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| Main: La Metia's Homepage| | About me| | Links| |Sign my guest book | |Cliques | | Life stories| | Word of week| | My chat room || Images| | My Awards| | Stupid questions | | Banners | Dislikes/ Senseless things | |Dolls| | Earn $$$|

Can you say "Stupid questions"?

  1. You are falling asleep, "Are you sleepy?"
  2. You fall and you're hurt, "Are you OK?"
  3. A person is pregnant, "Are you pregnant?"
  4. You're coughing and your tears are coming out, "Are you OK?"
  5. You look terrible, and are coughing and sneezing and a person asks you "Oh, you caught a cold?"
  6. "Is the sun hotter than lava?"
  7. "Why is the sky blue?"
  8. One day your hair is shorter 'cause you had a hair cut, "Did you cut your hair?"
  9. Why is the sky blue?
  10. Is the world going to end in the year 2000?
  11. You told someone something, and they ask you, "For real?"