Chapter 1           Chapter2           Chapter3           Chapter4


Lilly rolled over on their leopard printed sheets to find Lance sleeping next to her.

"Lance sweety get up," Lilly whispered very quietly in his ear but loud enough to get him up.

"Lilly,"he grabbed her and wrapped her up in his arms. " I love u," he said very happylily.

"I love you too Lance, but not your nasty breath,"she held her nose.

Lance unwrapped her and went into his bathrrom of the NSYNC compound.

"Lilly dont you have to get to work?" he asked looky at her w/his sparkly green eyes and smiling w/his tooth brush in his mouth.

"No, he's coming here today," she wrapped her robe around herself to cover up her blue lingerie.

"He?"questioned Lance very puzzled and curious who was gonna be spendin time w/his gf of 2 years.

"A client," she smiled slipping on her fuzzy house shoes to match before she walked over to her closet.

"Oh," said Lance walking out of the bathroom sighing cause she wasnt giving enough details to satisfy him. Lance ploped himself on the bed and watched Lilly look through her closet for somethin to wear for work. She finally found a pair on blue jeans, a green quarter sleeved shirt that Lance had bought for her while they had been touring Europe and some green flip flops to match. She put her light brown thick hair into a somewhat high pony tail w/a green scruchy.

"Cheer up cutie,"she came and sat next to him."You dont have to worry,"she smiled knowing exactly what was on his mind like she always did.

"Oh since you put it that way, i wont,"he lied but made it not look so obvious.

"I know you're lying, but dont try and pretend it doesnt work w/me," she leaned over and gave him a quick kiss and then stood up.

"Damn,"he smiled."Where ya goin?"he looked sad and pitaful. "He's gonna be here any mintue,"she looked at the clock that read 11:30.

"like-"Lance was cut off by the door bell.

"Now,"she left there sarfi looking room and went to answer the front door.

She quickly answered the door w/her perky and extrely happy smile and cheerful voice."Hey,"she said to a tall very good looking guy w/brown hair and dark sparling brown eyes like the stars, who was wearing a pair of kackies and an orange abrcombie shirt and some nike tenny shoes.

"Hello, Lilly,"said the hott stranger.

Lilly was strongly attracked to this client of hers and found it very hard to resit the temptaion of his gorgeuos brown mysterious eyes.


"Are you Lilly?"asked the handsome stranger.

"Yes i am and you must be Zack,"she smiled trying not flirt in such an obvious way but like she was smiling to a regular ugly client.

"Yeah,"he smiled. It was bright smile like when the sun comes through the curtains bright and early on a beautiful morning, and that special feeling you got was the way you felt when he smiled.

"Come in,"she motioned him in the compound tryin to stop smiling so much.

"Thanx,"he smiled again and walked in. He admired the wonderful room of the compound. It had a long white leather couch and a big screen tv w/a pool table,which had a light that hung over it.There was also a coffe table in the middle of the couch.On it layed magazines w/Nsync on the covers. They had huge headlines that read everything from NSTINK SUX to NSYNC CHA-CHA-CHA-CHING. Zack followed Lilly to the mini kitchen branced off right fromt the den. They had a seat at the wooden table and chairs.There was a bowl of fruit in the middle.Zack grabbed an apple and sunk his perfectly straight white even teeth into the apple.Lilly busted out laughing.

"Thats a wax apple,"she smiled covering her mouth and giggling like a school girl when she heard an extremly funny dumb blonde joke in the caferteria w/her friends.

He spit it out and put the apple on the table and turned red."Oh, i didnt know that,"he blushed turing redder than before.

"So where are you originaly from?"she took out a pad and pencil from the junk drawer.

"Austin,"he slumped to get comfortably in his chair.

"Wow really, I'm from there too,"she was totally shocked.

"What part?"he asked looking at her w/his magical eyes.

"Cedar Park,"she smiled remembering the good old days when life was simple but now a days it seemed so hard and diffucult w/Lances busy schedule and her job life was great but not easy one bit.

"Wow really? I lived over there too,it was great,I miss it,"he remeber the good old days too.

"Yeah,so why are you here in florida?"she asked and wrote that down.

"Needed a change fromt the past ya know,"he scratched his head.

"Why?"she asked.

"Lets just say that my past is somethin that we need never bring up cause...."he just wondered off like that leaving Lilly hanging.


"Ok,"she smiled tryin not to think about what the heck he just said to her.

"So, can i ask a question w/about u?"he smiled happily.

"Sure,"she crossed her legs drawing his attention towards them.

"Ummmm....."he lost his train of thought for a sec but regained it. "Tell me somethin about u,"he licked his lips.

"Like,"she motioned her hand.

"How about you couple statists?"he questioned.

Lance walked out of his room and sat at the top of the carpeted stairs spying on them.

"Thats a little personal, dont ya think?"she said tryin not to be rude about it.

"Yeah,but if u wanna know me then i think should get to know u too,"

"But getting to know u is my job so its diff,"

"Alright you've got a point but still i would like to know do u have a bf?"he questioned her again.

"Yeah i do,"she confessed gladly.

"Oh well who is he?"

"Lance Bass, from you know that pop group named NSYNC,"she tried to get him to remember anything about Lance.

"Oh yeah, i've heard of him but i got a qusetion for you about him,doesnt it bother you that girls are screaming at him like 24/7 ? Dont you ever worry that he's messin around,"he asked. she thought a sec."No,"SHE ANSWER PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

"Why not?"he wondered.

"Because, He means the world to me and we have built this special relationship where everything is built around trust. I trust him and he trusts me,"she explained thinkin about how much she loved him.

Lance sat at the top of the stairs thinkin about what she said. It was true he did luv her and trust her but then again if he did like he thought he did then why the hell was he spying on her like a retard. He hated the fact that he in a weird way felt as he was he was lying to her in a descititful way.


"Have you ever cheated on him?"he asked.

"No!"she felt affended.

"Oh sorry just askin,"he didnt mean to make her mad.

"What about you?"she asked.

"I aint got a girl,had one but we broke up,"he shrugged it off.

"Oh,"she sighed unhappily.

"Yeah,so anyways,"he smiled.

"Right anyways,so what do you wanna do the first day your here?"she asked. Lance went back to his room.

"I think i wanna go do somethin out the ordinary,"Zack said looking at the out fit Lilly was wearin.

"Like,"she made that motion again.

"Take a place that people wouldnt know of as a real good fun spot,"he said sitting up.

"I think i have an idea,"she smiled as thought about somehtin yhat would make him go crazy.

"What is it?"he asked impaintely like a young child in line for a scary ride.

"I aint gonna ruin the surprise,"she smiled flirting.

"Oh, how am i suppose to dress then?"he asked.

"Casualy,"she said.

"Ok fine be that was leave me hangin not knowing what the hell i am doin,for all i we could be bungi jumpin or sky diven or somethin extrely crazy,that could kill me or you, we wouldnt want that to happen,"he said kinda crazy and eery like that sent chills down Lilly's spine.

"I will be that way,"she hopped up.

"Whatever,"he smiled tryin not to be rude and show what he was really thinkin or plaotting.

"Well you need to be here promplely at 7:00,"she smiled opening the door to kick him out.

"OK,"he got up and left,"Bye,"he smiled.

"Bye,"she closed the door and let out a wonderfully big sigh. She was thinkin about how hott he was how good her made her feel how nice they were together but all these thoughts went away when Lance walked down the stairs.

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