All About Katie

Yep, that's me up there! Sorry it's not a better quality picture, but, well, I need to find a better quality one that actually looks decent! *LOL* And lookie, I'm sorta giving everybody The People's Eyebrow! He he....involuntarily, at that! This was before my little Rocky obsession (June '98)...hmm, a sign of things to come, maybe? :-)

Okay, so I just had my basics up here before, but I figured I'd make it a little more interesting..I wrote this survey about a while ago and the info on it is more interesting than just my basic stuff. :-) Enjoy!


~~Back to the other stuff~~
Well, that's about it...I haven't scared you, have I? :-)

Would you like to go check out my Little Piece of The Rock?
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Want to know more about me? Well, if you e-mail me, I might just tell you! :-)