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"Sometimes you are falling so slowly that you don't notice it until you hit the ground." - me

"Never forget the hurt, never forget what they did to you, never forget your pain, lest you forget yourself. Let your wounds flow freely, your scars a testament to your defiance. Don't let them forget what happened. Hold your wounds up high, for all to see, let them see what has been done to you, and hope they can understand." - Veiled Thought Of The Day

"Pain is never permanent." - Saint Theresa of Avila

"Forget the times of your distress, but never forget what they taught you." - Herbert Gasser

"She is getting attention. She is cutting herself. You'll get attention if you cut yourself."
"But I don't want that kind of attention!"
"But everyone wants attention! You know you want it. It's simple. Go pick up that knife. Slice."
"No! I havn't cut in months. I'm happy and I'm not starting cutting again now!"
"Ohh but the attention is soooooo wonderful. So what about being happy! Wouldn't you be happier cutting yourself?"
"No! I wouldn't! Please be quite! Go away!"

"You'll probably start [cutting] again as soon as you really start realizing Fred probably won't come back."

"Scars on my memory. I've got scars on my poor hands. Scars all over me." - Karen Peris

"He'll have that scar forever."
"Couldn't you do something about it Dumbledore?"
"Even if I could, I wouldn't. Scars can come in useful. I have one myself above my left knee which is a perfect map of the London Underground."

"Think about reincarnation. Get it right next time around." - Dear Nobody by Bertie Doherty

"I did all my best to smile." - Jen

"I flirt with suicide, sometimes to kill the pain." - Korn

"Don't ever let them see you cheat
don't ever let them see you bleed."

"Driven to the margin of error
driven to the edge of control
driven to the margin of terror
driven to the edge of a deep dark hole.
It's my turn to drive."
- Rush

"I'm not like them but I can pretend." - Dumb Nirvana

"I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real. The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting. Try to kill it all away, but I remember everything." - nin

"I know you're out there, breaking someone's spirit, and when you're done there, I'll be here..." - Out There Fuzzbubble

"I eat too much to die
and not enough to stay alive.
I'm sitting in the middle
- The Manics

"You can't hide behind glass walls."

"If you are hurt
Why don't you tell someone?
Don't feel bad
You're not the only one.

If you were abused
Find someone to help you.
I know you were used
What are you gonna do?"
- Shade Silverchair

"It's good to know that if I behave strangely enough,
society will take full responsibility for me." -Ashleigh Brilliant

"Escape reality with new pain,
then let the circus start again." - Silverchair

"Woke up the other day, the pain won't go away,
I am going, in a peculiar way..." - This Time The Verve

"Dreams are bad, when all they do is leave the truth behind..." - Silverchair

"One day we'll come crashing down... what will I do? Never had a chance to say goodbye... close my eyes and hope that it's a real smooth flight this time..." - A320 Foo Fighters

"Try to relax and enjoy the crisis." - Ashleigh Brilliant

"It's better to burn out than to fade away."

"I don't know why I did it,
I don't know why I enjoyed it,
and I don't know why I'll do it again." - Bart Simpson

"Never fear shadows
They simply mean
There is a light
Shinning somewhere nearby..."
- Author Unknown

"Sometimes I get so tired of NOT cutting that I feel I have to cut." - me

"They don't have meetings about RAINBOWS." - 6th Sense

"I'm freezing
I'm starving
I'm bleeding to death
Everything's fine." - Tracy Bonham

"Suicide is my way of telling God,
'You can't fire me because I QUIT'."

"There must be a hell of a lot of people in the world like me,
who want to die but haven't got the guts." - Conte Vittorie Alfieri

"Some of us sail through our troubles,
and some of us have to live with our scars." - from The Lion King

"I held the blade in trembling hands
Prepared to make it
Just then the phone rang
I never had the nerve to make the final cut."
- Roger Waters

"I have spent nights with matches and knives leaning over ledges only two flights up,
cutting my heart, burning my soul.
Nothing left to hold.
Nothing left but, blood and fire."
- Indigo Girls

"Don't mind our staring, but we're surprised you're not in a far-gone asylum. We're surprised you didn't crack up, Lord knows that we would've. We would've liked to have been there, but you keep pushing us away." - Alanis Morisette

"Anything causes a scar. Living causes a scar." - from my so-called life

"It's good to know that I'm not the only one who gives stupid excuses for having scars.
At least we're not the ones believing them and doing nothing." - me

"By their scars, ye shall know them."

"A women like me, terrified and alone,weeping silently behind her hands." - Aritha Van Herk

"How can you hide from what never goes away?"

"But I was still alive, and in my book, where there's life, there's hope." - Bryce Courtenay

"Some say love, it is a razor,
That leaves your soul to bleed. - Bette Midler

"When things get unbearable, I wrap myself into a tight ball and shut my eyes. Every muscle in my body is tense. I open my eyes and I'm still where I was when I closed them to escape. Nothing's changed." - me

"We long for healing, but the scars never leave." -Collective Soul

"Yes, I'm perfectly mentally unstable thank you..."

"I'm a winter girl; I like coming out when things are desolate
and everybody's ready to slit their wrists." -Tori Amos

"We're afraid to live, and afraid to die."

"Sometimes it's like someone took a knife, baby edgy & dull and cut a six-inch valley through the middle of my soul." - Bruce Springsteen

"Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm."

"Got a little red line that tells you, boy, where the razor's been." - Tori Amos

"That's when I reach for my revolver... think twice and put it back."

"Sometimes mental illness can be contagious, you know."

"Can't anyone see the warning signs? Why do they think we read books about anorexia and self mutilation? We want to know how long we can go without eating or how thin we can get before we starve to death. We want to know how deep we can cut before we bleed to death. Most of all, deep inside, we want to get caught. We may not admit it to ourselves, but we really do want to get caught." - Dianna

"You could have everything and still convince yourself that you had nothing."

"This too shall pass."

"Will you take me where you're going if you're never coming back?

"I don't want to die. I just don't care enough to run." - from Dawson's Creek
