Seats for the Disabled
Ever heard of that? In a bus/train, only two people do this...I
have given
seats to a large amount of people. It does not bother me,
because I think:
(If it's a child) "What if that's my sister/brother."
(Elderly) "What if that's my mom/dad/me in the future?"
(Pregnant) "What if that's me in the future?"
(Disabled) "What if that person falls?"
Sometimes...I just get up...People stare at them and do not get
up. When I
get up and give the seats to them, you know what people do? They
stare at me,
as if I did something wrong. People get up and give seats to
the needed.
One day, I saw a blind man, in the train, and I had no seat.
You think
anybody got up? Nuh-uh. Although I know, in the long run...we
pay for
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