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La Metia's Cliques

| Main: La Metia's Homepage| | About me| | Links| |Sign my guest book | |Cliques | | Life stories| | Word of week| | My chat room || Images| | My Awards| | Stupid questions | | Banners | Dislikes/ Senseless things | |Dolls| | Earn $$$|

These are the cliques that I have joined so far

Yep, I'm a web~a~holic

I LOVE my homepage

I have my own brain

Crazy Insane

I Love Jesus

Computer Is My Friend

Are you Smart?!

Rainbow Girl

I have a split personality

Don't you wish you were like us!

There's no such thing as too many pages!!

A Little Bit Of Everything All Rolled Into One!

I Love Music

Totally Not A Ditz!!


i'm unique. and so are you.

i love black

i love rainbows

ya gotta rub me the right way...


why me?

mean people suck

i am serious

Pepsi is My cola