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As you saw on the title...Here you will see my will also see things that do not make any sense to me...So if you're bored go ahead and read....

I don't like....

  1. People who talk behind your back, and say they're your friends
  2. People who are selfish, self-centered, envious,crap talkers,bull(beep)ers, sarcastic and so on
  3. People who want to lose weight, but eat so much, it's not even funny...Aside from that, are putting themselves down
  4. People who are ugly, and say that others are ugly -[Like Hello??]-
  5. People who lie so much, that they exceeded it and are believe that it is true
  6. People who think they are the best, when they are truly crap
  7. People who do not do any work at a class, and expect the teachers to give them a passing grade
  8. People who steal
  9. People who sign the guestbook and leave, as a maximum, 4 words..and then put their banner
  10. People who talk about others, and are only describing themselves
  11. People who stick to you like glue, but when their friends appear, they don't even know you
  12. People who make promises, and never stick to them
  13. People who only live for attention
  14. People who fake their voices to sound cute, and they really sound nastier
  15. Nose pickers
  16. People who do not wash their hands when they go to the bathroom
  17. People who diss you about your homepage, but they don't even own one
  18. People who think they're funny, and you laugh, 'cause you don't want them to feel bad
  19. People who say they hate a certain thing/kind of person, and they are that thing/kind of person...i.e. copy cats
  20. People who do not know how to type, and swear they do
  21. People who think they know how to talk right, and they don't
  22. People that don't say thank you when: you hold the door for them; say "Bless you" when they sneeze, etc..
  23. People who use sophisticated words and are not even using them properly
  24. People who do not bathe regularly
  25. People who talk yelling
  26. People who do not stand up to give a seat to a child, an elderly, a pregnant woman, etc. Aside from that, stare at you when you do
  27. People who are nasty by phone, trying to be bad
  28. People who make fun of others for no reason
  29. People who are racist
  30. People who sign your guestbook, saying it sucks..and leave their site...expecting you to go to it and leave the message there