The One

“Hey hey girlie!” Justin Timberlake came running up to popstar singer Kari Courtney.

“Jus! What are you doing here?” Kari screamed giving her long time best male friend a hug.

The story started when Kari was first born. Justin was two. Their parents being best friends, so were Kari and Justin. When Justin started MMC, him and his family moved to Orlando, FL while Kari and her family stayed in Millington, TN. Kari would have made it on MMC but at the time was to young. A year went by and Kari started taking her music seriously. She begged her parents to move down to Orlando. Number one because it would be good for her career and number two because they missed Justin, Lynn and Paul. So finally after weeks of persuading they finally moved. Soon after Justin joined NSYNC and Lynn became Kari’s manager. When Kari was 15 she was signed to JIVE Records. Kari and NSYNC rode up the pop charts together. Now today, Kari being 17 and Justin 19, a party for Kari’s birthday was being held at her best friend Kellie’s house.

“Do you really think I’d miss my girls birthday?” Justin asked embarrassing her in a hug.

“Well I’m glad you came.” Kari smiled. “Are the other guys here?”

“Yeah, we’re all back in town, but the guys told me to tell you happy birthday and that they would give you a little birthday party tomorrow.” Justin said.

“Hey Justin!” Kellie came running up with two beers in hand.

“Hey Kellie!” Justin started to chug down the cup she handed him.

“Drink Up Kar! This is your night!” Kellie handed her the other cup.

An hour passed by and Kari and Justin had both downed 12 beers and 4 shots of Tequila each. Needless to say they both were extremely plastered.

“Hey Matt have you seen Kari and Justin?” Kellie yelled over the music.

“Yeah I’d say about 20 minutes ago I saw them head into your brothers bedroom.” Matt replied slightly buzzed.

“Thanks.” Kellie replied heading for her brothers room. “She would have to kill Kari and Justin if they did what she was thinking. When she walked in, her worst fears came true. There laid passed out, Kari and Justin not clothed.

“Oh my god!” Kellie went to Justin’s side and forced him to get up and get dressed. She put him in her sisters bed. She wasn’t about to let them wake up together. Kellie, also being 7-sheets to the wind, went to bed herself.


The next day Kari woke up at 1:00pm a major hang over still in tack.

“Holy Shit.” Kari said softly as she slowly tried to sit up. “Owww!”

“Kari are you up?” Kellie asked walking in with her hands on her head.

“Yeah.” Kari replied weakly.

“Well come on get out of bed. Lynn called and she said you need to come down to thestudio at 4:00. She didn’t say why.”

“What?! My ass I’m going down to the studio at 4!” Kari replied gently rolling out ofbed. “Oh my gosh!”

“What’s wrong?” Kellie ask as she saw Kari in pain.

“Uh...I have a pain in a place where I’m thinking I shouldn’t!” Kari said.

“What do you mean?” Kellie asked walking over to Kari. “Did you start you period?”

“Why would you say that?” Kari asked confused. “You know I just got off.”

“Well it could be because of the blood all over your sheets.” Kellie replied.

“Oh my god...Oh my god...Oh my god.” Kari slid down the wall she was leaning on.

“Kellie you don’t think...ya know.”

“What that you had sex? From the looks of it I’d say you did.”

“But...I couldn’t know I’m a virgin...I want to wait until marriage!”

“I guess your not a virgin now sweetie.” Kellie meekly smiled.

“Oh thanks for the then if I did do it, who the hell did I do it with?!” Kariasked. “You were here last night, you didn’t stop me from coming in here withsomeone?”

“I’m sorry Kari, my memory is just as shot as yours. I can’t remember anything from lastnight.” Kellie apologized.

“Well that’s just great! Shit! What the fuck am I going to do now?! Who knows if weeven used protection!” Kari’s mind started filling with thoughts of the consequences.


One month has passed by and Kari and Kellie have tried to put what happened behindthem. The only other person Kari told was Justin. Kari had one week left on herheadlining tour, while NSYNC had just finished theirs. Kellie who had been keepingKari company wanted to go spend time with Chris. So she and Justin agreed that hewould stay with Kari and she would stay with Chris.

“Do ya really wanna touch it, do ya really wanna mess with me tonight, oh oh oh oh,cause if ya know how I like it would you call my name and give it to me right...” Karisang as her and Justin climbed onto her tour bus.

“Oh baby I’d do you right.” Justin jokingly said wrapping his arms around Kari’s waist.

“You wish.” Kari smiled.

“I do wish!” Justin replied.

“Ok, then jump me baby!” Kari turned around and jumped into Justin’s arms.

“Um...sorry to interrupt here. But...” Lynn came up behind them.

“Oh mom you know we’re just jokin’.” Justin cut her off.

“Yeah I do, but I don’t think MTV does.” Lynn said pointing to Carson Daily and anMTV camera crew standing in the door way.

“Holy shit.” Kari and Justin both whispered under their breaths.

“Uh...this is not what it looks like.” Justin said to Carson. “Do you think you could editthis out?”

“I’d love to buddy, but this is a live broadcast all across the world. And on that note weneed to a take a commercial break, but don’t change the channel because we still haveanother 30 minutes coming up with Kari Courtney and now I guess Justin Timberlake.”Carson said into the camera.

“Justin I’m sorry. I completely forgot about this interview thing I had tonight.” Kariapologized, totally embarrassed that the whole world just saw her and Justin all over eachother.

“It’s ok, but now we need to explain to our fans what exactly they saw.” Justin said asthey all walked towards the back of the bus.


“Jus, come on a little lower.” Kari whined. She was sprawled out on her bed chest down,while Justin tickled her back.

“Any lower and I’d be tickling yo ass!” Justin said moving lower. Kari was quiet afterthat. Justin then started humming Kari’s fave NSYNC song the tune to “This I promiseyou”

“Justin?” Kari’s voice turning to a serious tone.

“Yeah sweetie?” Justin asked laying down next to her, the faces inches from each other.

“Do you think of me any less because of what I did?” Kari asked.

“Of course not Kari. It was just something that happened and it wasn’t your fault. Ifanyone is to blame, it would be the guy. He took advantage of you when you weren’t in athinking state of mind.” Justin soothing said as he caressed Kari’s cheek with his hand.

“Thank you Justin.” Kari smiled. Justin leaned forward and gave Kari a caring kiss on theforehead. “I’ve been thinking though. I mean there could be a chance that I’m pregnant...”

“You haven’t got tested?!” Justin asked surprised.

“No, I’m scared. Justin I can’t have a baby!” Kari’s eyes started to water. Justin knew shewas on the verge of crying.

“Kari, honnie, no one is saying that you are. But you need to at least get tested just tomake sure your not.” Justin said.

“I know, but I know once I do, whether I go to a clinic or go to a drugstore, the media isgoing to find out.” Kari replied.

“Look I’ll go get you one of those home tests things tomorrow. I’ll make sure no oneknows who I am.” Justin reassured her.

“You are to good to me.” Kari smiled at Justin.

“I know. I need to work on that.” Justin teased her. Kari slugged him in the arm.

“So now exactly where are we headed? Justin asked.

“We are on our way to the beautiful Rose City. Portland, OR.” Kari replied in anannouncer voice.

“Ok...yeah I remember are stop in Portland. There were these 3 girls that were there likeat 2 in the morning out by the buses as we arrived. I swear they knew everywhere wewould go because everywhere we went, they were there! I feel kinda bad though causewe kinda try to hide from them so they wouldn’t see us. All they ever got to see was thecrew.” Justin laughed remembering his tour.

“I’m sorry Jus, but I just don’t get it.” Kari rolled her eyes.

“What?” Justin asked.

“I don’t get why these girls love you guys so much. I mean if they really could see all ofyou behind the cameras. It’s like they don’t think you fart, burp, or jack-off! You guys arelike the sickest bunch of guys I’ve ever known!” Kari laughed.

“Hey I’m not that bad! And what about you?!” Justin’s eyebrow raised.

“What about me?!” Kari smiled.

“You’ve let a few whoppers in your time girlie!” Justin smacked Kari’s ass.

“Justin Timberlake!” Kari’s mouth hung open.

“What? It’s true!” Justin laughed.

“That’s just something you don’t say to a girl!” Kari blushed.

“Girl? I don’t see any girls in here!” Justin said looking around.

“Shut-up! Just tickle my back!” Kari rolled over on Justin rubbing her back on him.

“Woman! Get yo half naked body off me!” Justin pushed her face down as he sat on herass and began tickling her back for a second time that night.

“Ok that’s probably the first time those words ever came out of your mouth!” karisnickered.

“Yeah right, you know I’m still a virgin.” Justin said.

“I know, I know. Your just waiting for the day when I’ll give myself to you.”

“You are so full of yourself Kari.” Justin said. Although in the back of his mind knowingwhat she said was partially true.

30 minutes later the two climbed in under the sheets. They always slept in the same bedand never thought anything of it.

“Goodnight Justin.” Kari turned to face him.

“Goodnight Kari. Sweet dreams.” Justin replied giving her a quick peck on the lips likenormal. The two instantly fell asleep.


“Ahhh! Monsters!” Chris came running into Kari’s bedroom on her tour bus. Jumping on top of Kari and Justin.

“What the fuck?!” Kari woke up abruptly as well as Justin. “Chris what are you doing here?!”

“Well me and Kellie came to visit some her family that live here. We thought, why not come when Kari’s in town!” Chris brightly smiled at the two of them.

“What time is it?” Justin asked.

“It’s 11:00! Geez, I can’t believe your still in bed!” Kellie said walking in.

“Why didn’t Lynn get us up? I have press at 2!” Kari jumped up.

“She was going to, but she said you two were up late last night and you looked so peaceful sleeping that she thought she’s give you a little treat in sleeping in.” Kellie replied.

“Oh a late night, huh?” Chris elbowed Justin in the side.

“Chris!” Kari and Justin both yelled at him.

“What?! You two are always all over each other, I don’t get why you don’t just come out and say you love each other!” Chris said.

“Of course we love each other, we’re just not having sex!” Kari said. Justin’s head shot up looking at Kari. “Uh, well you know what I mean Jus.”

“I know.” Justin said disappointed.


“Kari come on let’s go!” Lynn yelled at Kari. It was time for Kari to head over to the venue for press.

“Ok one second!” Kari yelled back from the bathroom. Justin had done what he promised. She was waiting for the results on the pregnancy test.

“Jus, what am I going to do if it is positive?” Kari looked over at Justin sitting on the counter.

“Well I guess you’ll have to decide if your going to keep the baby or not.” Justin shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t think I could ever forgive myself if I had an abortion.” Kari replied emotionless.

“Just know that if you do end up being pregnant and you decide to keep the baby, I’ll be here for you all the way.” Justin said.

“Thanks Justin. That means a lot to me.” Kari smiled. “Ok you look first, I’m too scared.”

Justin picked up the test and his facial expression changed dramatically.

“Kari! Now!” Lynn banged on the door.

“Ok! Just one more minute!” Kari said trying to sound as normal as she could.

“One minute!” Lynn yelled storming off.

“So?” Kari asked.

“Kari, I’m so sorry sweetie it’s positive.” Justin slowly said. Kari’s knees turned to mush. Justin saw this and grabbed her before she hit the ground and placed her in his arms.

“I know it’s hard, but try not to cry. If you don’t want people to find out right away then we need to get you to press acting like your normal perky self.” Justin rubbed her back.

“Justin, I’m pregnant!” Kari’s voice fell.

At that Justin didn’t know what to say. He just continued to hold her tight.

“Kari Leann Courtney we have to leave right now!” Lynn tried opening the door. “And why is this door locked? What are you two doing in there?!”

“Nothing mother. We are coming!” Justin threw the evidence in the trash. “Kari come on.”

“Kari checked her make-up one last time as Justin opened the door. The pain in her eyes was obvious.

“Sweetie what’s wrong?” Lynn asked noticing Kari’s attitude change.

“Nothing Lynn.” Kari replied.

“Are you sure? You don’t look so well.” Lynn said brushing Kari’s hair back.

“I’m fine, really. Now come on we’re going to be late.” Kari said walking towards the door.

“Yeah I think we’re past late honnie.” Lynn said.


“Kari, rumor has it that you and long time best friend Justin Timberlake are intimitly involved. Is there any truth to that?” The reporter questioned Kari.

Kari just laughed at the question. She secretly wished she could say yes to that question. “Me and Justin have been friends for a long time and would just be weird if it were anything more. So the answer is no.” Kari replied.

“But we heard he was traveling with you for the rest of your tour, and we have seen that there is only one bed on your bus.”

“He is traveling with me and yes he is sleeping in my bed with me, but that is it. I have one side of the bed, he has the other. There has never been anything more than that.”

“I see. Well since Justin has been traveling along side you, you could say that you pretty much know everything he does right?” The reporters attitude turned coy. This interview was being broadcasted live from ArtistDirect.

“I guess you could say that.” Kari asked worried about the next question.

“Ok then maybe you could answer the question that came from a local reporter who spotted Justin earlier today. He would like to know what Justin was doing in the drug store buying...a pregnancy test?” He asked. Kari’s eyes immediately looked over to where Justin was attentively watching. She could tell his eyes were full of worriedness.

“Um...” Kari was speechless. “I can’t imagine why. the reporter must have been mistaken because Justin has spent the whole morning with me. I think I would have noticed if he had taken off.” Kari tried to laugh it off.

20 minutes later the interview was over. A big relief swept over both Kari and Justin.

“Oh my gosh Justin.” Kari just fell into his arms as they climbed inside the limo.

“I disguised myself good, I don’t see how anyone could have recognized me.” Justin whispered.

“I wonder how long I can keep it a secret. I mean these people are sneaky when it comes to finding out the dirt on celebrities.” Kari replied.

“Well their going to have to find out sometime. I don’t think it will stay a secret for long.” Justin said as Lynn entered the limo.

“What was that all about? Pregnant?” Lynn asked.

“I don’t know where they came up with such a crazy idea!” Kari said sounding amazed.

“Kari, Justin I’m not stupid. I know for a fact that you did go out this morning somewhere. And you two spent an awful long time in the bathroom. Now what’s the story? Kari are you pregnant?” Lynn asked her eyed glaring through Kari.

“Lynn...” Kari began. She couldn’t finish. Her eyes filled with tears as she buried her face in Justin’s neck. He embraced her tightly, whipping her tears.

“Mom please just listen. It’s not her fault.” Justin said rocking Kari gently.

“What do you mean it’s not her fault?” Lynn asked suspiciously.


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