Feast your eyes on these!

**Fair warning, this page may take a while to load up, but it was more convenient for the person looking at the page to put all the pics here instead of just links to the pics.**
These are all pics that people were kind enough to give me so I could put up on here, and I will give credit where credit is due! :-)

Pics from True Life Stories Magazine
*Thanks a ton to Rusti from Rusti's World of Wrestling for sending me all these pics! I can't thank you enough! :-)

Aw! Wasn't he a cutie? Nothing's changed! :-)

Awww!! Okay,that's all I can say to all of these baby pics. *LOL* I love babies...even more when they grow up to be hot guys! He he...

Hard to believe he was ever that little, isn't it?

Getting even more influence to be a wrestler someday... :-)

"Hey, I look pretty good with these belts!"

Hmm...possible influence on some of the clothes he wears today, maybe? :-)

Learning early how to beat people up...*LOL*

Haven't we all seen that look of concentration on his face before?

Hey, check out Rocky hanging out with the famous guys! :-)

Aw, that's so sweet! :-) Gotta love a guy who will dance with his grandma. :-)

So you can see why Rocky looks the way he does...

Woo hoo! Football pants! *LOL* Sorry, I have a thing for guys in football pants... :-)

Okay! I am REALLY starting to like this pic...I like this hairstyle (er, or lack thereof *LOL*) on him, really, I do! :-)

Ya know, I am kicking myself, because I'm sure I saw him play football in college, but I don't remember! Gotta love a man in uniform, though...*drool*

Yay, he's a college grad! Something I'd love to say about myself one day..*LOL*

You know what they say about things getting better with age... :-) *My oh so subtle way of saying he looks better now than in this pic..he he..*

Hmm...I just got the sudden urge to go fishing! :-)

*sniff sniff* That's all that I need to say about this picture... *sob* :-)

Even more *sniff sniff* coming from me...when I'm done laughing at that hat. *LOL* *j/k*

More pics!! New pics!!

*Thanks to my partner in crime *j/k*, Mara, for getting me these pics! :-) If you haven't, you need to go check out her Kidman stuff on this page!

Mmm...look at him! He's just so BUFF! Wow...just hose me off now, please!

Ohhhhh....it looks like he's looking right at me! Or whoever's looking at the pic..tee hee. :-) I LOVE that eyebrow too much...

Look! Tongue! He he...sure, it's just a little, but it is so cute! And did I mention that that shirt is AWESOME?? I want one...*LOL* And ooh! Not only is Rocky in this pic, but lookie, Shane and Test are too!! Good picture!! :-)

*Here are some other new pics I got:

Got Rock? *LOL* Wish I did!

I did enjoy that suit..*drool* :-)

Rocky's got the hook-up! *LOL*

*Thanks to Cat from T&A's Wrestling Page for the next pic below and the pic on the opening page of this site! Thanks a million, Cat! :-)

Ooh,he looks good in black, don't you think?

Well, I will be on the hunt for more pictures, but for now, enjoy these! :-)

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