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La Metia's Awards....

| Main: La Metia's Homepage| | About me| | Links| |Sign my guest book | |Cliques | | Life stories| | Word of week| | My chat room | | Images| | My Awards| | Stupid questions | | Banners | Dislikes/ Senseless things | |Dolls| |Opinions| | Earn $$$|

I want to thank all of those lovely people that gave me the awards...If you guys are reading this...THANKS A LOT!!!

Click on the awards to visit that person's page...

My very First Award...

Second Award...Given to me by Amy

Third Award...Given to me by Ashlee

Fourth Award
Z Kewl Award!!© This award goes to: La Metia Great Job! Presented by Z_Kewl_Page:
Nancy's Great Page Award
ThisAward Certifies that your page ROCKS!!! WannaWin? go HERE:

Fifth Award (Lost-Wasn't uploaded on my server--tsk tsk tsk)

Sixth Award

Seventh Award
Philip's Page for the Mentally Insane

Eighth award (Go me!)

This award is presented to La Metia by Shaunie*s Web Page This award proves that the you have done well! Well done La Metia

Ninth Award

This site has won Danielle's Award to you for a Good Job! Congrats! Way to go ! Love the page! Keep up the good work!Given to La Metia by Daniszine

Tenth Award

Get Rated Today!

Eleventh Award


The Awesome Web Site Award

Thirteenth Award

Fourteenth Award

Fifteenth Award

Yes, all of those awards were given to me. Once again, do not take them. You want an award? You many click on one and go to their page, and ask for one. When I get the program...and the time I will make my own give to you..for now..Just go to their page...