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Checklist For Abused People

Safety at Home:

When Abuser Is There

When Abuser Has Moved Out

Safety at Work:

Protecting Your Children

  • Plan and rehearse an escape route with your children
  • If it is safe, teach them a code word to call 911
  • Teach them how to use a public telephone (note that you do not have to insert coins in a pay phone to dial 911)
  • Let school personnel know to whom children can be released
  • Give school personnel a photo of the abuser and a copy of the Order of Protection
  • Warn school personnel not to divulge your address and phone number

    Getting an Order of Protection

    Getting Out NOW:

    (Keep this Quick List with you. Print it out and cut it to fit your wallet)

    ___ Identification: Driver's license, birth certificates
    ___ Money: ATM card, credit cards, checkbooks, cash
    ___ Legal Papers: Protective order, medical records
    ___ Important Personal Items: Keys, medicines

    What You Need When Preparing to Leave:

    __ Driver's License
    __ Children's Birth Certificates
    __ Your Birth Certificate
    __ Social Security Card
    __ Welfare Identification
    __ Medical Insurance Cards

    __ Cash
    __ Credit/Debit Cards
    __ ATM Card
    __ Savings Book
    __ Checkbook

    Legal Documents:
    __ Lease, Rental Agreement, or Deed to House/Properties
    __ Car Registration and Insurance Papers
    __ Health and Life Insurance Papers
    __ Medical Records for You and Your Children
    __ School and Immunization Records
    __ Work Permits/Green Card or Visa
    __ Passport
    __ Divorce Papers
    __ Custody Papers
    __ Stock Certificates

    Other Things:
    __ Keys to House, Car, and Safety Deposit Boxes
    __ Medications for You and Your Children
    __ Small Objects to Sell
    __ Jewelry
    __ Address Book
    __ Phone Card
    __ Pictures of You, Children, and Your Abuser
    __ Children's Books and Small Toys
    __ Children's "Security" Items, such as a favorite pillow, blanked, or stuffed toy
    __ Toiletries
    __ Diapers
    __ Baby Food or Formula
    __ Clothing

    Things To Do: