Mara's Bio

I'm the chick with black hair and the Tommy Shirt

Name: Mara

Height: 5' 5"

Age: 15

Birthday: March 10,1984

What State I'm in: Kansas

Most Favorite Wrestler: Billy Kidman

Other Favorites (WCW): Sting, Rey Mysterio, Eddy Gurerro, Evan Keragious, Buff Bagwell, Chris Benoit, Aysa

Favorites (WWF): Test, Christian, Edge, The Rock, HHH, Chyna, Mankind, SCSA, Shane McMahon

Wrestlers I don't like: Ric Flair, Scott Stiener, The Cat, Madusa, Torrie Wilson, Spice (Nitro Girl), The Total Package

How did I get started on Wrestling?:
My brother got into it first. He begged me to put it on Thunder on time. And I finally did. I watched it with him. It got interesting, and I liked the storyline. (Dispute between Nash and Hogan over the belt). I only got to see Thunder. But, we finally got cable, and saw Nitro. Only've missed one Nitro since.

How I got into Kidman:
August 10,1998...I was watching Nitro with my best friend and brother. I wasn't really paying attention, but I looked at the screen, and there was this really cute guy on it. I said, "hey...he's kinda cute" then, i realized he was with the flock and said, "Ewww....he's with the flock." After that, i starting noticing him everytime he came out, and cheering for him. I was REALLY proud of him when he dropkicked Raven at Fall Brawl 98. And went insane when he won his belt on Nitro, Sept.14,1998. I've been a diehard fan ever since!
How can you not love his face? (Thanks Mysti!)

Things I like:
Kidman, wrestling, the internet, hanging with REAL friends, brushing my hair in front of a mirror, watching TV, playing with my baby brother, N Sync, Ricky Martin, BSB, 98 degrees, and Kidman!

Things I don't like:
Fake friends, eggplant, Torrie Wilson, sluts, whores, and stupid pointless MTV shows

Feel like ICQing me?---here's my number *14178330

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