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La Metia's Info

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Hey everyone. If you're in this page is because you obviously want to know more about me. I don't like giving much information in the internet but here's what I want you to know.

This is La Metia and I'm sure you have noticed or will noticed that I have placed "La Metia" everywhere. Well, those are words in the Spanish language, for those of you who do not know..."La" relates to "the" and it's the "the" for a female, and the word "metia" or "metida" is "nosey girl," so that means I'm nosey, the birth of that nickname is not all that important.

I was born in the Dominican Republic on September 8, 198*. I'm a female, which you have probably noticed. I grew up in the Bronx (in NY, some of you may not know). I'm currently a junior in University at Buffalo, hopefully majoring in Computer Science. That is the reason why I haven't been updating this website for a long time. I'm an extremely busy college student.

If you had read the
stories that were labeled "La Metia" those were obviously mine. I can tell you that all of the stories I placed there were true.

In addition to what I have said, I'll let you something else about myself...I'm the kind of person that does not get embarrassed by anything. I can do, according to people, CRAZY stuff. And when I say crazy I mean crazy, people say that one of these days someone is going to slap me, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to stay slapped.

This brings me to something else. I'm not a two-faced person, whatever I have to tell you, I will tell you to your face, shamelessly and cowardlessly, there are many things I say that people think I shouldn't have said, but I say what I feel. I walk around confidently and with pride. The way everybody should, nobody is better than nobody.

I was an intern at Joint Information Inc. from December of 1998 to June of 1999. I had a wonderful experience there. If you guys are reading this, thanks for giving me the opportunity to have my very first job experience over there!

Republic National Bank. I was an intern from June 30, 1999 to August 27, 1999. I had fun there and the money earned was cool...But now it's all gone. If any of you guys are reading, thank you for having me there!!

I've appeared on National Television (Although, people have not seen me--'cause they don't know me, duh!). I went to MTV Total Request LiveI went on March 1st, 1999--That was when Jordan Knight and the "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" were there (This time I appeared with my friend like three times yelling our asses off!). The next time I went was when Tyrese was there, I think it was April 19, 1999. And the last time was when Ricky Martin was supposed to be there, April 23rd, 1999--I got so wet with the rain and he didn't even come! That day I came out on TV but the camera went so fast that the only thing you could've seen was the poster "Te Amamos Ricky Martin" I was right in front of it. I also was there on April 26th, 1999 when Dave was outside and Seth Green was there......I was right in the middle..on the top...when that guy in underwear was playing a guitar...Whateva then

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