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La Metia's Homepage

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Hello guys! Welcome to my homepage...It looks different from the way it used to look right?.

I had to change everything, because I was getting tired of the way it looked. Another reason was, that it was kind of wack looking. Please don't forget to sign the guest book

**I may sound a bit ungrateful...but don't write "Nice page, visit mine and sign the guestbook" or anything like that, write something that will show that you did see my page, not that you just came in here and signed so I can go and sign your guestbook**

**Like any other person who owns a web site, I don't like people that borrow ideas. (note: not steal, but borrow) I have worked a lot on my site a lot, so please, do not try to have what I have, that is why I put can click on them and get somewhere, where someone can help you...and there are also sites that offer HTML codes...**

*Please visit them...I will appreciate it, if I went to your site, and I don't see anything that looks like mine, that is why God made each and everyone of us.."unique"--So now, I let you explore my page...Like something from here? Just ask me where I got it from**


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|.|B.u.y. P.O.S.T.E.R.S.|.| |

Uncle Hyman Tina the Troubled Teen

Morty the Death's Head

Last updated: Friday, June 16, 2000

Copyright © 1998-2001 La Metia


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