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HINT: The stories may not be in order..(they all happened at different dates..)

Stories by Pooky

1. So, one day I was in gym, I was like 12 years old right? Anyways, hahaha, ok, eh...I had a dress with the buttons coming down through the front right? So then, we was playing dodgeball, and then this girl, she didn't want to get hit by the ball...So she pulled on my dress right? And then the buttons just popped-Like Oh my God So then she was like pulling me down...onto the floor, and I was on the floor exposing my training bra..I was so like embarrased...And then she didn't want to let me go...and I said, "Let me go" and everybody was laughing their asses off..So then I went to my dean..and guess what? He laughed too, and I was crying...and covering my flat chest..So then he gave me paper I could hold my dress together..where the button were supposed to be..I had to wait for my sister (Iris)...And the worst thing was that Iris came up with Rolls...and holding a dress in her hand...And yet...That bitch never said sorry...

2. One day I was on the bus, and I was feeling sick that day-probably cause my stomach was empty since the day before-but I decided to be cheap and take the bus anyways instead of a cab. On the next bus stop I saw my crush-but what a bad day it was for me to see him and him to see me. Well, he came in and unfortunately sat down next to me. Suddenly I felt a rumble in my stomach...I tried to hold it in, but I couldn't. I let out this big stink bomb!!! I was so embarrased. My crush said,to top it all off "Damn ____, what the hell did you eat for lunch??? You smell like a dead rat woman!!!" With that he went to sit further up...and I-the fart lady- was left alone. from that day on he just looks at me and laughs...

Stories by La Metia

1. On Friday, March 12, 1999..Something really strange happened...I was going to take the train with my fellow classmates-Because we work (yeah..aight! we work) and we go in the train (train #4) and Girl#1 saw this guy with a feather since we like to make fun of people she said to Girl#2 "What if we take of his hat?" and Boy#1 said "What if I pulled out your weave?" and Girl#1 said "I will just take it back." All of the sudden the guy started staring at us and guess what he did! He started making bird or crow noises..."awwwk awwwk awwwwwwk!!" he was also moving his neck like crazy and then they just looked at each other and went to the other car (on the train) then when Girl#1 was about to get off at her stop...Crow man (as Girl#2 named him)came out..And Girl#1 saw him and went back in..Crow man went back in too..He was looking at us from the other car..And she was scared she had to get off at another stop...Earlier..Crow man had left..But Girl#1 still is scared.. What if we see him everyday we go to work? The other 3 people who stayed in the same car told us that he got up and was impatient looking out the door and starting saying "psss psss"...On my thought I think he wanted to be a bird or something..

2. This all happened on March 27th, 1999:

First it's 7:50 a.m and I'm waiting for my friends at the waiting area of the train station (whatever you call that) so then I wait for like 20 minutes..And only one person gets there--Anyways..we take the train and we get of at 42nd so then I get a quarter and call my mom--then there's this bum undressing I'm like, "Ok, what the hell is he doing?"--The guy at the booth, the one that works there says, "Hey, you got clothes underneath that?"
Bum said, "Yeah"
My mom picks up the phone and she's like "Ok, your friends hasn't called"(Since she was supposed to call to meet us at the train station)
Then I say "Ok, I'm leaving, there's a crazy man undressing himself"
She said "Ok, so leave already" (the conversation was in Spanish)
We were hungry so we were looking for Dunkin Donuts, we found it, and on our trip there, my friend and I saw my other friend, so I start yelling her name..So then we go to Dunkin Donuts, and we all buy bagels and juice, (one of them bought hot chocolate)--Anyways..That bagel was mad hard, it wasn't cut at all, so we finish eating.
We're at the Bank so then time passes. One of my other friends is saying that at her interview they didn't tell her to sit down, so I start to crack up..Then I was leaning back and I'm moving myself in the chair and I suddenly fall..I was flapping my arms and my legs were in the air..All of the sudden everyone in the room starts laughing, since I don't get embarrased I start laughing too, I'm still laying on top of the chair..I keep laughing..The teacher (the one teaching us about interviews and stuff) gets me up and asks if I'm alright..I said "Yeah, I'm ok, that was fun"--The people keep laughing and saying that they only saw my feet moving...So I was like "Let me do it again"--Then two minutes pass and the teacher goes on her knees and keeps laughing, I keep laughing too--Anyways..I found that pretty funny..I kept laughing for the rest of the day--Some people were like "Did you hit your head?"
I say, "No"
They say, "Yes you did"
"I hit my arm, not my head, maybe my hair covered the fall," I said.(Maybe I did hit my head...Well..who knows?)
Then we are having the mock interview..and the interviewer (in this case the teacher) talked that some interviewers are germ-o-phobic and that they won't shake your hand, so I figured that she wouldn't have done that to then it was my turn to get interviewed..then she didn't shake my hand and I say "Ok, then"--You know that for an interview you have to wait 'til they tell you to sit..since she didn't shake my hand..I forgot that I had to wait 'til she tells me to sit down, so as I'm sitting..I realized that I wasn't supposed to do that and I say "Oh sh*t!"--The teacher started laughing..and the class too..I was like "Oooops!!"

3. This one happened to me when I was in 8th grade:

I was given to do a report on George Washington, so I go to the library and ask a girl, that works there and was fixing books, I asked her, "Excuse me, do you know where I can find a book about George Washington?"
She tells me, "Who?"
I thought she didn't hear me...So I say "George Washington."
She says "Who's that?"
I say, "The first president of the United States!"
She responds, "I don't know, go ask them over there."

4. I love acting, as an extracurricular activity, I joined the drama club...I've been in it for a year and like two months. I'm supposed to have a monologue (it's like a big paragraph that I have to perform by myself in front of people) that it's about an invisible friend that I have...My friend gave me the idea to talk on the street to my invisible friend, Zara. So of course, I didn't step back...I sort of took it as a dare...So my friend gets on the bus and I'm walking through the streets with Zara (LOL!)--There's this woman walking and she's walking normally, until I start talking to Zara (of course I mean to the air). I say "Zara, I know people be thinking that I'm crazy, but you know? I'm not"--The woman looks at me, very strange...She prefers to walk through the street than walking through the same sidewalk I'm walking...I say "You see? They think I'm crazy, and sometimes it makes me cry!" By that time I was making believe that I was sobbing...So I start cleaning the fake tears...And the woman stops to take the bus...And I keep cleaning my tears...Of course now i was giving her my back and she couldn't see if I was faking it or not...But she heard me "crying"...So the woman whispered something (I think it was like "Oh (beep)"). That woman was amazed!

5. This one is also about Zara..(invisible friend from my monologue)
Again..I was on my way to the job..And you know..this guy just sat beside me..and I'm like..ok..So I tell this girl "Hey, they just squashed Zara"--She started to make a big deal out of it..Just like me..So then this other girl from my school couldn't see Zara (Uh duh! she's make believe)
So I tell Zara..(looking at the guy's shoulder), "Say hi to her" and then the guy turns and looks at me. I tell him "Do you see Zara?" and he's like "No!" and I said.."Over there by the pole.."
He tells me.."No, are you ok?" I was like "Yeah, you don't see her?" Some people said he was mad and was about to hit me…But you know..."It ain't my fault!"

6. One day I was coming home from my internship. Therefore I get out of the train and it happens that I saw 3 of my friends in different cars on the same train. So when I see them I start yelling, saying "whoo!" and my friend said "whoo." My other friend said "whoo!" Then this man says "whoo" and I say "whoo" and my friend says "whoo" and so on...I had to shut up 'cause my other friend was not feeling well...

7. I'm taking the train to come home...So before my stop there comes 135th...And I totally forgot...So I get up and I see 135th Street...and I run back in and say "Ooops..Wrong stop...Haha" And people were just staring at me and smiling...{Like I care}

8. So I have this interview at some home for the Aged...It was a sort of long walk, and I had to go dressed up...You know skirts up to your knees..nice shoes, a vest, and stuff like that...So I have to ask people how to get there...And there's this person that works there and I tell her to tell me where it is...Then she asks me what department am I going to be in...I'm like I don't know.

Then the security stops me...I tell him the woman's name and whatever, he does not know her, he asks me my name to call the woman, and since I have a very weird first name + last name, the 5 times he asked me, he said it wrong...So blah blah blah, he gives me directions and I keep asking people, (hey it's a huge place), so I go through the interview, it went really bad, you can say they haven't called me...So I get out and ask him, "Which way did I come from?" and he's like "What did you take?"

"The bus."

He says, "That way, and next time you come bring a slice of bread."

I laugh and ask him "A slice of bread? Why?" (You know I thought it was 'cause I'm skinny)

"So you won't get lost" and he made believe he had one and showed me the way I was supposed to do it, I started laughing...Making fun of me...It's not my fault that place is big...Shooo

9. (July 8th, 1999)

So I'm at Dunkin' Donuts and I'm having lunch...Then comes in this lady, with a some sort of jacket, color green...She sits, and she sits so weird, that it looks uncomfortable...I keep eating minding my own business...and all the papers + napkins that the woman was given, she has thrown on the floor...So, of course..I, as nosey as I am, am staring at her, and she's looking at me like "She saw me."

So the woman leaves, leaving the garbage on the floor, I'm thinking, "What the?" and she's staring at me too, she knows I saw her, and the lady just leaves, of course looking back if I'm going to say something, I was, but I don't want to get hit...So then comes the guy who's going to clean, and I'm like..."Did you see that?"

He says "What?"

"The person who did that?"

"No, was it that guy who just left?"

"No, some lady in a green jacket..."


I say "How are you going to do that?"

He tells me "What? You can't believe it?"

I say "People actually do that?"

He says "Well..."

I'm like.."Well," and I just leave (I forgot what I had said before + after that)

10. One day while working, a guy came in and clearly told me, "I would like to open a checking account, what do I have to do?"

I told him, "Do you want to open it today?"

He said, "Yes" I said, "OK, sign in your name and have a seat."

The bank officers were all busy, so the guy had to wait. About 20 minutes or so passed. I went to the tellers area to help them out...I came out like lets say 20 minutes later, and started doing my work where I was earlier. The guy got up and told me, "I'm sorry miss, but how much longer do you think I should wait?" I felt so bad, I said "Ohhhh! I'm sorry, uh..."I asked the assistant manager if she can take care of a customer and she said "Sure."--I told him, "I'm sorry, you can have a seat there."

I felt really bad for him, he was waiting so long, but you know it wasn't entirely my fault...Am I right?

11. On August 13th, 1999...I was taking the train as usual to come home...One stop after I got in, two women came in with about a maximum of 10 kids...One of them had two babies in a carriage, you know those carriages with two sections, for a baby in the frong and a baby in the back? Well those. Another one was carrying another one, and aside from that they had like 7 more kids or so. The oldest one must have been 7 years old. They got in and they had to get off on the next stop to take another train. So I asked them, "Are you getting off on the next stop?"--They said "Yeah!"

The doors open and they got out, and it was closing before them leaving, so they had left a little one, who was barely one or one and a half...I saw him and I asked a woman right beside him, "Is that their child too?" and she said she shrugged like she didn't know...So I stuck my head out, holding the door, "Hey! You left a child here!"

The woman came back, and this other girl took the baby really fast and gave it to her, me holding that door about to be closed, the woman said "Oh my God! Thank you" (something like that)...and the driver was like "Let go off the door, there's a train directly behind us."

I said, "Yeah, what about the baby?" The doors were closed and everyone was laughing, I kept laughing, until my stop...I felt really sorry for that baby, I mean, I bet he didn't even know his own name....

This section has had
since it was built on 3/13/99!

Ok..Now...If you people want to post your own can...Isn't that COOL??
If you do want to post your story/stories somewhere..just click here and I will see them and e-mail you telling you what I think of them...and so will other people...Bye now...