Katie's Favorites

This page really doesn't require a lot of explanation, it's just a list of all my favorite wrestlers and why I like them, because for some of them, you're all probably going to say, "Ugh, why in the world does she like HIM?!?" *LOL* And hopefully, my explanations will ease your thinking that I've lost it. :-) Or maybe, even with my explanations, you'll still think I'm insane.

So, no matter what you happen to think of the guys I like, just check this page out and enjoy! Oh, BTW, here's the way I'm gonna do it...WCW first, then WWF, because you know that old saying about saving the best for last. *LOL* And I'm not doing ECW yet, 'cause I haven't seen it enough to really have any guys I like in there yet. :-)

Oh, and one more thing...I don't know where I got all these pics from, I just took 'em out of my folder...I know some of them came from http://www.wrestlingchicks.com and I'll note that. Other than that, you got me as to where the pics came from...but if I find out, I will credit where I got them from, promise! :-)


Katie's WCW Faves



(Photo courtesy wrestlingchicks.com)

Well, what can I say about Kidman? Besides the fact that Mara would be mad if I forgot to put him on here...*LOL* Just kidding there! I really like Kidman, he's awesome! I remember watching him in WCW when he was Billy Kidman...ya know, before he dropped the first name and all. :-) I thought he was cute, and my brother made fun of him...as he did with many of those WCW boys I liked. What was his problem? I dunno...anyway, Kidman is awesome, he's really fun to watch wrestle and I hope he's wrestling for a long time...and hey, maybe he'll go to the WWF one day, like Chris Jericho did, so I can see him more! *LOL* Who knows what the future holds for him? I guess we'll just have to see, won't we? :-)


Buff Bagwell

(Photo courtesy wrestlingchicks.com)

Yeah, baby! Buff is the stuff! *LOL* Okay, so I guess I like guys with big egos, don't I? :-) Oh well, I think Buff is awesome! Here, let Katie be nostalgic again...*LOL* I remember when he was Marcus Alexander Bagwell and he was Alex Wright's tag team partner, then he left Alex to be in the American Males and I was mad. *LOL* That had something to do with the little Alex obsession I had at the time...but I'll mention that later. :-) Anyway, Buff cracks me up and he looks good...he's one of the reasons I like to watch WCW occasionally. :-)


Rey Mysterio, Jr.

(Photo courtesy wrestlingchicks.com)

First off, I hope I spelled the last name right...I hear conflicting spellings, so I don't know what is right! Guess I need to start paying more attention when his name comes up on TV, huh? :-) Anyway, ever since I started watching wrestling, I've always thought Rey was an awesome wrestler, and while I agree that he is not EVEN the same since they unmasked him, I'm really really glad they did, because he is such a little cutie!! :-) I love to watch him!

**And I have some guys in WCW that I like, but just don't have pics of 'em to put up! But just because I don't have pics of 'em doesn't mean they shouldn't get up here! So here we go! And if anyone has pics of any of these guys I can use, e-mail me, please! Thanks!**

Chavo Guerrero, Jr.

Oh, let's see, I've been a fan of Chavo for a few years now...he's such a funny little guy! And he's very cute too...hehe... I just wish he was on more, I hardly ever see him! :-( But oh well...hehe...you know, the reason I don't like Norman Smiley is because of what he did to Pepe...*LOL* Yes, I still remember how Norman put him in the chipper-shredder thingie and I still hold a grudge! That was just wrong!! Poor Chavo! But I think HE got over it...*LOL* Anyway, I hope to see him more, he's awesome! :-)

Disco Inferno

I have totally loved this gimmick right from the beginning! Because, see, I can say it, I admit it, I LOVE disco music...hehe...I am the owner of Pure Disco Volumes 2 and 3, and The Best of The Village People! *LOL* So, when Disco came out for the first time, I thought he just kicked ass, and I still think so! Plus, right now he's wearing really really cool pants! Hehe...I've got Disco Fever too! :-) That entrance music of his is so catchy!!

Lenny Lane

Okay, if you want to know the truth, I didn't even like Lenny until a while back. *LOL* I was mad for a REALLY long time because the first time I saw him, it was a while back, I only saw the back of his head, and I got all excited because I thought it was Chris Jericho. Then he turned around and it wasn't Chris and I was mad...mad that someone looked like Chris, but wasn't him and fooled me! *LOL* But, I have obviously matured, so.... :-) Lenny is so funny!! He's great with Lodi, they crack me up...and he wears glitter, so he's cool! :-) Plus, he's a great wrestler and really entertaining to watch. So, it's okay that he's a false Chris Jericho! *LOL* But I SO wish they could be back on TV, personally I think WCW is being really stupid, not letting them be on TV anymore...*sigh* I hope they can go to the WWF and be successful, hey, Lenny could do something with Chris! Hehe.. :-)

Alex Wright

I know, I know, you're all going, "But his name is Berlyn!!" Hehe...and to quote my dear sweet Rocky, it doesn't matter what his name is!! Why? Because he will always be Alex Wright to me, my very first wrestling obsession. That's right, you heard me...I was obsessed with the neon undies, the leather jacket, and the dancing....and I guess I still am. *LOL* I want him to go back to the old gimmick SO badly, I don't like the Berlyn thingie...but it's glad to see him back at all, even though his hair looks horrible. :-) I didn't notice until now, though, what cute ears he has! Hehe...anyway, I'm glad he's back, but bring back my dancing German boy!! :-)



Katie's WWF Faves


Shawn Michaels

Ahh, HBK! He was the first guy in the WWF that I really liked...I wasn't obsessed with him, but I thought he was so cool! He's cute, he's funny...and he has the coolest entrance theme in the world!! Sing it with me!! "I'm a sexy boy...I'm not your boy toy!" Hehe...too funny! And I like him enough to overlook the fact that on Smackdown a while back, he gave Rocky Sweet Chin Music...*sniff* That was WRONG!! But oh well, Shawn still rules anyway! :-) He was so awesome to watch wrestle, it really sucks that he can't anymore. But at least he can still entertain on the mic...*LOL* :-) Too bad he's in trouble right now...we want Shawn back!! Even if he thinks Rocky didn't deserve the title ever...*LOL* We all have different opinions, that's what makes us special. :-)



Yes, I'm NOT taking Droz off the list, just because he can't wrestle now. Why? Because I have this feeling, someday, he'll be back, I just know he will. Maybe he won't be able to wrestle again, but just to see him walk down that ramp will be so great, I'll hope to have it on tape. :-) We're pulling for you, Droz!! :-) So, you all want to know why I like Droz? Well, he had to grow on me, I looked past the hair and tattoos and stuff...and realized he has a cool tongue! *LMAO* And he's a cool guy, and I had to use this pic, because when he was dressed like one of The Godfather's hos, oh man, he was just so silly!! And what a monster that created...hehe...Droz is a character, all right. I sure do miss him, and will be so happy when he's back, no matter in what capacity it happens to be. :-)



(Okay, bad Katie, I'm cheating, I had to use a pic of Mankind w/Rocky in it, didn't I? Hehe...) If you had asked me to name my favorites anytime from December-March, there is NO WAY (or, no chance in hell...hehe...flashback to The Corporation!) that Mankind would have made the list, just because of the constant feud with Rocky that was ticking me off royally. :-) Plus, I thought he was kinda scary. Yes, I had problems, I still do, just not the same problems. :-) Anyway!! When he came back from his knee injury, I realized how much I missed him! He is SO funny!! And he was Rocky's tag team partner!! Too bad The Rock 'N' Sock Connection is no more... :-( Oh well, at least Mankind should be happy to know that he was one-half of the most electrifying tag team champions in sports entertainment history! *LOL* :-) Plus, he's from two towns over from where my grandparents live, so that makes him cool too! :-) Oh, side note, the book is great too, I recommend it to anybody who likes wrestling! :-) Hey, he DOES mention Rocky in it...hehe...


Stone Cold Steve Austin

(Photo courtesy wrestlingchicks.com)

I dunno what it is about Steve, but I've always thought he was just too damn cool! And look at that pic, check out that cute little smile! Hehe... :-) I think the main reason I like him is because he's my mom's favorite, and she's just rubbed off on me...*LOL* Oh well, it's all right, Steve's cool. :-)



All right, I'll try REALLY hard not to drool...*LOL* Edge is quite drool-worthy, though! And I love him and Christian as a team...to tell the truth, I'm glad they're not with Gangrel anymore, I don't like him too much...please, before all the Gangrel fans line up to yell at me, remember, it's just my opinion and it doesn't matter anyway! *LOL* Now where was I? Oh yeah, Edge...well, he's an awesome wrestler, and I think he will be for a long time. And oh yeah, he's hot too and has a VERY good voice...I could listen to him talk forever! *LOL* That helps some, doesn't it? :-)



Look, speak of the devil (*LOL* I am NOT calling him the devil! It's just a saying, ya know....hehe), it's Christian! It's pretty much with him like it is with Edge...he's really fun to watch wrestle and he's really cute! Plus, he's mysterious, so that makes him really cool... :-) And he has AWESOME pants!! Just had to comment on that. I can't help it, my hormones are taking this page over. Be afraid...be VERY afraid! *LOL*


Road Dogg

(Photo courtesy wrestlingchicks.com)

Lookie! It's that D-O-Double G!! :-) Doggie is so awesome! Anybody who likes to spell stuff out and rhyme as much as he does rocks! :-) And he's just so funny! I know, I used to not like him, but, well, I changed! I think it just took me a while to get used to his hair. *LOL* Plus, he says the funniest stuff, he cracks me up!! And he works great with Billy and the rest of DX! Yeah, it's cool that DX is back together, even if they are evil heels...*LOL*



(Photo courtesy wrestlingchicks.com)

Okay, so I used to like like Pac either...I dunno what was wrong with me!!! I just never gave anybody a chance, did I? Katie was so bad! Anyway, he is so great! I LOVE to watch him wrestle, I could watch him all day! (Well, if he was going against Rocky...hehe...) It's too bad that to go back with DX, he had to get all mean to Kane...those two were a cool team!! Oh well, it happens. :-)


Badd Ass Billy Gunn

Or Mr. Ass, whatever... :-) I have always been a fan of Billy, since I really started paying attention to the WWF, anyway... :-) Mainly because...well...I'm an ass woman and look at that ass! *LOL* Wow...*drooling again* Granted, the rest of him isn't bad either, but I could watch him walk away all day long! :-) And now that he's not really feuding with Rocky, he's back in my good graces...welcome home, Billy! :-) Even though DX as a whole is being mean to him...*LOL* But really, even when I was mad at Billy for being so evil to Rocky, I still liked him and his ass. :-) And his entrance theme...it has me laughing every time... :-) I want a song about how I'm obsessed with ass! *LOL* That would just be too cool....



(Photo courtesy wrestlingchicks.com)

Hunter! My birthday buddy! :-) Yes, you have just discovered the biggest reason I am a HHH fan...he had the good sense to be born on July 27, like me!! :-) What? He was born before me? I know that, but it's still cool...*LOL* And I've always liked him, even before I knew we had the same birthday. I dunno what it is, Hunter just rules! And he has really nice hair (when it's dry!) and he wore pleather pants...*LOL* Bring back the pleather pants, Hunter!! :-) Now, I'm a little iffy on Hunter right now because he's being so incredibly evil, but oh well, it's just a phase...at least I hope so! :-) Anyway, ooh, shameless plug...if you're like me and are a Hunter fan, just click! Go right now (please! *LOL*) to HHH Fans Anonymous You know you want to!! :-)


Stevie Richards

I remembered Stevie from watching him in ECW with The Blue Meanie a few years ago...from the two or three times I watched it. *LOL* I always thought he was cute, and he's so funny! Stevie is awesome and I am so glad he's in the WWF now! :-) I LOVE the impressions, like here, his Jericho imitation...oh MAN, he has Chris' walk DOWN! Go Stevie!! :-) He obviously practices a lot! Gotta appreciate that! Also gotta appreciate anybody with the guts to dress up like a woman...and to wear an outfit that shows your extremely pale butt...*LOL*


Al Snow

(Photo courtesy wrestlingchicks.com)

What to say about Al? *LOL* Where to start?!? He is a crazy, crazy man...and that's why I like him so much! He's crazy, like me!!! He makes me laugh so hard every time I see him...and I really appreciate a sense of humor, so that puts him high on my list of favorites! :-) And all his little "friends"...Head, Pierre, Pepper...just too funny! I had to use this pic, because he had me laughing so hard I was about to cry when he came out in the little car to go against Hardcore Holly...hehe...who is someone else I like, but we'll get to that. Guys in kiddie cars rule! :-)



Okay, let me start off with, I love this picture! *LOL* He looks VERY VERY nice in this pic... :-) Anyway, why do I like Test? Why not?!? He's cute, like I just said...*LOL* And I love to hear him talk with that Canadian accent of his...I love accents! :-) And he says the funniest things sometimes...he just cracks me up sometimes! And, besides, the first time he came out by himself...December 14, 1998, I have it on tape! He came out to help Rocky!! So therefore, Test RULES!! Hehe... :-) Just get done with this whole marrying Stephanie angle, though...please? *LOL* Although he would look GREAT in a tux...hehe...so they shouldn't stop the wedding until after it's started already, okay. :-)


Ken Shamrock

I remember a time...probably three or four months ago...when every time Kenny came out, I was like, "Ugh!! Go away!!" Obviously, I have changed in that short period of time. *LOL* I dunno what happened, but I REALLY like Kenny now! His facial expressions and how he acts when he goes "in the zone" just crack me up! Plus, he looks GREAT in the little undies...and look at those abs!! *drooling all over the keyboard* Wow...I appreciate that. :-) I really miss Kenny now that he's hurt, but I heard he's doing all right and might be back in a while! Yay!! The return of the abs will be awesome!!! :-)


Shane McMahon

Here we go, another person I used to not like...*LOL* Well, he DID kick Rocky out of The Corporation...literally... :-) But I have forgiven that and developed a teeny weeny Shane obsession. Hehe...just look at him! That innocent look, those sweet puppy-dog eyes...how can you resist? :-) Shane is just way too cute!! And funny as hell too...and he is a good wrestler too, ya know? His match against Test at Summerslam...that elbow he dropped on the Spanish announce table...that was one of the coolest things I've ever seen! Shane rules!! :-) Even though he's usually acting like a bad little boy, I still love him...and hey, guess what?!? I'm in a fan club for him too, and you should go join!! Come on!! It's fun, you'll meet other Shane fans...and see that there are some! *LOL* Just click on the blue letters...it's fairly painless, come on, you can do it! :-) Go join the USMFC!! :-) Thanks for listening to yet another shameless plug! *LOL* The Unofficial Shane McMahon Fan Club


Too Cool

Mmm-hmm, I can hear you all laughing, but guess what? I don't care! So I'm weird because I like Too Cool...oh well, I take pride in being weird! :-) I even liked 'em when they were Too Much! See, I like the gimmick, just because it's so ridiculous you have to laugh! And besides, you should all look past the gimmick and recognize that Brian and Scott (Or should I say, Grandmaster Sexy and Scottie Too Hottie? Hehe...) are two talented guys! Most people don't realize that, but I'd like to think I do. Hehe...long live Too Cool!! :-) (And let's not all get up at once to write me hate mail for saying that, please!! Remember, it's my opinion, and what would Rocky say? It doesn't matter what I think! *LOL* Well, it does to me, but that's about it. *LOL* I just want to stick one of Rocky's lines in there.)


Hardcore Holly

Yes, I admit it!! I am a fan of Hardcore Holly!! I was in denial for a while, but not anymore... Why do I like him? I dunno...he makes me laugh...and from the neck down, he looks GREAT. :-) Hehe...since I said it's okay that my hormones are taking over, I'll say it....he has a VERY nice butt too...hehe. :-) Anyway, he's crazy, but I guess that's why I like him. :-) And yeah, I know, Crash is in the pic too, but who's complaining about that? With Bob comes Crash, it's sort of a package deal...Katie likes that package! *LOL* You just take that any way you like... :-)


Crash Holly

Aaaaaaahhhh! That's about how I react to little Crash now... :-) I think I have a full-fledged obsession with him...yep, I admit it! Hey, it could be worse...yes it could! Stop saying it couldn't! *LOL* Anyway, just look at my little champ!! Er, former champ...hehe... Why do I like Crash so much? Well, you gotta love the attitude, here's a guy shorter than all the other male wrestlers, well, except for the minis *LOL*, yet he thinks he's huge and thinks he can kick any of the real huge guys' asses. Who wouldn't love someone who was that delusional? *LOL* Plus, he's just adorable, plain and simple...love the little guy and hope he can make it big in the WWF! I'll be so proud!! :-)


Chris Jericho

Yay!!! Oh how I missed Chris!! I'm SO beyond glad he's in the WWF now, because now I don't have to miss him when I don't watch WCW! *LOL* Oh, what to say about Chris? He's my second favorite wrestler, there's a LOT to say!! He is just WAY too cute...love the hair, the shirts, his smile, the abs, his cute butt...hehe! C'mon, you know me...I'm an ass woman! *LOL* And he is extremely funny, he has me laughing all the time...and he is the second best man on the mic (after Rocky, of course!). He's really great at entertaining me...so I guess I'd say Y2J has done his job very well, at least for me he has. :-) Oh, and I picked this pic because check it out, Chris has Disco Fever!! Whoo!!! :-) Gotta love it...


And finally...last, but most DEFINETLY not least...

The Rock

Hehe...yeah, you all already know I like...er...really like...no, that's not it...oh yeah, LOVE Rocky, but I had to put him here anyway...besides, it gives me the opportunity to put another pic of him up here. :-) What can I say about Rocky that I haven't said a million times already? He's very funny, witty, smart, athletic, and oh yeah, only the sexiest guy I have ever seen! *LOL* Hey, you don't have to agree with me, it's okay. :-) And sure, maybe he's not the best wrestler in the world, but he's pretty damn good and in the age of sports entertainment, where the entertainment aspect is seemingly more inportant than the sports aspect, he's like the king! *LOL* I may be biased, but I have NEVER heard anybody better on the mic than he is...I wish he would come be a guest professor or something in one of my classes...*LOL* I would actually be interested then!! :-) But, then again, Rocky can just stand there and I'll be interested. :-) I dunno what else to say, Rocky's just the man and I am obsessed with him...*LOL* I'm not afraid to admit it. :-)


**Well, that was that...if you didn't like it, oh well...it's just my opinion! :-) **

Go back to Katie's Little Piece of The Rock

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Want to complain because your man didn't make my list? Want to commend me on my choices? Just want to say something to me? Well, go ahead! mailto:RocksPet632@hotmail.com

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