Happy Birthday! :-)

*In case you were wondering, this is the little "tribute" I wrote for Rocky's 27th birthday, May 2, 1999.*

Well, today is the day! That's right, today The Rock is the big 2-7! :-) And for his birthday, I was going to write a little poem about him, but, well, I had a lot of trouble with that, so I was thinking and I came to this...I'm just going to show you how I feel about The Rock by making this little list of things I love about him. :-) I know he won't read it, so it's safe. :-) Here goes!

What Katie Loves About The Rock! (The short version *LOL*)

1. I just love his body in general...the total package is great! But I'll go into more detail too.. :-)

2. I love his smile, it's just too cute for words! Oh yeah, and he has nice teeth too. :-)

3. I love the way his hair looks when it's wet, I dunno, it's just awesome...

4. I love his mouth...he has the nicest lips and I wish I could kiss them! But everyone who reads this probably already knew that. *LOL*

5. I LOVE The People's Eyebrow! I also love that I can do it too..he he... :-)

6. I love his eyes...they're just..wow..I can't describe it. :-)

7. I love his tongue! Woo hoo for the little thing he does with his tongue! Whoo DAMN!!! The room gets a little warmer when he does that. :-) Or is it just me?

8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE his cute little butt! It's pretty damn close to perfect, if you ask me, and oh-so-spankable! *LOL*

9. I love his legs...oh man...*drool* They are SO BUFF!!

10. I love his little crooked chest and the way he covers it up...belt, towel...whatever. *LMAO*

11. I love his skin tone..he has the tan I want! *LOL* I can't even look at peanut butter anymore without thinking of him!

12. I love the sound of his "normal" voice..ya know, when he's not yelling in the ring..it's deep and sexy and makes me MELT! I could listen to him talk all day!

13. I love that laugh he has on his old entrance theme..ya know, at the beginning it goes, "Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'? Ha!" and then he laughs more later..too cute!

14. I love his little underwear....woo hoo!! Bulls-eye!!! *LOL*

15. I adore all his little words and phrases...I catch myself at least three times a day calling some one a jabroni or a candy ass, etc., etc...usually when I'm driving. *LOL* And who wouldn't love all that Smackdown Hotel stuff? And the roads...Jabroni Drive, Know Your Role Boulevard, The People's Champ Boulevard, Candy Ass Lane...there'll be a whole Rock town soon! Too damn funny...

16. I love the egotism, just because I know he's just acting and he does a damn fine job of it, if I do say so myself!

17. I love the way he looks when he's really mad or scared...his eyes get so big! That has me rollin' every time!

18. I love the way he looks carrying the gold! He looks so naked without it! Wait, and that's a bad thing? :-)

19. I love that little pout he gets when things don't go his way. :-)

20. I love that cheetah print shirt he wears...oh man...it looks SO good on him! It makes me drool...

21. I love the way he can pull off wearing shirts that would make other guys look, well, gay, but they just make him look hotter! :-)

22. I loved him in those Army fatigues that he wore when he was on The Net...I tell ya, that'd be the only way you'd get me to sign up! :-)

23. I LOVED the butt shot! (March 15th, Raw, if you didn't know) Sure, it wasn't much, but damn! All I have to say is THANK YOU, Mankind, for letting us all take a little peek! *LOL* :-)

24. I love it when he's all wet....oh man! *drooling everywhere* That is one of the greatest sights I can think of!

25. I even love the way he flips people off, I kid you not! He has nice middle fingers! *LOL*

26. I love it when he sings...or tries to. :-)

27. I love The People's Elbow and everything he does with it...he's such a showoff...*LOL* It's adorable. :-)

28. I love those sideburns! They just frame his face really well. :-)

29. I love his tattoo..I'm not much of a tattoo person, but his looks awesome on him!

30. I love it when he stands on the turnbuckle...it makes his butt look so awesome! :-)

31. I LOVE that little thing he does with his head! Oh man! That makes me crazy!!

32. I love the way he looks when he's embarrassed...precious is the only word to describe it. :-)

33. I love the way that seeing him on TV makes me feel!

34. And, last, but not least, I love the way that seeing him can make up for a bad day, or even a bad week, for that matter!

Now time for the birthday song!

Happy birthday to you,

happy birthday to you,

happy 27th birthday, dear Dwayne/Rocky/Rock/whatever, *LOL*

Happy birthday to you!

And many many more!!

Much love,

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