while they watched an episode of Seinfeld together.

“Kari you are the best friend a guy could ever have.” Joey said smiling up at Kari.

“Well thank you Joey, now turn the channel this show is boring.” Kari said laughing.

Joey flipped around for what seems like twenty minutes before stopping on a certain music video, “Amazed” by Lonestar.

“I love this song.” Joey said watching the screen.

‘Everytime our eyes meet

this feeling inside me

its almost more than I can take

baby when you touch me

I can feel how much you love me

and it just blows me away

I’ve never been this close to anyone

or anything

I can hear your thoughts

I can see your dreams

I don’t know how you do what you do

I’m so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life

with you by my side

forever and ever

every little thing that you do

baby I’m amazed by you’

“It reminds me of you.” Joey said hopeful.

“What?!” Kari said stopping from what she was doing.

“Kari I know this is probably the worst time to be saying this, but from the first time I met you, I’ve loved you more than a friend.” Joey said.

“Joey...” Kari began, but Joey put a finger to her mouth to keep her quiet and then leaned in for a kiss. The kiss became more passionate and neither of them let up.

“Oh Joey we shouldn’t be doing this...” Kari said in between kisses.

“I know, but I know we both really want this.” Joey replied. He started working his way up Kari’s shirt and unsnapping her bra, then removing her shirt and fondling her breasts that were right before him.

“God Kari you’re beautiful.” Joey said taking a nipple into his mouth and massaging her other one. Kari then worked her hands down his pants to feel his manhood.

“Oh shit.” Kari accidentally said outloud.

“What am I hurting you?” Joey said stopping.

“No, no nothing like that.” Kari said smiling. The reason she said that was because she couldn’t believe his size, she always thought Justin was way above average but damn Joey broke the scale!

“Shit I need you now.” Joey said removing his pants then his shirt. “Tell me if I hurt you.” Joey said slowly entering her.

“Uhhh.” Kari moaned. He filled every inch of her.

This went on for the next fifteen minutes while each of them had multiple orgasms.

“Joey, Joey stop.” Kari said out of breath. “The guys should be home any second, and I do not want us to get caught.” Kari said pushing him off her.

“Yeah you’re right, but damn that was good!” Joey said helping Kari put her shirt back on.

“Thanks for the help.” Kari said giving him a sweet kiss and then headed off for her room.


“Kari! I’m home!” Justin screamed walking into the motel room. “And I brought you back your favorite! Me!” Justin said walking into the room with a bottle of syrup, he was just about to pour it down his pants.

“Justin, NO!” Kari screamed.

“Oh Kari I was just joking! I actually brought you back some french toast.” Justin said smiling.

“Here it is.” he said taking it into the room. He cut it up into little bites and poured syrup on it for her. She started to reach for the fork but,

“Oncon’treare my little lady, I’ll feed you.” he said taking a piece and putting it up to his lips and rubbing the syrup on them and then licking it off while then feeding her the piece.

“Ohhh kinky.” Kari said giggling. “Gosh how could I have ever done that? I’ll never forgive myself! He looks so sweet and innocent sitting there, thinking that he has the best girlfriend in the world, someone who would never cheat on him.” Kari thought to herself looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

“Kari, honey, is something wrong? You’ve been spacing out on me.” Justin said kissing her.

“Oh no, nothing, I was just thinking.” Kari replied.

“About what?” Justin asked concerned.

“Oh I was just thinking about what our kids are going to look like.” Kari said lying straight through her teeth.

“Well if they look like you then their going to be gorgeous.” Justin said sweetly.

“Oh Justin.” Kari said giving him a hug and crying into his shoulder.

“I sure hope she doesn’t do this every time I say something nice, or this is going to be a LONG pregnancy.” Justin thought to himself admiring the sight in front of him.

“Justin, can I be alone for a minute please?” Kari asked lifting her head off his shoulder.

“Yeah is something wrong?” Justin asked again.

“No Justin I told you there wasn’t but I just need to be alone for a few minutes, alright?” Kari asked caressing his cheek.

“Alright I’ll be out in the living room when your ready.” Justin replied leaving the room.

“Ok I’ll be out in a few minutes.” Kari said smiling a fake smile.

She waited until Justin was fully out of the room and shut the door, when she went to go search for her cell phone. She found it laying in one of her bags right on top of a picture of her and Justin on their first date at a French restaurant. She stills remembers it like it was yesterday.


“You look really nice tonight.” Justin complimented Kari sitting across the table from him in her baby blue low top satin dress.

“Thanks, you do too.” Kari replied.

“Le lovebirds, you want pic`ture?” a french gentleman asked them, camera in hands.

Kari looked at Justin, Justin looked at Kari, the both looked at the photographer, shrugged their shoulders and said, “Sure.”

“Alright, after your din`ner I will return to your ta`ble with your pic`ture. The bill will be added to Le tab.” the french guy said.

“Well that’s pretty cool.” Justin said as the guy left.

“Yeah, I’ve never heard of such a thing but it’ll be a nice souvenir from our first date.” Kari said sipping a drink of water from her glass.


*Ring Ring*

Kellie: Hello?

Kari: Hey Kellie!

Kellie: Hey Kari! How are you?

Kari: Well truthfully I’m not very well.

Kellie: Oh Kari, what happened?

Kari: Kellie I did something I can never take back.

Kellie: Kari what did you do?

Kari: Kellie I slept with Joey

Kellie: You what?

Kari: You heard me Kellie.

Kellie: Well yes, but I just can’t be sure I heard what I think I heard. You slept with him?

Kari: Yeah but it shouldn’t have happened.

Kellie: No shit it shouldn’t have happened!

Kari: Everyone went out to breakfast except me and Joey because we were still sleeping. Well I woke up to find Joey sprawled out on the floor because he fell off the couch. I went over to comfort him and one thing lead to another.

Kellie: Kari! Do you know how hurt Justin is going to be when he finds out?

Kari: I know Kellie, but hopefully he won’t find out. So don’t say anything please.

Kellie: Ok I won’t. Well sorry can’t talk long cause I have to get to work but I’ll call you when I get off alright?

Kari: Ok talk to you later, bye.

Kellie: Bye.

Kari hung up the phone and headed out to the living room to see what was going on.

“Hey is everything alright?” Justin asked as Kari curled up in his lap.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Kari replied rubbing his arm.


*Ring Ring*

Justin: Hello?

Kellie: Hey Justin, is Kari there?

Justin: No actually she’s in the shower.

Kellie: Oh ok well...

Justin: Hey Kellie do you know what’s up with Kari? For the last four days, since we were in LA, she’s been acting really weird.

Kellie: Justin remember she’s pregnant. She’s going to go through these mood swings.

Justin: I know, but I think something different is up.

Kellie: If you only knew.

Justin: What’s that supposed to mean?

Kellie: Oh nothing.

Justin: Kellie if you know something, I would really appreciate it if you would tell me.

Kellie: Justin I can’t

Justin: Kellie, tell me!

Kellie: Look Justin I don’t want to tell you over the phone. So if you really want to know then you meet me some where or something, because I’m not going to tell you now.

Justin: Ok we’ll be in Miami later tonight, so tomorrow morning meet me at that little coffee shop on the corner of Hollywood and Vine.

Kellie: Ok nine o’clock I’ll be there.

Justin: Ok see you then.

Kellie: Bye.

Justin: Bye.


“Sweetie I’ll be back I’m going to go get some coffee, do you want anything?” Justin asked Kari.

“No that’s ok, all I want is you when you return.” Kari replied giving Justin a kiss.

Kari followed Justin out to the living room of the motel they were staying in. She saw Joey sitting on the couch watching TV.

“Joey, I’m going to be gone for a little bit so keep an eye on Kari for me, I don’t want her getting picked up by the weirdos in this motel.” Justin said shaking his finger.

“Justin, I’m old enough to take care if myself.” Kari said slapping him.

“Don’t worry I’ll keep an eye on her.” Joey replied putting his arm around Kari.

“Ok see you in a bit honny.” Justin said giving her a kiss and heading for the coffee shop.

“Joey we need to talk.” Kari said taking his hand and leading him to the couch.

“Let me guess this has to do with what happened in LA right?” Joey asked already knowing the answer.

“Well yes Joey because what happened shouldn’t have happened, no matter how much we enjoyed it.” Kari said with a slight laugh.

“I know it shouldn’t have, but like I said I’ve always loved you. I never said anything because of you and Justin, and now that you’re going to be the mother of his children, I had to tell you how I felt before all the changes in your life occurred.” Joey said holding Kari’s hands in his.

“I know Joey. I’ve always had special feelings for you too, but I’ve always had stronger ones for Justin. So I was hoping we could just get past what happened, it was fun while it lasted.” Kari said with another little laugh.

“Alright that sounds good to me.” Joey said taking Kari in his arms for a hug.

“Joey you are the best guy friend a girl could ever have.” Kari said.

“I know.” Joey replied.

Kari and Joey went on to watch some television for the next half an hour until Justin got back.

“Um Kari can I please talk to you for a minute?” Justin asked coldly walking into their room.

“Um yeah sure I guess.” Kari said following him. She was scared to see what he had to say. She walked in and shut the door behind her then went and sat down on the bed.

“Kari how could you?” Justin asked staring straight through her soul.

“Do what?” Kari asked playing stupid.

“Kari don’t give me that shit! I’m not going to put up with it. I was just talking to a very reliable source who informed me about your little rondevue you had a couple of days ago!” Justin said glaring.

“Justin! I never did such a thing!” Kari said still acting.

“Kari! DO NOT LIE TO ME!” Justin yelled. “I know you fucking cheated on me! So I’ve made a decision, I do not want to be involved with someone like that. So I don’t think we should go out anymore. Its over!”

“Justin no...I regret everything I did, and I’m so sorry! Justin I love you! I need you!” Kari said crying unstoppably.

“No Kari it’s over.” Justin said leaving the room. It took every ounce of strength in him not to break down and cry himself.

“Justin!” Kari screamed, she had to run to the bathroom because she was crying so hard she started making herself throw up.


“I’m really going to miss you Kari.” Lance said walking into Kari and Justin’s room in their house in Orlando. The guys are giving a concert there that night. Kari knew she couldn’t continue touring with the guys if her and Justin were broken up, so she is moving in with Kellie for the time being.

“I’m going to miss you too.” Kari said with a tear rolling down her cheek.

“Well here at least I can do is help you pack.” Lance replied helping Kari put her clothes into her suitcase.

“Lance I can’t believe I did what I did. I’m never going to forgive myself, and I don’t think Justin is ever going to forgive me either. And now when the babies are born what am I supposed to tell them? Oh the reason your daddy and I aren’t together is because I cheated on him when I was pregnant with you? Lance I want Justin and I to raise our children together!” Kari said going into another mad fit of crying in Lance’s arm.

“Oh Kari, sweetie It’ll be ok. I know it will turn out alright.” Lance said hugging her back. He was sure hoping it would turn out to be alright.

“Kari! Kellie is here!” Chris screamed upstairs. This was the day Kari was moving out, Kellie was there to help get all of her things.

“Ok tell her to come on up!” Kari yelled back down.

“Thanks Lance. You’re the greatest.” Kari said zipping up her last bag. “And thanks for letting me borrow your 4-Runner while you’re on tour.”

“Sure just treat her well.” Lance said smiling.

“Hey Kari.” Kellie said walking into the room. “I’ll start taking these bags down.” Kellie then said picking up three bags and heading down stairs.

“Gosh Lance. I’m really going to miss this bed.” Kari said rubbing her hand along the comforter. “I’m really going to miss this room and I’m really going to miss this house.”

“I know you will, but Kari I know you’ll be back.” Lance said picking up some other bags and heading towards the door.

For the next ten minutes, all the guys except Justin helped load Kari’s stuff into the vehicles. Justin hung out by the pool, he hadn’t said one word to Kari since the morning they broke up.

“We’re going to miss you Kari, but we know you’ll be back soon enough.” JC said hugging Kari goodbye. The guys knew what Kari did to Justin, but they were very forgiving because they saw how much Kari regretted what she did. Joey just felt bad about everything. He didn’t regret what he did with Kari, he just wished she would have been single. No one knew it was Joey who Kari cheated with except Kellie, Joey and Kari.

“I’ll see ya soon sis, I’ll call to check up on you.” Chris said hugging her and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m going to miss you Chris.” Kari said starting to cry again.

“I’m going to miss you too.” Chris replied.

“Oh come here Kari.” Lance said pulling Kari into a hug. “I know I’ll see you soon, and I’ll call you all the time.”

“Ok you better.” Kari replied wiping tears from her face.

“Hey girl.” Joey said. It was his turn to say goodbye.

“Hey Joey.” Kari said smiling.

“I’m sorry for everything that’s happened. I’m going to miss you so much, all of our long talks we used to have every night. I’m going to have to call you to keep that up. I wish I could take away all your pain and make everything better, but I know I can’t, and I’m sorry for what I caused.” Joey said giving Kari a hug.

“Joey I’m going to miss you so much also, but it’s not all your fault. I had a little something to do with it too.” Kari said with a slight giggle between her sobs that had started up again.

“Come on Kari! Are you ready?” Kellie asked climbing into her Ford Expedition after saying goodbye to Chris.

“Yeah you go ahead, it’s not like I don’t know where you live.” Kari said waving Kellie off.

“Ok I’ll see you when you get there then.” Kellie said pulling out of the driveway.

“Alright I guess I should be going. Can you tell Justin I at least said goodbye?” Kari asked Joey.

“Ok I will.” Joey replied. “I’ll call you later.”

“Sounds good. Talk to you later.” Kari said still crying and heading to Lance’s 4-Runner.


It’s been five weeks since Kari moved out, she figured things would get better over time, but they didn’t. She hasn’t been able to have a decent night of sleep since the incident. The guys, besides Justin, made sure they called her at least every other day, if not every. They always kept her updated on everything that was going on, although they tried hard not to bring up the subject of Justin. When they did, it always sounded like everything was great with him, but what everyone didn’t know was that he was dying inside. Kari knew it was Kellie that told Justin, but she didn’t dare bring it up. She wasn’t in the mood for another fight. Besides she already knew Kellie had a big mouth, and that if she didn’t want anyone to find out then she shouldn’t have told Kellie.


Justin laid there in his bunk on his way to another concert. He like Kari also not had a decent night of sleep.

“How could she do this to me? After six years! And with who? Gosh I wish Kellie would have told me! I miss her so much, I wish I was holding her now...but no she did something very wrong and you will not forgive her.” Justin told himself.


“Kellie what am I going to do? I cannot live without him!” Kari said walking into Kellie’s bedroom. She was getting ready for work.

“Kari it’s been five weeks! This is not healthy! I mean when was the last time you went outside?” Kellie asked looking at Kari’s appearance. She was wearing a pair of old ratty boxers and a stained white T-shirt. Her hair looked like it hadn’t been brushed in a week and she had the biggest bags under her eyes. On top of all that, in these last five weeks she has blown up like a balloon in the stomach area.

“Kellie I know but it’s so hard. I guess you don’t understand what I’m going through.” Kari said exiting the room. She was not in the mood for a lecture.

“Ok well I’m off! I’ll be home later!” Kellie yelled as she left the house.

Kari decided to call Chris, to see what was happening. He always knew how to make her laugh.

Chris: Hello?

Kari: Hey there!

Chris: Oh hey sis!

Kari: So what have you guys been up to today?

Chris: Actually today is one of our rest days, so we’re just chillin in the hotel room. Yeah but the funniest thing ever happened to today. We were all down in the lobby today checking into out room. Well Joey saw this really hott girl. He went up and started talking to her, and about two minutes later JC came up behind Joey and was going to jump on his back to scare him. Well when he did I guess it scared Joey a little to much that he let out this monstrous fart! It was louder than the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor! Man you should have seen the look on his face! The girl was so disgusted she just turned around and walked off. Man it was so funny! You should have been there! Kari? Kari?

Kari: Chris...ow it hurts...Chris the babies.

Chris: Kari?!

Chris heard no response and immediately called Kellie, since she worked at a hospital she could get an ambulance there a lot quicker than Chris trying to get a hold of the 911 people in Orlando when they were in Boise, ID.

*Ring Ring*

Kellie: Hello?

Chris: Kellie listen...

Kellie: Chris I’m working, I can’t be on my cell phone!

Chris: Kellie! Something happened to Kari! You need to get an ambulance to her now!

Kellie: Oh my god! Alright I’m going right now to get them.

Chris: Ok. I’m taking the first flight out of here so I’ll see you in a bit.

Kellie: Ok bye.

Chris: Bye.

“Justin get up! Something has happened to Kari and the babies!” Chris yelled running into Justin’s room to find him going through a photo album of all Justin and Kari’s times together. Kari had made it for Justin just a few months before, for a birthday present.

“What?! What happened?!” Justin said standing up off the bed.

“I don’t know. I was talking to her on the phone, and I was telling her a story and then she was quiet and I was like, Kari? And all she said was, Chris ow it hurts, Chris the babies. So I called Kellie and Kari should be on her way to the hospital now.” Chris said all in one breath.

“Well let’s go! If anything happens to her I’ll never forgive myself.” Justin said running out the door.


“Shit Chris! Shit Chris! Shit Chris! Why did I have to be such a jerk?! Why couldn’t I just forgive her?!” Justin said on the verge of tears. They were on a one way flight to Orlando, they had another twenty minutes until their arrival.

“Justin, man don’t blame yourself. She dishonored your love. You did what any other guy would do, but I know you still love her and hopefully you guys can work past this.” Chris said giving Justin a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

Justin and Chris sat there for the next twenty minutes just worrying and praying that Kari and the babies would be alright.

“Ladies and gentlemen. We will be landing in a matter of minutes so please fasten your seatbelts, for we may encounter some turbulence.” the Flight Attendant stated in the intercom.

“Ok good we’re here. I called for a limo, so it should be there when we get out.” Chris said looking over at Justin who was starring out the window.


“Chris!” Kellie said as she saw him and Justin enter the waiting room. They embraced each other in a meaningful hug and kiss.

“So how is she?” Justin asked going over to Kellie.

“Well the doctor said she go here just in time. She’s losing a lot of blood. He said it was because she’s been under a lot of stress and it was to much for her body to handle. He said she arrived just in time to save her, but that we just have to pray for the babies.” Kellie said beginning to cry.

“Oh honny, it’ll be ok I promise. I know Kari, and she will fight. She won’t let anything happen to those babies.” Chris said hugging Kellie.

“Well where is the doctor? I want to see her.” Justin asked looking around.

“Right over there.” Kellie replied pointing over to the nurses station where Dr. Kagel stood marking something on Kari’s chart.

“Dr. Kagel! Is it all right if I go see Kari?” Justin asked approaching the man.

“Yes, she’s in room 214 it’s right around the corner.” he replied showing Justin the way.

“Ok thank you.” Justin said.

Justin walked around the corner and down the hall until he came to a closed door that said 214. He took a deep breath and walked in. There Kari laid with IV’s stuck in her all over.

“Justin!” Kari said weakly. Her stress rate rising. “Oh Justin, I’ve missed you so much.”

“Kari, I’m so sorry. I came the second I heard.” Justin said pressing his lips against hers. Oh how she longed for the touch of his soft skin again, the smell of cologne covering his body, the warmthness she always felt when she was with him.

“Justin I’m so sorry.” Kari said beginning to cry.

“Kari you have nothing to be sorry about now. I’m the one who should be sorry, sorry for putting you through all this stress and causing this to happen.” Justin said kissing her hand.

“But Justin, the doctor said the babies.” Kari began.

“Kari I know I heard, all we can do is pray. But you just need to relax and get some rest.” Justin spoke up.

“Justin will you sing to me?” Kari asked closing her eyes.

“Of course I will sweetie.” Justin said beginning to sing I Do by 98 Degrees.

‘All I am, all I’ll be

Everything in this world

All that I’ll ever have

Is in your eyes

Shinning at me

When you smile I can feel

All my passion unfolding

Your hand brushes mine

And a thousand sensations

Seduce me cause I

I do cherish you

For the rest of my life

You don’t have to think twice

I will love you still

From the depths of my soul

It’s beyond my control

I’ve waited so long to say this to you

If you’re asking do I love you this much

I do

In my world before you

I lived outside my emotions

Didn’t know where I was going

Til that day I found you

How you opened my life

To a new paradise

In a world torn by change

Still with all of my heart

Til my dying day’

Justin sat there watching this beautiful creature in front of him falling into a sleep of peacefulness.

“I love you Kari.” Justin said thinking outloud.

“I love you too Justin.” Kari said smiling. He only thought she was asleep.


“Hey guys come here quick we’re on the news!” Joey yelled to the guys. JC, Joey and Lance flew in that night after they heard.

“Pop group ‘N Sync has canceled their next five shows on their Boys of the Summer tour. Supposedly because ‘N Sync member Justin Timberlake’s girlfriend Kari Courtney is pregnant and is now in the hospital due to some complications. Although don’t worry fans out there, ‘N Sync’s management has said that they are going to reschedule those five concerts, so girls keep those tickets.” the news reporter said over the National news.

“Holy shit!” Justin said slumping down into the couch. “How the hell did the news find out?”

“I don’t know man, somebody had to of leaked.” JC said.

“Yeah it was probably Johnny.” Lance replied.

“Well I’m going back to the hospital.” Justin said getting up and grabbing for his keys.

“Justin, man we just got back from there.” Joey said shoving some popcorn into his mouth.

“Yeah well Joey I can’t stand being here knowing Kari is laying in the hospital and I don’t know what is going on with her.” Justin said opening the door.

“Ok sorry man.” Joey replied.

“No I’m sorry. I am just really stressed out right now.” Justin said leaving the house.

He drove in silence on the way to the hospital, just thinking about all the fun times him and Kari shared together and all the fun times they will hopefully share in the future with their kids. He then thought about his poor mom, when she heard the news she was crushed. The same thing happened when she was pregnant with Justin and his twin sister Laura Kathrine. Minutes after she had them Laura died.

“God please let Kari be ok, and please let Valerie and Nicholas survive. I don’t know what I would do if I lost any of them.” Justin said to himself.

Justin arrived at the hospital and parked right next to Kellie’s car. He walked inside to the waiting room to see Chris sitting there with his head in his hands crying.

“Chris! What are you doing here? What’s wrong?” Justin said running over to Chris.

“Well I went and dropped Kellie off and since I was here I decided to go talk to Kari and check up on her. I went to her room and there was no one in the room, so I went and asked the nurse where she was and the nurse said she fell unconscious and stopped breathing. The doctor had to revive her and their still in there and they won’t tell me what’s happening.” Chris said.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Justin asked.

“I tried, everyone’s cell phone but they were either busy or no one answered them all.” Chris said in between tears.

“Oh hey man, I’m sure she’ll be fine.” Justin said breaking down with Chris.

“Excuse me, are either of you family of Miss Kari Courtney?” a woman in a white uniform asked.

“Yes, I’m her brother.” Chris said standing up and walking over to her.

“Ok follow me please.” she replied leading him into one of the hospital rooms.

“Kari!” Chris said seeing Kari back in her hospital bed looking out the window.

“Chris!” she said turning her head.

“Kari what happened? I’ve been so worried.” Chris said going to her side.

“I’m not exactly sure, they said I stopped breathing because of how much blood I’ve lost. Then they and did a blood transfusion to replenish my blood, so I’m a lot better now. They also said I could go home tomorrow, but I’m bed ridden for the rest of my pregnancy.” Kari said smiling.

“Well that’s good to hear you get to come home, but it sucks you have to stay in bed for four months.” Chris said sweetly.

“Yeah but hey at least I get to be waited on hand and foot.” Kari said laughing.

“That’s true but we’re only able to cancel five concerts so we have to leave next week. So who are you going to get to take care of you?” Chris asked.

“Well I guess Kellie. I don’t know maybe I can get mom to come out for awhile.” Kari replied.

“Yeah you could ask her.” Chris then said.

“So hey did you call Justin or anything? I really want to see him.” Kari asked.

“Yeah actually he’s out in the waiting room right now, I’ll go get him.” Chris said getting up from the chair he was sitting in, only to be stopped by Kari’s hand grabbing his arm.

“Chris I just wanted to say thank you for everything you’ve done for me, you are the best brother a girl could ever ask for.” She said giving him a sweet smile.

“Well I don’t think I could have asked for a better sister.” he replied kissing her forehead.

Chris left the room to go get Justin.

“Hey baby doll.” Justin said walking over to Kari and giving her a kiss.

“So how are you feeling? Chris told me what happened.” Justin said taking her hand.

“Well I feel a lot better now than I have for like the last six weeks, I’m glad I get too come home finally.” Kari replied.

“Yeah I’m glad also, I only wish I could stay with you the whole time though.” Justin said with a sad expression.

“I know, I wish you could to but your career is very important to you and it’s very important to me to see you happy. I’ll be fine when you’re gone, Kellie will be here.” Kari replied.


“Welcome home!” everyone cheered as Kari and Justin walked through the doors of their house. They had set up a little surprise party for her on her arrival.

“Oh you guys you shouldn’t have!” Kari said in total shock.

“Oh Kari you know you’re enjoying the spotlight.” Kellie said teasingly.

“Well ya I do.” Kari responded laughing.

“Hey Kari come on let’s go sit you down on the couch.” Justin said taking her hand and leading her down into the sunken living room.

“Alright daddy I’m coming.” Kari replied smiling at Justin.

“So Kari how are you feeling?” Joey asked taking a seat next to her.

“Hey where did JC go?” Kari asked noticing he left the room.

“Oh yeah that’s another thing that has changed, JC and Michele have been getting to become close friends here lately. He’s been on the phone 24/7 with her.” Kellie said talking about her younger sister Michele.

“Oh really? Sorry Joey I got side tracked there for a moment. Well to answer your question, I’m feeling 100% better.” Kari said smiling.

*Knock Knock*

“Oh that must be everyone else.” Kellie said going to the door.

“Everyone else?” Kari asked.

“Well yeah you didn’t think this was it for the party did you? We’re having a baby shower for you.” Lance said.

Just then Kari’s other friends she’s made since she moved to Orlando walked through the door. They were Christina, Jennifer, Liana, Rhone, Nita, Britney, Nikki, Jessica, Debi, Diane and Lindsay.

“Oh you guys!” Kari said unable to get up to greet them.

“Kari we’re so happy for you.” Christina said going over and giving Kari a hug.

“Yeah we are.” the rest of them said taking their turn giving Kari hugs.

“You guys this is so sweet! I seriously wasn’t expecting any of this. A baby shower was the last thought on my mind.” Kari said laughing.

The rest of the evening went great. Kari and Justin received many gifts for their babies, not to mention a few gifts for themselves from Christina. She some how manages to find pregnancy teddies.

“Christina! You bad girl!” Kari said covering up the teddy and turning a deep shade of red.

“Ok Kari now it’s time for one last surprise. It’s a gift from the guys and me.” Justin said helping Kari up.

“Please don’t tell me it’s a vibrating bed or something.” Kari said laughing heading down the hall where Lynn’s bedroom used to be when she lived with them. All of her friends were eagerly following behind.

“No, no nothing like that, it’s actually something like this.” Chris said opening the door and leading Kari inside.

“Ahhh, oh my gosh! This is so sweet!” Kari said her eyes watering. The sight she saw was amazing. The guys redid the entire room for the twins. Half the room was done in boy stuff and other half of the room was done in girl stuff. The boys theme was basketball, and the girls theme was gymnastics and hearts.


It was 3:30 the next morning. Kari and Justin were peacefully sleeping until...

“Oh shit.” Kari said waking up from a dead sleep and heading to the bathroom as fast as her little waddling legs could take her. She fell to her knees and started puking like there was no tomorrow.

“Kari honny.” Justin said walking into the bathroom, to see what was going on, half asleep rubbing his eyes.

“Justin it’s a little something called morning sickness.” Kari said still puking. her hair falling into her face. It was not a pretty sight.

“Well here let me get your hair.” Justin said pulling her hair out of her face to notice vomit on the ends. “And maybe give you a shower after you’re done here.”

“Ok I think I’m done.” Kari said grabbing a towel from the counter and whiping her face.

“Alright well before we get back in bed, I think I should clean you off a little more.” Justin said showing Kari the ends of her hair. “I’ll start the shower.”

“Ok.” Kari said starting to get undressed. “But you have to get in with me.”

“I know I was planning on it.” Justin said putting toothpaste on her toothbrush. He would do a lot of things for Kari, but he wasn’t about to kiss her after she threw up until she brushed her teeth.

Kari went on to brush her teeth, then her and Justin hopped in the shower together. He gave her a long passionate kiss.

“Wow.” Kari said running her finger over her lips.

“I love you so much Kari, and I love the fact I’m bathing my baby.” Justin said giving her another kiss while putting some shampoo in her hair.


The rest of the week went great. The guys always trying to do things to keep her entertained. Today though was the day the guys had to leave. Instead of Kari going back over to Kellie’s, Lynn decided she wanted to come take care of Kari.

“I’m going to miss you Justin.” Kari said tears running down her cheek.

“Oh honny I’m going to miss you too but don’t worry I’ll be back before our babies our born.” Justin replied kissing her tears away. They were in their room and Justin was finishing his packing.

“You better be! Cause these kids aren’t coming out of me unless your there!” Kari said partcially joking and partcially serious also.

“Don’t worry I will be!” Justin said rubbing his hand along Kari’s stomach.

“Come on Justin! We need to get going before we miss our flight!” JC yelled from the living room.

Justin and Kari went downstairs to everyone standing at the door waiting for Justin. Lynn and Kellie were saying their goodbyes. Kari said he emotional goodbyes as well. She always cried when she had to say goodbye. They watched the guys drive off.

“Come on Kari let’s get you inside to rest on the couch.” Lynn said taking Kari’s arm and leading her back into the house.

“Now you just relax right here, you’re going to have to get used to not doing anything.” Lynn then said fluffing Kari’s pillows. “Me and Kellie will be in the kitchen making some pasta salad. That’s another thing, you need to start eating healthy. I’ve seen the crap Justin has made, and I know it’s not healthy.”

“Yeah I guess your right.” Kari said with a faint smile.


It was one week before Kari’s due date. Lynn had gone into town to do some shopping for more baby stuff. There is hardly any room in the house now because of all the baby stuff she has bought. Kari had a feeling something was going to happen that day, and she was right. Her water just broke.

*Ring Ring*

Lynn: Hello?

Kari: Lynn it’s time.

Lynn: Oh my! Hang on I’ll be home in two seconds.

Lynn hung up the phone and ran to Justin’s Mercedes. She put the petal to the metal and sped home.

“Shit Justin’s not supposed to be home for another two days!” Kari thought to herself. She decided to call Justin because she knew that, that was the last thing on Lynn’s mind.

*Ring Ring*

Justin: Hello?

Kari: Justin! Get your ass here! I’m having the babies!

Justin: This soon? Ok I’ll be right there.

Justin then hung up the phone and Kari was once again alone. Three contractions later Lynn finally arrived.

“Honny come on.” Lynn said rushing in and helping Kari back to the car.

“I called Justin, he said he was on his way.” Kari said moaning in pain.

“Alright, just remember Kari breath.” Lynn told her.

“I know I am.” Kari replied

The rest of the way there was drove in silence. Kari was very nervous about what was going to happen hours later.


“Alright Ms. Courtney, I think your ready for the delivering room.” the nurse said leaving the room to get some other help to transport her.

“Lynn, no I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to do this. Go tell the nurse I’ll be going home now.” Kari said on the verge of an anxiety attack.

“Kari honny you can’t just change your mind. You have to go through with this.” Lynn replied with a laugh stroking Kari’s hair.

“But Justin isn’t here! He promised me he’d be here!” Kari whimpered.

“Listen to me, he will be here. I promise.” Lynn said. Hoping she could keep that promise.

“Ok here we go.” the nurse said smiled as she came in with three other nurse type people. “And here you go Mrs. Harless, since it doesn’t appear the father will be here on time, you can get dressed down to be in the delivering room right around this corner.” the nurse then said directing her to a room to change.

“He’ll be here.” Kari said in a snotty voice to the nurse. “Ohhhh.” Kari moaned as another contraction came.

“Ok Kari you just need to be calm and relax. The doctor will be here in a few seconds.” one of the other nurse type people said.

Kari looked around at her surroundings, it was a cozy little room. Just then the door started to open. She was expecting the doctor or Lynn to walk in, but to her surprise it was...

“Justin! Oh Justin I’ve missed you so much!” Kari said smothering Justin’s face with kisses as he walked over to her.

“I’ve missed you too sweetie.” Justin replied kissing her back.

“Sorry to interrupt here, but Kari we need to get this thing started.” Dr. Kagel said walking into the room.

One hour went by and finally one of the babies had been delivered. It was the boy, Nicholas Riley.

“Ok Kari one last push.” the doctor told Kari. “And we’ll have her out.”

Kari pushed with all her might and Valerie Lee was born.

“Here you two proud parents go.” the nurse said handing Valerie to Kari and Nicholas to Justin.

“Oh Kari, I’m so proud of you.” Justin said kissing her forehead, then the tip of her nose, and then her mouth.


“Oh Kari she’s beautiful.” Lynn said holding Valerie.

“Yeah little Nicholas is going to be a little heart breaker someday.” Chris said holding Nicholas.

It was about thirty minutes later and everyone was gathered in Kari’s room admiring the two little miracles.

“Gosh I still can’t believe this really happened. It’s just weird seeing our little Kari being a mother, and Justin being a father!” Lance said shaking his head.

“Well I wish you two the best of luck! God knows you’ll need it with two babies, but don’t worry we’ll all be here to help you out when you need it.” JC said smiling and messing with Kari’s hair.

“Yeah we’ll all be here for ya, but I guess we’ll have to be when we’re stuck on the tour bus with you.” Joey said laughing.

“But hey! Don’t forget I’d like to see them once and a while too! So anytime you need a baby-sitter, I’ll be here!” Kellie said.

“Thanks Kellie.” Kari smiled at her friend.


*Crying Crying*

“Shit...Justin come on their up again.” Kari said waking Justin up. This was the third time tonight. No one has got any sleep for the last week since the babies were born.

“Kari I don’t want to go.” Justin said waking up.

“Justin.” Kari said sternly.

“Kari.” Justin said imitating her.

“God! Fine I’ll do it myself, like I usually do!” Kari said in a huff and walked out the door to the nursery.

Kari walked in to find that it was only Valerie who was crying, thank god because she wouldn’t have been able to get both of them asleep by herself. Just then Nicholas started crying also.

“Oh this is great.” Kari said her eyes on the verge of tears.

“Hey need some help?” Chris asked walking in and over to Nicholas’s crib.

“Yeah thanks Chris you’re a big help.” Kari said smiling.

“So where is Justin? Shouldn’t he be in here helping too?” Chris asked.

“Jackass is still sleeping. Seems, he was just to tired to get up and help me.” Kari said rolling her eyes.

They finally got the babies to sleep. They both headed back to their rooms. Kari walked in and laid back down in bed.

“Hey baby.” Justin said rolling over to Kari and wrapping his arms around her.

“Get the hell off me.” Kari replied angrily. She grabbed a pillow and a blanket and headed down the stairs. She was going to sleep on the couch that night.

Kari awoke the next morning, she felt refreshed. For the first time since the babies, the house was quiet.

“What the hell time is it?” Kari asked herself looking over at the VCR. “Shit eleven o’clock?!”

She got up and ran to the nursery. When she got there she was very surprised at the sight she saw in front of her.

“Where is everyone else at?” Kari asked. Justin sat in the rocker with Nicholas and Valerie in each arm asleep.

“They all went out for breakfast.” Justin replied looking at her with sorry eyes.

“Oh.” Kari said walking over and straightening up their beds.

“Kari, I just want to say I’m sorry. I know I haven’t been much help during the night. I will now though help you every night, every time no matter what. I’ll even do it myself sometimes. It took me awhile to realize what a jerk I really was being, and I’m sorry.” Justin apologized.

“Alright, I’ll give you another chance.” Kari said smiling and messing with his hair. She took Valerie out of his arms. “So how about we put the kids to bed and we go have ourselves a dip in the pool.” Kari said putting Valerie in her crib.

“Sounds good to me!” Justin replied doing the same with Nicholas.

They both ran to their room and changed into their swim suits as fast as they could. Kari put on her pastel pink bikini, while Justin put on his baby blue trunks.

“You better run cause I’m coming to get you!” Justin said chasing Kari outside and over to the pool. Once they got there he grabbed her and jumped into the pool.

“Oh you jerk!” Kari said coming up for a breath.

They fooled around in the pool for a while until Kellie and Jessica showed up for a visit.

“Hey you two, just remember that’s how Valerie and Nicholas were born.” Kellie said walking out to see Justin and Kari engulfed in a kiss.

“Yeah yeah.” Justin and Kari said breaking apart from each other and getting out of the pool.

“Hey Justin.” Jessica said winking at him.

“Hey Jessica.” Justin replied back with a sweet smile.

“Wow, hey have you been working out?” Jessica asked Justin walking over and feeling his mussels in his arm.

“Uh, no Jessica he hasn’t.” Kari said grabbing Justin away from her.

“Touchy touchy.” Jessica then said in a preppy girl voice.

“Ok I’m going to get changed.” Justin said with a confused look on his face.

“Yeah I think I’m going to go get a drink.” Kellie said heading into the house after him.

“So Justin is looking pretty hott.” Jessica said to Kari.

“Yeah Jessica he is, but just remember he’s mine.” Kari said glaring at her.

“Oh Kari who are you kidding. Justin has to be getting tired of looking at you, you’re worn, you’re old looking. It’s time he had some new young flesh. Like me maybe.” Jessica said admiring herself.

“Fuck you Jessica! He loves me, he would never go for a skanky hoe like you! Now get the hell out of my house!” Kari yelled at her.

“Ok Kari but before I leave though, just know this. He will be mine!” Jessica said with a flash of her teeth then turned around and walked towards the house. Kari followed closely behind her.

“Jessica where are you going?” Justin asked slipping his shirt on as he walked into the living room and saw Jessica grabbing for the door.

“Oh it seems your girlfriend doesn’t want me here.” Jessica said whining.

“What? Kari?” Justin asked looking over at Kari.

“You heard me I don’t want this little slut in my house.” Kari said directing her stare to Jessica.

“Well it’s fine.” Jessica said walking over to Justin and kissing him on the cheek. “I’ll call you later.” she whispered to him. Then she was gone.

“What the hell was that all about?” Justin said in a daze with a smile on his face.

“God damn Justin you really know how to piss me off don’t you?” Kari asked coldly. “Fine you like Justin? I guess I’m not good enough for you anymore. I mean I guess I can’t blame you look at me. I’m a mess.” Kari said starting to cry.

“Kari. No I do not like Jessica. I love you, I’ll always love you.” Justin said walking over and giving Kari a hug. “Now what happened between the two of you out there?”

“Well she just started going off on how you don’t love me anymore because I look like shit, and I look old. She said she was going to take you away from me.” kari continued to cry.

“Oh honny don’t worry no one is going to take me away from you.” Justin said comforting her.

“You promise?” Kari asked looking into his eyes.

“I promise.” Justin smiled at her.

“What just went on in here?” Kellie said walking out of the kitchen with part of a bagel sticking out of her mouth.

“Nothing Kellie, nothing.” Justin replied laughing at her.


“Whaa, Whaa.” the babies cried non-stop. It’s been another two weeks and the guys were back on tour. Jessica is still trying to get with Justin, but Kari is making sure she doesn’t.

“Justin where do you think you’re going?” Johnny asked Justin as he watched him walk away from the sound check right in the middle of the song to go help Kari with the kids.

“I’m going to help Kari take care of my children, Kari can’t do it alone.” Justin stated taking Valerie out of Kari’s arms.

“Damnit Justin, I told you that you can bring your kids along, but only if it didn’t interfere with your work.” Johnny yelled at him across the stage.

“Johnny look you told me I had to take responsibility’s for my actions, well I’m doing it now. If you don’t like it, then I can’t help it, but I’m not going to make Kari raise OUR kids alone!” Justin said back to him.

“I understand that, and I don’t want Kari to raise them alone. I love her as if she were my own daughter, but we haven’t been able to get through one sound check since we started back on tour.” Johnny said calming down.

“I know, but it’s the way it’s going to be from now on.” Justin replied walking back on stage and into place.


*Ring Ring*

Justin’s cell phone rang in the bus. He wasn’t around to answer it so Chris did.

Chris: Hello?

Jessica: Hi, is Justin there?

Chris: No he can’t come to the phone right now, can I tell him who called?

Jessica: Yeah tell him Jessica called him and that I can’t wait to hear his voice. Chris: Uh...ok, I guess I’ll tell him that.

Jessica: Ok thanks bye!

“Who was that Chris?” Joey asked noticing Chris’s facial expression.

“That was Jessica, you know he has been talking to her a lot lately.” Chris replied.

“You don’t think he’s trying to get back at Kari for cheating on him do you?” Lance asked the guys.

JC, Chris, Joey and Lance were all sitting in the back of the bud while Kari and Justin took care of Valerie and Nicholas up front.

“No, I just don’t think Justin realizes that Jessica is after him. He just thinks of her as a friend. Or maybe he is trying to get back at Kari.” JC said.

“Well who the hell did Kari cheat with? I don’t think anyone ever found that out.” Lance said thinking who it could be.

“Yeah I don’t know.” JC replied.

“Me neither, she never told me.” Chris also said.

“Joey? Do you know?” JC asked knowing Joey hadn’t said anything.

“Well...yeah actually I do.” Joey said fidgeting with his hands.

“So who is it?” Lance spit out wanting to know who it is.

“Um...” Joey said still fidgeting.

“Joey!” Chris yelled at him.

“Chris, shut up! Justin cannot find out!” Joey said back, glaring at him.

“Oh my god Joey! I can’t believe you did that!” JC said in disbelief.

“What did Joey do?” Justin asked, walking in with Nicholas in his arms.

“Oh, um, we were just talking about that time Joey asked that girl out and she said no, and then Joey made a fool out of himself.” Chris said trying to think of something.

“Hmmm....that’s funny, that’s not what I heard.” Justin said handing Nicholas to Chris. Then walking over towards Joey.

“So Joey, do you have something you’d like to share with me?” Justin asked looking him straight in his eyes.

“No, I don’t think I do.” Joey said scared out of his mind.

“You fuckin screwed my girlfriend you son of a bitch!” Justin yelled pulling Joey up by his collar and getting right in his face.

“Man calm down. It was a long time ago.” Joey said throwing his arms up in defeat.

“A long time ago my ass! It’s your fault she almost died, that out kids almost died, and we almost broke up for good!” Justin said about ready to punch Joey. Until JC and Lance came over and broke them up.

“Justin you just need to go to your bunk and calm down, we’ll take care of Nicholas.” JC said pushing Justin towards his bunk, but Justin made sure he grabbed his cell phone before he went.

Justin headed to his bunk. He laid down and thought of everything that’s been going on in his life. He was so stressed, he needed to rest. he tried to take a little nap, but was unsuccessful. He thought he’d give Jessica a call, she was always the person he called now when he wanted to get away from it all.

*Ring Ring*

Jessica: Hello?

Justin: Hey there!

Jessica: Oh hey there cutie! What’s wrong?

Justin: Nothing, I’m just very stressed right now.

Jessica: Oh I wish I could take away all your pain.

Justin: I wish you could too.

Jessica: Justin, just remember I’ll always be here for you. If you want to say goodbye to everything, I’ll be right here waiting. Justin I love you.

Justin: I can’t throw away everything. I love Kari, and my children, and my career.

Jessica: Well just remember what I said.

Justin: I know I will.

Jessica: Well hey I know you guys are heading back to Orlando now for a concert, you should come and visit me, so then we can talk.

Justin: You know what, I think I’ll take you up on that offer.

Jessica: Ok then I guess I’ll see you soon.

Justin: Yeah. Bye.

Jessica: Bye cutie.

Justin hung up the phone. He was thinking about Jessica, but Kari always popped up in his mind. Then he would think of Joey and his thoughts went back to Jessica. Finally he fell asleep.

“Guys where is Justin?” Kari asked walking in the back of the bus with Valerie.

“Um I think he’s taking a nap.” JC quickly answered.

“Oh, I thought I heard some yelling earlier. What was that all about?” Kari then asked sitting down next to Joey.

“Well the truth is Justin found out who it was you cheated with.” Chris told her.

Kari looked at Chris and then to Joey.

“Shit.” was all Kari could say.

“And know he’s in his bunk talking to Jessica.” Lance added.

“Jessica? I’m really getting fucking tired of that skanky hoe calling all the time.” Kari said getting mad.


“Everyone off!” Johnny screamed as he walked onto the bus. “You’re home for two days, so I want EVERYONE to get some rest before the concert tomorrow night!”

“Yeah yeah.” everyone said getting off the bus. They were all finally sleeping for once, and now they had to get up.

Kari walked in the house with Nicholas, while Justin did the same with Valerie. He hadn’t said one word to her since he found out.

“Here Lance, can you watch her for a little bit for me? I’m going out.” Justin said handing Lance Valerie.

“Justin do you think that’s a good idea?” Lance asked taking her and realizing it was time for a diaper change.

“Yeah I’ll be back.” Justin replied.

Justin headed out the door to his Mercedes. He was going to Jessica’s.

“Ok now where is he going?” Kari asked Lance walking into the living room.

“I don’t know he wouldn’t tell me.” Lance replied. Then looking towards the door to see Kellie walk in.

“Hello family!” Kellie said cheerfully. She was very exited to see Chris.

“He’s upstairs.” Kari replied knowing what she wanted.

“Ok thanks.” Kellie then smiled heading upstairs. Kari knew what was going to be happening up there, and the thought frankly made her sick.


“Hey Justin!” Jessica said cheerfully, seeing him get out of his vehicle.

“Hey, I just came to talk to you for a while, unless you’re busy. If so I can go.” Justin said walking up towards the house.

“No I’m not busy, I’ll never be to busy for you.” Jessica said in a seductive voice.

Justin just smiled and followed her into the house and sat down on the couch.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Jessica asked sitting down right next to Justin on the couch. he tried to scoot over a little but he was already as close to the end as possible.

“I don’t know I’m just so confused with everything that’s going on with my life.” Justin said running his hands through his hair.

“Well this should make all your worries go away.” Jessica said then leaned up and captured his lips with hers.

Justin hesitated at first, but then lost himself in the kiss. He started working his hands up her shirt and to her bra until he noticed the commercial that was on TV. It was for teen pregnancy, crying babies, and single mothers. He immediately thought of Kari. He stopped what he was doing.

“Justin what’s the matter?” Jessica asked trying again to kiss his neck.

“Jessica, no this is wrong. I love Kari. I do not love you, and I never will. And I never want to see or hear from you again.” Justin said leaving her house.

“Justin!” Jessica yelled as he pulled out of the driveway.

Justin drove home as fast as he could. He knew what he had to do.

“Oh Kari! I love you, I love you, I love you!” Justin said running in and picking Kari up while placing kisses all over her.

“Justin? What happened to you?” Kari asked in amazement. She liked this new change.

“I just finally realized what a jackass I am, and how much I really love you...but I gotta go right now. JC come on we got some business to take care of.” Justin said placing Kari down and pulling JC up with him. They headed and got into his Mercedes.

“Justin, man what’s gotten into you?” JC asked staring at his friend as they drove to the mall.

“JC, something just happened that made me realize how much I love my life. And I love Kari, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I’m going to ask her to marry me, and we’re on our way now to get a ring.” Justin said sounding excited.

“I was wondering when you were going to realize that.” JC said.


“Gosh it’s good to be home.” Chris said relaxing with everyone in the living room. The babies were sleeping peacefully in their cribs.

“I hear ya! But we gotta head back on the road tomorrow night after the concert.” Lance complained.

“Yeah but let’s not think about that right now.” Joey piped in.

“Hey Kari hows about we go take a little drive to the beach?” Justin whispered in her ear.

“Sounds good to me.” Kari whispered back.

“Hey now, no secrets!” Chris scolded them jokingly.

“It’s not a secret, we’ll be back.” Justin replied. He took Kari’s hand and they headed out the door.

“Where do you think their going?” Joey asked.

“Well lets just say tonight is going to be a very special night for the both of them.” JC said smiling.

“Ohhhhh.” the rest of the guys did at the same time.

“No! That’s not what I meant! I mean Justin is going to ask Kari to marry him.” JC then said shaking his head.


“Ahhh!” Kari screamed as Justin chased her down the beach towards the water.

“Here I come!” Justin said coming up behind Kari and grabbing her by the waist as they both fell to the sand.

“Gosh Justin, it’s been a long time since we’ve been able to just act like kids.” Kari said giggling.

“I know it has.” Justin said helping her up. “But now I’m going to do something very adult like.”

Justin dropped to one knee and took Kari’s hands in his.

“Oh god no Justin, you’re going to make my mascara run!” Kari said already beginning to cry but laugh at the same time.

“Kari Leann Courtney I’ve loved you since the first time I met you. I knew from the first moment I looked in your eyes that we were meant to be together for the rest of our lives. I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?” Justin asked getting a little misty eyed seeing Kari cry uncontrollably.

“Yes Justin, I’ll marry you. I’ll be your wife.” Kari said hugging him. Justin pulled the ring out of his pocket.

“Oh Justin its beautiful!” Kari said admiring the diamond in front of her. She took it from his hands to get a closer look. She then noticed an inscription on the inside. She read it aloud,

‘To Kari, I’ll love you forever and a day -Justin’

“Here lets see if it fits.” Justin said taking the ring and placing it on her finger.

“I love you Kari.” Justin said.

“I love you too Justin.” Kari replied.

They embraced in a passionate kiss, and Justin knew then. He was truly happy.

~*~THE END~*~
