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Britney Spears

I have visited many sites, made by females, and the main topic is about Britney Spears. Let me just get to the point. Who cares if she had surgery? That does not have anything to do with our lives. They have been calling her so many profane stuff. Do you know what I think? I think those people are jealous of Britney Spears, it may be because she's famous, and we're not, she's up there, and we're not. I believe that is the main reason. I do not hate Britney Spears, I like her songs and I don't go talking about what she did with her body or anything. I understand if she was your friend and she did something to you, but you don't know her to say that you hate her, because of her looks or because of what she did to her body...The point is, you don't know the person, even though you do, leave them alone.

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