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What do you call a friend? Someone you say "Hi, Bye" to? If that is what you call a friend, I have many of those. I thought a friend was someone that you can trust, my bad...That's a best friend...What I'm getting at, is that there are no such things as friends. Of course, if there are no friends, will there be best friends? No, is the answer. I think you should take a look around and think if you really have friends. *Friends do not talk about you, they will tell you in your face *Friends do not make fun of you, only if you're playing with them and vice versa *Friends do not ask you constantly for homework and get mad when you don't let them copy (LoL--that does not apply to me, I, sometimes ask for homework) There are more, all I say is that if I have a best friend, it will be a guy...Guys do not (trust me) do not go blabbing away what you tell them, they do tell you what they're thinking. I think that some girls, say they're just friends because they don't want to hang alone, are hypocrites, and want to make your life miserable...Remember it is my opinion...What is yours?

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